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So, I had an idea for getting the items needed to preform the rock of succubus transformation. Similar to the quest of fighting the minotaur for the protein bars. 

The quest involves finding Vidaldus Taka, the rocker guy. You go with Juvia (and maybe Lucy as well), to find him. Juvia is separated at some point and found by Taka, who uses his rock of succubus spell on her and turns her into a rocker once again. 

When she finds you you have to fight her. Finishing it would change her back and you'd get a needed part to use the guitar yourself. (maybe the sheet music for the spell). 

Thing is that it'd have the transformation before the player uses it. Kind of dulls the excitement of when you finally do it. 

I had a few ideas on how to handle this. 

First: Full transformation. We show the whole thing and see her transform into a rocker under Taka's control. 

Or we only do it so we don't see the transformation at all. Just cut from her being caught to her in her full rocker form. 

Or, it's just some random girl that Taka caught earlier that he transforms. 

Right now I'm leaning to the second option, as this way when you do the spell yourself there's a sense of reward to it. You're the one casting it so you're treated to the transformation. 

Anyways, those are my thoughts. I've been wanting to get the rock of succubus transformation done for a while and I may just say screw it and focus solely on that for 0.8. If not then it'd definitely be 0.9. So cast your vote and tell me your thoughts in the comments. 



As much muscle and pleasure as possible 😋