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(I retconned a couple minor details from the first chapter. When I eventually publicly post this story in the future I'll edit it. For now, know that Jenna stole a can of Coke from the burger joint in the first chapter. Also the burger joint will no longer be at the end of the boardwalk.)

They walked further down the boardwalk with the bright lights and sounds now far behind them. Here, it was quiet with small beach houses. Most of them were small one-story houses that almost looked like shacks. Then some others were on the opposite end, with nice stone porches and windows etched with artwork of seagulls. A bit bougie for Jenna’s taste. One particular house had fancy stained-glass windows and always played Frank Sinatra no matter what time of the year it was. It made her cringe. She hated anything from the 1950’s or 1960’s. Just wasn’t her style.

“Oh, I think that’s pretty nice,” Nicole said as they passed by the house. 

 Jenna grimaced on the inside. She shrugged and said, “Yeah.”

A terrifying knot twisted in her stomach. It wasn’t gas, unfortunately. She was getting worried about the awkward silences between them. How should she fill them aside from burping? Do they have anything in common besides sexual thoughts?

A few loud guffaws echoed behind them. Jenna glanced and noticed the same boys that were staring at them when they got off the Music Express. She knew right off the bat that they were trouble. They definitely had something to say about them kissing. Nicole might have been too naïve to really think about it, but Jenna didn’t want to worry her. For some odd reasons, Jenna found that beach communities tended to be more conservative. Probably because they were filled with old retired folk. In the past, she had seen several “Keep Christ in Christmas” signs during the holidays.

A lone bar stood lighting up the end of the boardwalk. Few people cared to visit this one since it was so far away from the heart of Seaside. Even though Jenna couldn’t drink yet, something about it felt nostalgic, tucked away from the touristy section. The bar had a tropical theme with fake palm trees and the employees wore Hawaiian shirts.

“That’s a cool place I think we could hang out,” Jenna said. She then added shyly, “I mean. When we’re of age. Of course. If we still. You know. Are together.”

Nicole smiled. “Why wouldn’t we be together?” She held Jenna’s hand, soft and warm.

A giggle from behind broke Jenna’s attention. She glanced once more behind them to see the same group of boys loitering around the edge of the bar.

A set of benches overlooked a long and jagged breakwater at the very end of the boardwalk. The local river there fed into the Atlantic Ocean. At the very end of the breakwater was a light to aide passing ships into the river. People often hung out there, mostly teenagers like themselves. That night, few people were out loitering by the end of the boardwalk. There was nobody in sight on the breakwater and only one older couple was sitting at the benches.

Jenna jerked her head to the breakwater. “Wanna go?”


They jumped the fence and hopped along the massive boulders. They instinctively tried to make a race out of it, with Jenna in the lead. The waves became more violent as they reached the end of the breakwater. Jenna gasped when Nicole effortlessly ran past her, even laughing as she did so. Jenna’s next jump nearly caught her off balance, but she regained her composure and continued hopping and skipping the rocks to catch up.

“Dammit!” Jenna then shouted, huffing as she caught up with Nicole at the end.

“I honestly didn’t think I’d win,” Nicole said, ever so innocently. That turned Jenna on. Nicole Roberto, oh-so prim and proper and girly, managed to beat her in a physical test of stamina. She went back and forth on what turned her on. Most of the times, a conventionally pretty girl like Nicole was someone she wanted to dominate. On other occasions, she secretly enjoyed a little boyish competitiveness.

“I used to play softball,” Nicole said. She slapped her thighs. “These babies can run for a few miles.”

Jenna actually blushed. She was a huge fan of Nicole’s thighs, and overall heavy bottom. They were the only ones there at the edge of the walkway, so Nicole appeared to be more comfortable being herself. She giggled and stood up close to Jenna to kiss her. They stepped back after a wave nearly hit them.

They found a good boulder for the both of them to sit on. They gazed out at the ocean. They hadn’t said a word for a while. That made Jenna nervous again. All she could think about was burping to see what Nicole would do, if she would burp back. Her mind was completely in the gutter, and she shamed herself for it.

Nicole reached her hand out to interlace her fingers with Jenna’s.

“How come you stopped playing softball?” Jenna asked.

Nicole said, “I felt like I grew out of it. You know, the whole debate team thing. And I got lazy.”

“I think you should continue playing a sport.”

“Yeah? You ever played anything?”

“Nah. I’ve worked out though.”

They talked about their mutual disdain for a workout routine. High school was always the period when kids started to think seriously about their bodies, for better or for worse. Neither of them could understand how some boys were able to keep themselves looking so fit so effortlessly.

“There’s more bullshit pressure on us,” Jenna said. “They judge us for wanting to splurge on McDonald’s. But the average dude can splurge and continue working out and still look fine and nobody says anything.”

“I never thought about that. But yeah.” Nicole smirked. “Fast food gives me such bad gas though.”

Jenna raised her eyebrows, but she looked away to try to act cool about it. She just said, “Oh yeah?”

“My god, sometimes I wondered how I would ever get a boyfriend after everything I ate. And the burps I had were so ungodly that my mom sometimes yelled at me.”

“Are you making this shit up?”

“No, I’m serious! I mean, remember how loud I just burped after all that root beer? It was like that.” She cringed. “I was just so embarrassed about it all the time.”

“Well, little did you know you didn’t need to worry about impressing a boyfriend,” Jenna half-murmured, thinking it was a bit cheesy and avoiding eye-contact.

Nicole smirked again. That smirk killed Jenna. It had a touch of mischief. She cozied up closer to Jenna and held her. They made out some more until Nicole felt across Jenna’s jacket pocket. She stopped abruptly.

Oh shit, Jenna thought.

“What’s this?” Nicole said, feeling a can in Jenna’s jacket pocket.

“Ummmm,” Jenna averted her gaze.

“You carried this with you in hopes of getting me to burp?” Nicole asked, taking out the Coca-Cola.

“I took it from the burger joint.”

Nicole gasped. “You mean you stole it?”

“From that fridge by the cashier, yeah.”

Jenna grew worried. She knew it was a bad idea but she wanted to take it anyway in hopes that Nicole would burp again. They had been having such a lovely moment together there at the edge of the breakwater that Jenna didn’t realize that they were getting to know each other naturally. She had completely forgotten about how she stole the Coke can as a backup. She didn’t want Nicole to think of her now as some skeevy date, like when a boy brings condoms to a first date. Some people might be into that, others not so much.

But, to Jenna’s amazement, Nicole started chugging the Coke. She watched in awe as Nicole gulped it down her slender throat. Each audible gulp enticed Jenna for what was to come afterwards.

Nicole nearly choked up soda towards the end, but she pushed through and gasped for air after finishing it.

“Uggggh,” she moaned heavily. “Oh God.”

“Are you okay?” Jenna asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.

“Uff. It’s stuck. Oh man.”

Nicole leaned back and patted her chest. Jenna helped her by patting her back. She gave two loud whacks until the gas finally dislodged itself from her chest.


Nicole’s belch roared over the ocean waves. Jenna felt the hot air emitting from her mouth. Towards the end of the five-second-long eruption Nicole turned her head to Jenna so that she could feel the full force of it. It reeked of the burger she had earlier.

“Oh my God that was so gross!” she said at the end, both amused and somewhat disgusted.

“It sure was,” Jenna said breathlessly. “You hot pig.”

She had said it so aggressively that Nicole titled her head at that, raising a brow. “Excuse me?”

Jenna blushed. “Sorry. I mean. I didn’t mean it in a bad way. I just—”

“Is that dirty talk for someone with a fetish like yours?”

Jenna, her cheeks only getting redder, darted her eyes side-to-side. “Uh. Yeah. If you’re not into that. Though. I mean. I understand. It’s just.”

“That’s cute. And interesting. Tell me more.”

Nicole leaned in for another kiss.


Nicole figured they should leave before people started walking along the breakwater. She couldn’t believe the grand time they had chatting about life and working out and boys and stupid things by the edge of the water. She started to feel more comfortable around Jenna, and started to see that there were things Jenna found interesting about her other than just the gas.

Treating Jenna to some burps, pleasing her with dirty talk, started to arouse Nicole. She realized that maybe she was attracted to the idea of submitting to someone’s will and pleasing them, while at the same time leading them on with promises of what they want like hanging a carrot on a stick over them. She certainly started feeling that way with Jenna that night on the breakwater. Her heart raced with excitement every time Jenna watched in awe when she burped.

As they walked back to the boardwalk, Nicole said, “So what are other dirty words you want to call me?”

Jenna rubbed the back of her neck. “Uhhhhhh.”

“You’re cute when you’re flustered.”

“Shut up.”

Jenna muttered something under her breath.

“What was that?” Nicole said.

“Tsch, never mind.”

“Come on, tell me!”

“I wanna…call you fat.”


Jenna cried aloud, “I’m sorry, it’s not that I think you’re ACTUALLY fat I just…like your folds is all! And I wanna say it in a dirty way but NOBODY else is allowed to call you fat, you hear? I just like how your body is. I like how I can’t feel a bone when I grip your hips. It’s just the right size.”

Jenna then kept her head low, seemingly ashamed to look at her again.

Nicole gripped her hand. “It’s okay. You can call me fat…and nobody else.”

“A-are you sure?”

“I like it when you tell me the truth. I think that’s my thing. I want to hear all your secrets.”

“I hated that house,” Jenna blurted.

“Huh?” Nicole took a moment to remember what she was talking about. “The Frank Sinatra house?”

“Yeah! Sorry. I just hate it. It’s so old-timey and—and—and just ugh. I had that pent-up inside me and didn’t want to disappoint you.”

“Aw. Just because you hate that style doesn’t mean I’m gonna break up with your anything. To be honest, I was worried this whole time if we would ever talk about anything else besides burps and farts.”

Jenna looked up finally. “Really? You were worried about our date?”

“Of course I was! You’re hot as fuck.”

“But YOU’RE hot as fuck too.”

Nicole burst out laughing.

“What?” Jenna said. “What’s so funny?”

“It’s just cute is all.”

Jenna sighed. She seemed more at ease, and Nicole put her arm around her and held her tight. “Let’s go back and play some more games. Or maybe…I dunno…” She still had gas lingering in the pit of her stomach from when she chugged that Coke. “I have something pent-up inside of me too…if you know what I mean.”

Nicole was about to try and pat the gas out of her stomach when they noticed three ominous figures heading their way on the breakwater. They moved with purpose, not stopping and not fooling around on the rocks.

“Those boys again…” Jenna murmured through gritted teeth.

“What about them?”

“Heads-up, I think they have something to say about lesbians…”

Nicole gulped, further adding air to the gas inside of her. She grew nervous as the boys came closer. “What makes you think that?”

“They’ve been following us since we got off our last ride. Vibes are off.”

They could jump off the rocks of the breakwater early onto the beach to their left. That was exactly what was on Jenna’s mind as she motioned Nicole to do the same. They cautiously crawled down the rocks and jumped on the sand.

“Don’t look back at them,” Jenna said, “just keep walking.”

Nicole thought they had lost them, when she heard the loud thump of feet hitting the sand. She made the mistake of looking back and gasped when she saw the boys running for them.

“Jenna!” she hissed.

The boys were now within ear-shot, and they slowed down. One of them shouted, “Hey! Hey! You girls like to kiss each other?”

Jenna turned around and yelled, “Yeah! What’s it to ya?”

Another boy giggled, and then said, “Can we watch?”

“We don’t do shows.”

“Aw, come on. Just one kiss!”

“Yeah,” the third boy mocked. “A little peck on your girlfriend’s cheek.”

They all made kissing sounds and converged on them, making a circle around them. Nicole had never been in a situation like this. She gripped Jenna’s arm. This was like something out of a movie to her. Were there really boys out there who did shit like this? She started to panic thinking if one of them had a knife, or worse.

“Come on,” a boy said, motioning with his fingers. “Kiss each other.”

“Or else what?” Jenna said.

None of the boys answered. They just egged them on to kiss each other.

Nicole was started to feel so nervous that the gas was dislodging itself from her chest. In fact, it bubbled audibly up her throat. She puffed out her cheeks like a chipmunk struggling to hold it back – until the idea struck her.

She turned to Jenna, as if leaning in for a kiss. Jenna’s eyes went wide, and she was about to say “Don’t give in to their—”


The belch made Jenna’s eyes flutter, or maybe they were watering. It was one of those deep stomach-clearing belches that Nicole also felt gas coming out of her nose. The sound that came out of her was inhuman – deep and guttural and cartoonishly loud. It sounded so goddamn manly that she knew Jenna had to be turned on immensely by this. Unfortunately, it had to be under these circumstances.

Nevertheless, the boys gawked at her, grossed out and stepping back. Apparently, the stench was so bad that the wind blew it in a couple of their faces.

The tension had diffused after the belch. The boys didn’t know what to say and one of them retched, looking away. He cried out, “Ew! What the fuck?”

Jenna took that moment to grab Nicole by the wrist and run back to the boardwalk. Nicole cried out but then stated laughing. The boys couldn’t keep up, as they had a head start. Soon, they were safe around other people, so the boys gave up in trying to harass them and loitered around the beach.

“Nicole, that was THE GREATEST thing I have ever seen. I didn’t know you could burp on command!”

“I can’t!” she replied, covering her mouth with her hands in embarrassment. “I was just so nervous that I couldn’t help it!”

Jenna turned red. “Whoa.”


“Uh. Nothing. Just the way you said that…sounded so hot. Sorry.”

Nicole chuckled. “There you go again looking all flustered.”

She held onto Jenna tightly. The panic was finally subsiding from what had just happened. Nicole found pleasure in feeling grounded by holding Jenna. She told her,  “I was really so worried back there. I was waiting for a fight to break out or something.”

“I mean, I WAS preparing to take a swing at once of them.”

“I’m sure you would have kicked their asses.”

“But you got to them first. Did you see the look on their faces?” Jenna half-shouted with excitement and pride.

Nicole laughed. “I thought to make it as gross as possible at the last second to actually burp in your face.”

“Again, so hot.”

They lowered their voices as people walked past them. They walked back to the heart of Seaside, arm-in-arm, giggling furiously.


Rocky Savannah

You're three for three. Thank you for writing a great ending to this great story.