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Sorry for the wait on this, partly forgot, then I got a cold. So things have been fun.

I started the search for a new artist for OPAS. and as of now I'm split between two. It may be a bit before I make a final decision with it but I still haven't touched OPAS that much really. So it may be for the best.

Private Lessons is the current front runner for my focus. I'm really enjoying piecing it together and thinking of ideas for it's story. I'm most excited to get to the planed voice over I want to do. I'm rather excited to try that out.

The one piece fmg game has also been slowly coming together. The artist has been slow, but dang if it isn't worth it. 

Landlady game is nearly at a point where the script for the demo is finished. then it's just a matter of getting the art I need for it then I gotta get to work on the dating sim aspect and the multiple routes. 

The twine games have been progressing somewhat as well. 

The Makoto game I've got on hold currently. A part of me is a bit worried over the fact that it takes place during the school days. When, in the games, Makoto is 17. Sure I've said that all characters are 18 + regardless of what the cannon is, but is that enough? That thought has killed all my writing steam for it and now the artist has caught up. Not too sure what to do now with it.

Night with Seri is nearly at the point where I need to start crafting the actual gameplay system. Still unclear how to do it. But I'll figure it out. 

I have yet ANOTHER idea, this time one I've had for a while of Zelda from BOTW trying a new drug made from lynel parts to gain strength. Want it to have a system of working out and getting energy from eating and taking drugs periodically. Similar to most fmg twine games. 

Thing is, I'd love to try and get a voice for this as well. But doing that in twine is difficult. Why not do it in renpy you ask? cause that'd mean I'd have to spend a lot of money on backgrounds and whatnot. 

One idea I had was get a VA to do a read of the whole thing. or at least the main story bits, not the gameplay loop parts. 

Not sure yet. I'm still not sure what game will even be finished first. I just keep chipping away at whatever one I feel like working on. 

Honestly I'm rather thankful that so many of you guys have stuck around through all of this. It means a lot and I'm sorry it's been rather quiet here. I've been debating if I should post art from the other games or not. So if you'd like to see that let me know. 

I think that's all I have to say for now. Things have been slow, but they've always been slow. Summer in particular has drained me as I've tried doing more hours at my job. Which leads to me coming back tired. So yeah. 

Well, till next time, hopefully I'll have something to show you guys soon. I may do a poll for the Zelda game soon. 

I've also started going on the voice channels in the one piece discord as I code. So if you see me there try joining and hear from myself what I'm working on. 

See you, and thanks for your support as always!



do you gonna make just games now or do we get a comic story like Highschool DxD Buff sometimes?

Mr. Nickname

I do have a few comic ideas I might do later down the line, but for now I want to focus on the games.