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For as long as the people of the Yatar Archipelago could set sail, many tried to venture south past The Abysmal Enclave but never returned. The waters were rough and the fog obscured one’s visibility up to a foot away. The fog was also notable for smelling very rotten, like food gone bad mixed with the scent of gassy marshlands. Sometimes the stench was so horrible that sailors would throw up over the sides of the ship, some would even jump overboard after being driven mad by the smell. Over the years, legends of what lay in the fog reached those across the world. Most people who tried to sail through the fog sought glory, whereas others were simply curious.  Some ships were able to turn around before the fog got worse. They caught sight of several long-forgotten wrecked ships on rocks and boulders, showing just how deadly the waters were.

Many sailors found themselves pitted against the whims of their formerly sane captains. One such unlucky bastard was Genji, who regretted his life as a sailor after he found himself trying to hold the sails during a massive windstorm having ventured into the Abysmal Enclave.

“HOLD!” his captain, Lord Taiga cried from the wheel. “HOLD OR I SHALL CURSE YOUR SOULS FOREVER!”

The smell of the fog oddly did not bother him, unlike his other fellow sailormen. Everyone else though had trained long and hard under Lord Taiga’s command, who was one of the most revered captains in the entire Yatar Archipelago. A simple smell wouldn’t stop them from pursuing glory.

The skin on Genji’s hands was turning red as he gripped the rope with all his might. The entire crew was trying to hold onto the sail, but the raucous wind and the massive waves threatened to make them let go. Water splashed onboard, soaking him to his core. He swished his head to get strands of hair out of his eyes.

He couldn’t do it. His muscles were giving way. He then looked out beyond the bow and saw a massive cloud standing on the water. Before he could give warning, the ship crashed bow-first into a boulder. The crew standing there cried out as they fell overboard. Genji knew this was the end and that there was no use trying to hold the ship. He let go and ducked for cover.

The ship, formerly known as The Lord’s Favor, became a mess of splinters. Genji hid in the captain’s quarters and prayed to the Seven Goddesses for safety. He cowered into the far corner, closed his eyes, and tried not to look as he heard the ship being torn apart and the screams of a dozen men. He was finally flung to the side as the ship capsized. He thought he would hit water, but instead he blacked out after his head banged against the window, cracking it.


When Genji came to, a harsh sun hit his face. He had been out cold for quite some time, given the fact that the skin on his face felt like fire, especially when he touched it. He must have been sunburned. He gathered his senses and realized that the ship had fallen on its side on a beach. What remained of the captain’s quarters was nothing but ruins. Hiding in the corner had saved him from the worst of the fall. He stared at the tropical beach laid out before him, processing how he survived.

Everything ached. He slowly stepped down and felt the sand to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. He didn’t want to spend too much time basking in the glory of making landfall; he went off looking for any survivors.

Those who didn’t make it scattered around the beach facedown. He turned over each one of them checking their pulse. Each one was dead. He doubted Lord Taiga survived, and he was right, as he found the petulant noble’s remains jutting out by the rocks at the edge of the beach.

Cringing, Genji turned around and faced the other end of the beach.

Was he really the only survivor of The Lord’s Favor?

Guilt started to seep in. He survived out of sheer cowardice in the furthest corner in the back of the ship. But he slapped himself on the face to get a hold of himself. He was alive, and he thanked the Seven Goddesses for that. He prostrated for a few minutes on the sand, muttering praises, before getting up and figuring out what to do about food. He found a sword and some provisions in the wreck, and set off.

Genji walked across the beach for maybe some two miles. The shipwreck disappeared around the bend behind him. His footprints in the sand were the only ones. To his right was the open sea, with a wall of fog in the distance. The sky above was clear and he heard seagulls cawing. To his left was the mysterious island, thick with vegetation and wildlife.

He sighed. Maybe wandering off was a bad idea right now. He rethought his strategy, how he was still aching and tired, and figured he would go back to the shipwreck, spend a night there to recuperate, and then venture into the jungle.

As he approached the shipwreck again, he stopped as he saw figures inspecting the wreckage. His heart skipped a beat – were they survivors? He smiled, and then began sprinting towards them calling out.

The figures inspecting the wreckage all turned their heads. Genji continued sprinting with a look of glee on his face. But then he slowed down when he realized that he didn’t recognize any of them. They were not sailors – they were soldiers. Each of them was clad in chainmail and held spears. A figure standing on the beach swerved their head in Genji’s direction. He realized it was a woman, ebony-skinned with long wavy black hair. She was almost naked with the exception of a few articles of clothing covering her bosom and waist. Even though Genji was far away, he felt gripped by the woman’s stare. He knew something was wrong, and that these people meant harm, so he slowly backed away and headed for the other direction.

When he broke into a run, something stopped him. He couldn’t figure out what was wrong but he kept running as fast as he could and yet he was going nowhere. His feet dangled as he rose into the air. He screamed, feeling a force holding him on all sides.

The strange force flung him towards the woman at her feet. His face plunged into sand and he coughed up a million tiny pebbles. The armed soldiers jumped down from the shipwreck and surrounded him.

The woman laughed. “Only one survivor?”

Genji turned around on his side to look up at his captor. The woman blocked out the sun as she looked down at him. He feared her at first, but then the longer he stared at her the more he became aroused by the sight of her. Her thighs were large and thick. He had a nice view of her large breasts bobbing above him. Many golden necklaces dangled from her neck, and she also wore plenty of elaborate oversized bracelets.

The woman stepped on his stomach, making him grunt. His chest cracked under her weight. She leaned down to come face-to-face with him and said, “I am going to have so much fun with you.”

She drove her foot harder into his chest, making him sink further into the sand. Then she let go and turned around so that her rear was facing him, directly on top of his face. She lifted her skimpy skirt to reveal two large firm glutes in those black skintight pants. Before Genji could cry out, she fell on top of him. His nose cracked underneath her weight. He gasped for breath as she moved her bum side-to-side. She cackled, and then let out an intense, deep, and foul-smelling fart. The sound nearly ruptured his ear drums at point-blank range.


Despite not being able to breath, Genji was overcome by arousal. He had never felt such a firm but soft and round texture pressed up against his face like that. It felt heavenly. He could fall asleep on it, were it not for the fact that woman appeared to try suffocating him to death.

The woman grunted and sighed aloud, like an ecstatic orgasm. She finally stood up and Genji gasped for a deep breath, then coughed violently.

“Impressive,” she said, staring down at him with her hands on her hips. “You survived. That’s good enough for me.”

She then pulled him by the collar and bared a sinister grin. “From now on, you belong to me now, knave. I am your master. The all-powerful Janira.”

She stepped back and with the swish of her finger he rose in midair again, unable to move. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t even turn his head. The mysterious woman laughed and by her magic carried him into the jungle.


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