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Hey, together with the release today I wanted to ask about all of your opinions for a bit.

I thought of a way to let Nisha have combat in dragon form as well soon without really giving her a way to transform back freely, would you like to read more about an adolescent dragon tearing up fighters from all kind of races in an arena style setting?

The other question is about a time skip. With the academy getting up and running as well as the establishment of a company in charge of developing the new district around the royal capital, I think it's time for a minor time skip to get deeper into the academy and let Nisha grow a bit into her powers.

Would you prefer a single long time skip followed by more important events at the academy and at the royal court in short succession or several smaller time skips whenever something important happens in Nisha's life?

Comment below and let me know what you think!

Hope you all have a nice day




First, thanks for asking! My own writing generates future moments. While each of those future events are great, feedback indicated keeping a contiguous story and avoiding jumping around in time. I encourage you to enjoy developing the story in whatever way inspires you!


I think shorter time skips are fine so we don't miss out on any major events. I'd like to see her spend a bit more time in dragon form, or maybe visit her brothers. She does seem to be much better with gates now which would make the latter easier. Not sure how her murdering people in an arena would fit with her personality, but if you do go that route I'm curious and excited to see how that would play out.


Dragon Form. Absolutely. Minor time skips.

Demian Buckle

I agree with others that short time skips of weeks is fine as long as not used too often. I am enjoying watching her develop and I would be interested to learn more about Academy, Adventurers Guild, Royal Family, Thieves Guild, etc. The only reason for long time skips is in certain novels where the character has entered closed door training for an extended period of time (10 to 10000 years) or if traveling for a very long time. In regards to her Dragon Form I am patient and would like to see it develop naturally as part of her development as she grows into her powers and abilities. Causing an event for the sole reason of show it seems wrong.


for the dragon form, i agree with Demian as the use of an artificial dragon form seems rather far fetched and hard to explain in the story.


a small time skip would be fine imho, reading the same routine and bratty young master this over and over is gonna get stale, as for dragon form, an artifical one would probably be a bit far fetched, but I really want her to be able to go back to being a dragon asap...


It doesn't need to be a spectacular dragon v everything battle, but some physical dragon thingy would be nice... i mean at this point in time the story might as well be called "an elves curiosity". A timeskip is interesting as well, we could see how the academy teacher/student relations developed over the course of a few months without reading everything (sure, lessons are interesting, but there is room for that after the time skip as well). Lastly: i don't know how long the story is supposed to run, but we already know our lil dragon is crazy low on the overall cultivation scale, and on top of that has her lil adventures in an environment that is mostly harmless to her (since she hides her cultivation)... i fear without timeskips the "progression" in terms of power is a bit lackluster. Don't get me wrong, i like what i read, it's just that i fear her power will escalate to fast/rush in later chapters to compensate if the progression isn't balanced out before that.


Well, seems like uou already got a lot of feedback. I would prefer to have as few timeskips as possible while she is so young and still develops...maybe later in life when she has a couple of years under her belt you can skip slow progress and cut to the important bits but at the moment every new thing is important. I really want to see her back in dragonform because thats kind of the point of the story ^^ I mean she is a Dragon and its often written that this makes her so strong but at the end of the day she could just be another gifted/op protagonist at this point...her being a dragon should enstrange her a bit more but with her being an elf it just goes so smooth...But I also dont think that it would be good to force the dragonform out so soon and think that it should develop naturally. Just let her live her life in the acadamy and focus on the lessons (especially smithing is something that I always wanted to read more about and would like to see her learning more)....Overall dont think that she has to grow up all that fast because these years are probably the most important for her and will decide her personality and mindset in the future...also dont focus all that much on fighting and politics because I love the Nisha that sits in the bibliothek all day and learns about everything she can or the Nisha that goes to the park to play chess ^^ she is so strongly involved in so many things right now that I kind of miss her curiosity and disregard of most things that enabled that curiosity...I mean she seems to care more about some random human classmates than she ever cared about her siblings? I would love to see a giant raging black dragon destroy some town as much as the next guy but at the moment I think it would be better to have her stay in the acadamy and live her early years with only minor setbacks.


Excuse the german= Kurzzeitsprünge sind in glaube ich jedem Roman normal, selbst Bücher wo der Autor 10 Seiten benötigt um die Umgebung zu beschreiben um dann den Helden 2 Sätze sagen zu lassen, überspringen Tage, Wochen und Monate.


I think the current pace of the story is really amazing :D A time skip seems to be to soon right now as there's still many to discover. It would be nice if she has a little more brawl happening around (more challenging i hope).