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Well, the plan now is to have OPAS 0.7 done for March. 

I've got a To Do list of the things I want to have done for the updates now and it's been a big help for sorting things out. 

The big focus of this update is finishing up the map screens so you can click on the girls to interact with them, instead of just a static pop up. 

There's new trust content for Mira and Cana planned, as well as Lust scenes for Seri and Erza. And a new A rank quest, as well as making the morning and evening times more useful. 

As for Highschool DxD BuFF, that's going to be release bi-weekly now, until the end of the comic. Which isn't too much longer, just about 10 left. After it's done I feel that there won't be a new comic for a while. I want to focus the funds I have on the games. I do want to do some of the ideas I had though. Like the One Piece vs Fairy Tail one, and the Bunny girls Erza and Lucy growing in the gym. 

The twine games are a bit varied. The Seri one has an actual gameplay loop so I need to build a state machine for it. Then I have to make it work for the three separate difficulties in it. Might be a while before there's much to be said about it. 

Makoto's is a lot easier. It's just a story with images really. I plan to release it whenever one of the three routes is finished. Not sure of any real way to monetize it. Which may sound good to you guys but hey, I'd like to break even on these things so, I'll have to think of something. Seri's is easy enough, alt costumes locked behind patreon. But Makoto's is all about the costumes in the story, so I can't do that really. Might just have to do a early release for it.  

As for Landlady's workout, it's slow, but definitely coming along. I'm trying to re-focus myself so that OPAS is the main thing I work on. 

It's been a bit hard for me (if you're on the discord you've already heard all about this), to keep myself motivated enough to make new updates to these games due to the pressure of delivering a good, polished game. A lot of it comes down to my perfectionism. As while the game does have issues, a lot of them are known and I'm trying to fix them always. So it's really just my own worries about making something that can live up to everyone's expectations. 

I feel that's also the reason I start so many new projects, once one gets too hard, I start a new one. So I'm going to work on breaking that habit. (while still finishing the ones I've started so far.)

If you've read this far, thanks for listening to my rant. And thanks for being patient with me as I work as best I can to get the new updates out. I hope you've enjoyed what I've done so far, and I hope you look forward to what's coming next. 

Till next time. 



I’m kinda confused by the bi weekly release thing so is there gonna be a chapter tonight or na if there isn’t maybe I can assist u with the funding

Mr. Nickname

not for patreon no. It is a money issue, due to me wanting to focus funds on things like OPAS and the other games.


I could help assist with the funds if I receive the content early