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Well folks 0.7 finally got it's release. There's a few small issues I need to iron out before it goes public but so far so good. 

I've got a good list of what I want for the next update, most of the focus will be on finishing Juvia, Erza, and maybe Seri's lust arcs. And introducing the cafe and the characters that hang out there. 

I hope with the quality of life improvements the grind is a lot easier now, so after I get the cafe and it's extra work in, it should be good. 

Now as for when this will be out. I feel I work best when I do set a good deadline for myself, this update took so damn long because I was so flip flop on the deadline. So for this next one I want to try and set a decent time. 

So for now, the deadline is 3 months. I feel that this might get delayed due to art though, but I'm going to do my best to make sure the writing and the coding is done by then. 

The Public release for 0.7 goes live on April 12th! But Lunch Tier supporters will get it a week early on the 5th! So if you can't wait a week, and you don't want to be a Dinner tier, there's an option for you. 

Now to talk a little bit about the other games I've been messing with. 

Landlady's new workout: This one's going pretty slow. The artist is high quality and the price matches it. So not only do I only get new art for it when I can, but I also want to make it look as high-end as I possibly can. So this one will be a while till it's done. It'll only be a single release as well so that'll take a while. 

Aqua's Workout Helper (title is a work in progress): Not sure if I talked about it here but I started working on a renpy game of Aqua from Kingdom Hearts getting super buff. It's much shorter and is more just a striaghtforward visual novel. So it'll be released sooner. The art is pricey as well but it's only for sprites. I'm using royalty-free backgrounds for it. 

Makoto's New Necklace: This one's progressed pretty well. The story for the one route is coming along nicely, the art is a lot cheaper given the twine game nature of it and the quality is still good. I plan to release it once for each route, so it'll have three separate releases. (and if there's demand, a continuation for each one involving a certain lawyer sister ;))

One Piece: Amazon Love: Another game I don't think I've mentioned. But some folks on discord and I kept throwing ideas around one night and the result was an FMG focused One Piece game. I've recently found an artist for it and I hope to get things going soon. It's going to be a bit of a similar scale to OPAS but now that I've got experience, I feel I can get it working good. Still may be a while until things get going on it though. I want the first release to have plenty of content for the three starting girls (Nami, Robin, and Hancock), so be patient. 

A Night with Miss Awashima: I've pretty much got this one on hold for now. I'm a bit too nervous to start on it as I need to start working on the loop for it. I also feel I'm not capturing the character right. So I plan to re-watch K Project and get a good feel of her character. 

There is one more game that I started. But that's not at a point where I can really talk about it. (It's a short twine game with Jill Valentine. Not much to really say).

I feel I've been starting too many projects and not finishing them lately. It's a bad habit of mine when I get bored of one project. I feel that's also part of why OPAS 0.7 took so damn long to release. I lost focus due to being too overwhelmed in making it perfect for those who enjoy it that I started a bunch of other ones. 

So my focus for now is to try and get one of these games done so I can shorten the list a bit and not stretch myself too thin. 

I hope you all are excited for what I have to show you though! Wither it's OPAS or one of these other games. 

If you want to learn more about them, check out their channels in the discord, where I post info about them and previews of artwork. 

And tell me what you think of them in the comments to this post, which one do you want to see the most? Which one doesn't interest you at all?

Hope you all have a good day and thanks as always for your continued support!

Till next time!


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