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So, past day or two I came to a decision. I want to focus on one project and get it to a point where I can claim it's done. 

I'm sick of dancing around all these projects and I feel like I'm getting nowhere. 

So, I plan to finish the first draft of Private Lessons before the end of the month. 

Why that one? Because it's short, rather simple, and original. 

Now, what does this mean for other projects?

Well, OPAS is and always will be a constant. More so now that the new artist is here. So still expect some art previews and hopefully an update in the coming months. 

Probably the only other game would be the Jill Valentine game. as it's a simple twine game and it's somewhat less harder to do. (I say this knowing full well I will regret saying this.)

Speaking of, I feel it needs a name. I want to try and do something like 'Resident Evil: [title]' Just not sure what to do. 

But for now, I'm doing my best to focus purely on Private Lessons. So Hopefully by the end of the month I have some good news. 

I suppose that's all I have to say. Till next time!



Good idea, as a fellow creator, I can say it's challenging to avoid getting sucked into too many for other projects, You do great work and really looking forward to seeing what comes next

Mr. Nickname

thanks. I'm excited too. Especially when I get to the fmg content in Private Lessons. 😏