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Well, here's the main lead of the new FMG game. Only one of two planned characters. The other being your rude boss. A stark contrast to the kind, motherly landlady here. 

I want to try and only do a concept demo deal with a couple scenes that show the main idea, then do a full release later on. (best I can say is it'd take till next year given all the other things I work on.)

Slow moving on the OPAS front. I want to have all the new character background inserts done for the new update and those will take a bit longer yet. Still gotta do the four girls in the guild hall, then I want to have the Cafe done so we can have Kagura and maybe Rias there as well. 

I really wish I could keep up with constant updates but a lot of the time I lack any sort of drive to do it most of the time. Aside from the money, but that's the last reason I want to do it. So, I hope everyone can continue to be patient as I slowly chip away at it. 

I'll probably post a few more things of the Landlady game for patrons depending on how quickly things come and go. (and if there's interest of course. 




It looks really cool and interesting. Hyped to see more of it