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Sunday chapter here ~ One more on tuesday, at least. Maybe two if I feel good and write more ~

Although Nisha only had a short time to think things through, her increased spirit cultivation also improved her reasoning, memory and intuition in general.

Unico already expressed his approval, hence his considerations should be of a similar notion. Seeing both of her teammates express concern convinced Lisa about their analysis. And when she considered the harsh fight they went through before the elf literally speared one to death with a single throw, Lisa also felt surprised how much confidence she gained from fighting a single time.

The group rode the initial momentum and ambushed another pair of [Stone Wooled Sheep] and a single [Bronze Fleece Sheep] that got into their way. Through their cooperation neither Lisa nor Unico suffered drastic injuries aside from some small muscle pains from the exertion. Naturally the dragon took it upon herself to deal with the second ranked monster. While it looked like a cooperation between a strong warrior and her contracted monster, Nisha began the fight with pretending to charge up her throwing skill again and heavily wounded the brownish ram in one exchange before ordering Accalia to finish the struggling monster off.

Her two friends and Little Lia showed great progress when they repeatedly fought against the monsters, especially the wolf. Compared to the earlier shallow wounds and little injuries through the hard wool, the lithe animal now had many more vicious moves in her arsenal. One of the previous [Stone Wooled Sheep] had its neck broken and twisted apart in one brutal jolt. Going for the joints, veins and tendons with sharp claws as often as possible, the golden wolf perfectly displayed her vicious nature.

Combined with their previous harvest, the group of three accumulated 155 contribution points, almost the same as slaying a third ranked monster king.

Currently they rested under a big and ancient oak tree, soaked and battered from the last battle against a pair of first ranked [Stone Wooled Sheep]. Nisha left the monsters for her friends, choosing to stay watch together with her beast. Without the least bit of squeamishness, the elf had sliced off the ears to prove their kills and now stuck around in order to watch out for sudden assaults by roaming groups.

“It’s really unfair, you know? How come we almost run ourselves ragged whereas you look still as fresh as when we started? Is there really such a big difference between our abilities?”

The increased self confidence did wonders for the shy blonde girl. Instead of staying in the background and barely participating in the conversation she now actively took the initiative to start topics or discuss events. This made the elf happy as her friend gradually came out of her shell.

“In theory, yes. You are still at the peak of the first aura rank. On the other hand I am almost a complete rank higher and have different racial traits as well.”

Now the dragon had to force a smile. Although she had not lied outright in either case, she was vague on purpose. Instead of being almost a rank higher and having different traits, therefore assuming a high or close to that second rank elf warrior, Nisha was in truth a third middle ranked dragon. She did not compare the girl with Unico either.

“A forest is not as suited for humans and I can use less energy for the same task. Don’t worry, when you break through to the next rank, it will become easier for you as well. Just keep practicing, it won’t be hard. Plus, the warrior trip this time is tailored to increase your cultivation. Reflect on the fighting experience, draw out the essence and use it to break through. That’s my advice at least.”

Nisha found herself smiling unconsciously. The experience she imparted to her friend sounded like a lesson, yet it came from the heart. Reminiscing about the time she hunted and lived along with her three dragon siblings deep in the Wilderness, every day was a struggle. To find something to eat or defend their territory from intruders, the scaled beasts never lacked opponents.

Similarly the elf now faintly sensed a coming breakthrough thanks to the confrontation on this trip.

Truthfully, it surprised her how easy progress in cultivation seemed. The different students attended the [Royal Academy] for several turns with the hope to achieve the early third rank in either aura or mana before they graduated. This would guarantee them a bright future as officials or leaders among their generation, yet a young girl barely in the first turn had an imminent breakthrough to the late third aura rank coming. If the older students heard about it, maybe they would spew blood and faint on the spot.

“That’s true. Only after going through real combat did I know how different it is compared to exercising and wielding a wooden training sword. Right now my aura is consolidating and growing like crazy. And killing a monster for the first time has been quite harsh, but I also feel mentally stronger now. If it was a desperate situation when I had to do it for the first time, maybe I’d fail to hold on. In a way, I already reaped great benefits without the reward from the academy.”

Lisa beamed and reclined against the massive tree. The ancient roots gave her support and her disordered breath slowly returned to normal. Circulating her aura, the blonde girl recovered faster than normal.

“How about you, Unico? Did you gain something as well?”

Facing her inquiry, the young man had long since recovered as well. Nisha did not say anything, yet his cultivation had already eclipsed the late first ranked and stepped into the second. Therefore he recuperated than the girl.

His slightly purple skin gave him a basic demonic charm, a wicked lustre accentuating his fine features and noble bearing.

“Contribution points are fine for me.

No, just a small joke. I’m thankful for the trip as well so far. Real combat experience is valuable, it’s only that I have killed some monsters before.

When we were still in our kingdom, my father often took me to travel around, which led to our carriage being attacked several times. When it was time to clean up the battlefield, I also went through ending a few barely surviving monsters, so it is not as new to me.

Nonetheless, standing in the first line and fighting is completely different from just killing them. Similar to Lisa, my aura shows faint signs of rising. Maybe the next few trips will be the chance for me to elevate to the next stage.”

Toying with the dagger in his hand, he explained with the usual half smile and never changing expression. Everytime Nisha looked at him he had this look, like a mask.

“Ah, that’s a different story, but I’m also glad to hear that you weren’t shocked as badly right now then.”

She listened with great interest. The blonde girl cherished the friendships she fostered in the [Royal Academy], as the daughter of merchants in an environment filled with the descendants of nobles and officials she always worried about offending others and standing out. If any of the profligate sons or vicious daughters of minor nobles, much less than the truly elite nobility, had an issue with her, Lisa would suffer harshly in the future. Thankfully she found Nisha and Unico to become a team with her, it turned a potentially hellish situation into a good experience.

“Haha, you praise me too much. When I killed a monster for the first time I was so nauseous that I threw up and had to rest in the carriage for the rest of the journey.

Cultivation is still a personal process, only now did the fighting experience and encounter benefit me. In my opinion, we made great progress as a group.”

In tune with his mellow and cordial character, Unico humored the blonde girl and relayed his tale.

“We should give Nisha a bit more of the points when we turn in the proof. Together with Accalia she did at least half of the work, right, Lisa?”

With the break between their monster fights, Unico suddenly raised the topic of distribution. Since they had not agreed upon it beforehand, it did not matter at the start. Now they already had a sizeable amount collected, especially considered that they only had three members in their team.

“What are you saying, we are a group. Little Lia is part of my fighting strength like your dagger technique is part of yours. Since we cover for each other, sharing the gains is only natural. No need to argue, if you don’t agree I will give the rest away or spend it on nothing.”

Her adamant refusal astonished both of her teammates. Benefits brought the most groups together and no one hated a bigger share. The elf on the other hand never hesitated to give them the same profit as them.

“That’s not proper, is it? Even without your monster, you have the greatest strength among us and contributed a lot more. It’s not odd to pay a greater share to the stronger fighters. I think you should take more too.”

Lisa bit her lip and unconsciously looked around to see if she could spot the golden scaled wolf. Accalia left a deep impression on her, and made her yearn for her own contracted monster as well.

Of course the beast had far too much instinct and inborn talent to be seen by an amateur. She stayed out of sight, roaming the periphery and tracking down any trail left by crossing monsters.

“If you hire two workers for the same job and both can complete it, will one get paid more than the other? I’m just pointing out a hypothesis here, I know it’s not the same for us. But I do hope that we will continue to group for similar outings in the future and maybe there will be a time when your strength eclipses mine. Treat it as an investment in the future, if that makes it better.”

From the start, the dragon never coveted the contribution points or other material rewards from the warrior trip. They might benefit her or make other activities in the academy easier, however it could never replace a strong friendship.

“I think I have a hard time imagining that. Nevertheless, if that’s your will, then we will handle it that way. On one hand we’re not done with the excursion yet anyway and on the other it’s the strongest opinion anyway that counts. Let’s wait until we get back and see how we split the contribution points.”

Unico helplessly shook his head while Lisa silently agreed.

“That’s the right mindset! Who knows where the path of cultivation will take us, or how far we can go on it. In my opinion, there is no end to getting stronger, and someone will always be stronger. As long as we stay friends, we can help each other out on the way to reach the pinnacle.”

Nisha expressed her impression of martial cultivation, especially about the top of the pyramid. Let alone the vagabond at the [Royal Academy] which she could not see through with her [Spirit Sight], there were also Gabriel and Bael who must have a much more superior strength, to the point of ascending to godhood.

In a way it already revealed the fact that the ninth rank was not the end to the dragon. She faintly looked forward to the time when she transcended it herself.

“You’re right, cultivation is a never ending process. We will have plenty of opportunities to help each other out as long as we progress at our own speed.”

For a short moment, the customary smile on Unico’s face seemed genuine.

“Don’t say it like that. We’re friends, so why count who owes who. Benefits shouldn’t matter between us.”

Lisa grinned like an imp and retrieved her weaponry, ready to fight another time.

“When we get back to Thurgau, I’ll take you to my parent’s shop eventually. I’m sure you will like it, maybe you can profit a bit from my old folks and get a discount.

All adventurers love going there occasionally.”

Apparently it took Lisa a moment of courage and braveness to add the latter half when she confirmed the friendship between them.

Previously she always avoided to talk about her background.

“Really? It must be a famous place, seeing how you want us to buy the specialities there.”

Nisha felt mischievous and refused to let off the blonde girl. Little Lia found something meanwhile and informed the dragon through their spiritual contract, though the information had little meaning currently.

“Of course. Not that I am bragging, but it’s a really good store, maybe you have heard of it. It’s the [Golden Cauldron], an alchemy store. Potions, pills, recipes and equipment, we have it all.”

The poor girl blushed and knew how it must sound to her team. To attend the [Royal Academy] meant that a huge background stood behind each of them. Unico came as the exchange student of the twin kingdoms, meaning that he was elite among the potential candidates.

Nisha shared how she had gained the qualification to attend via a scholarship through the [Seven Stars Church], which in turn signified that she either had a connection with the higher clergy or was a radiant talent which would suggested she would take a high office as a spiritual leader in the future, especially since she had great cultivation already as well as a deadly skill.

In any case, compared to her own origin as a merchant’s daughter, they had a brighter future ahead of them.



Good character building chapter:)


Man, I missed this.


Great to have some chapters again...Danke schön