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Genji was nervous throughout his entire shift. Even after he had gone to bed and woken up, he was paranoid that Janira knew that he was fond of her. He had never met a woman so domineering in his life before. The women he grew up with back on Rishiri followed a strict stereotype of being “tame” and “reserved”. His friends made fun of him for never getting with a girl, even implying his sexuality was different. In reality, Genji never found the girls on his island very attractive. They could have had the biggest breasts or desirable bottoms – Genji would not bat an eye since they were so quiet and “well-behaved”.

Janira aroused something in him he had never experienced before. She broke every taboo he knew. The people of Rishiri would have deemed her an outcast, never speaking to her or even acknowledging her presence. Rishiri men would be hard-pressed to even think about wedding her. Janira was loud, brash, and spoke her mind. Genji touched himself in bed thinking about it. Maybe that was what could save him. He was so nervous, so pent-up with excitement, that maybe relieving himself in secret would calm him down.

When Janira demanded her closest servants to her throne room, Genji was such a nervous wreck that he nearly fainted. Janira never said anything to him though. She had called Hiro and her usual carriers. Janira was still bloated beyond normal human comprehension. Despite this, she did not seem uncomfortable.

She said that the fog was thinning out at sea, so they had to carry her out to the coast. It occurred to him that she was a sorceress after all, and she would have cast a spell over the ocean to create a dense fog. That all made sense now.

So, they set out on the trek. Genji felt bad for the servants carrying her on her throne. It took over a dozen men to lift her up and carry her. Even so, they quivered under her weight and huffed. She would snap at them whenever they slowed down even the slightest. However, she often ordered them to stop so that she could pick the fruit of the trees, gorging on them and indulging in their sweetness. Genji would turn around for the sake of making sure there were no wild animals sneaking up behind them. A part of him also turned around a few more times than usual to catch a glimpse of her bloated lounging figure. She never ceased to amaze him with her ability to eat. On Rishiri, it had been a strict taboo for women to overindulge in food and drink.

They arrived at a spot on the coastline further away from the wreck of The Lord’s Favor. Genji gazed out into the sea and saw that the fog had indeed thinned. The smell too had diminished. He was able to take in a breath of fresh salty air.

The servants finally set Janira down, their expressions noticeably relieved, and she heaved as she walked a few paces down the beach.

Genji expected some kind of ritual with ancient words and extravagant wispy displays of magic.

He raised a brow as Janira turned to face them and then laid on her stomach. Since she was so bloated, she rested on her belly like a pillow. Then, she lifted up her skirt and let fly the most amazing sound of wind-breaking that Genji had ever heard. For the first time, he even witnessed the gas spewing out visibly as a cloud of mist.

Janira moaned and groaned for the entire time she relieved herself of gas. Her moans carried out across the beach, making Genji blush harder and harder. The look on her face – pure ecstasy. It was akin to an orgasm.

The fart that erupted from her bowls sounded at first not unlike a literal explosion. As it went on it sputtered and sounded wet and hideously messy. Genji thought he saw splashes of brown hit the sand.

Soon, that familiar reeking scent of rotting food hit everyone’s noses. The wind picked up as if by magic and blew the mist out towards the ocean. As time went on, entire minutes of her breaking wind, the horizon became hazier and hazier.

Genji was taken aback by the diminishing size of Janira’s belly. When she finished breaking wind, she was back to her regular size, and she looked as though she were lounging on the beach on her stomach.

Janira looked up at them and gave a cute smile and a little giggle. That killed Genji’s heart. He knew, deep down, that he was smitten.

He had no idea how he was going to survive much longer without breaking.


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