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On the way to Baba Bosh’s cell, Pawel passed by many unsavory individuals held up in their cells. He had never been to the dungeon before, and he avoided eye contact from scary old men who yelled at him to let them out. A few hands shot out from between the bars, trying to grab his tray, but Pawel remained calm and focused.

Downstairs, the dungeon became damper and colder, so cold that he wished he brought his overcoat. There were few occupied cells on the last floor. Those who were there looked as though they might die any second, mere shadows propped up against the wall.

At last, Pawel rounded the corner to the final cell. The cavernous archway intimidated him. He gulped as he approached the dimly lit cell. At first, he couldn’t see anyone, but then he heard shackles and saw a disheveled figure emerge from the shadows.

“What shall it be this time? Onions? Garlic?” the sharp voice said.

Pawel straightened upon seeing the face. It wasn’t what he imagined. He imagined an old spy from so long ago to look like the other prisoners here – emaciated and ugly. But, in fact, Pawel found her to be rather pretty, in an old-fashioned sort of way. She had long unkempt silver hair, with some streaks of her original black. Her face had sharply defined features, and the only wrinkles she had were faint lines around her nose and mouth. She stood up and he realized that she was taller than most women, and just about his height. She looked as though she had been wearing the same clothes since she got in, a tattered traditional garb for women that nobody had worn in a couple decades. Such a garb consisted of an embroidered long-sleeved blouse with a pointed collar and a long skirt that reached down to the ankles. Her body was rather curvaceous, with a surprising bust that seemed healthy despite living in such conditions for years.

Baba Bosh stared at Pawel blankly. She rubbed her chin. “You are new here. Who are you?”

“Pawel. I’m here to…uh…torture you.” He looked down at the tray. He realized how awkward he sounded, so he straightened again and said with a darkened look, “It won’t be long now until you’ll tell us the truth about what happened to Prince Reginald II.”

Baba Bosh broke her stare with a smile, and then reared her head back cackling.

“What’s so funny?” Pawel said, at a loss.

“Is that what they told you? Oh gods. I’m sorry. They fooled you, boy. That is an old rumor that holds no merit.”

Pawel mumbled something, and was about to believe her when he then narrowed his eyes. “Right. That’s what you want me to believe.”

“You’re making a mistake, boy,” she said in a sing-song voice, already turning away from him as if he were not the least bit threatening.

He stared dumbly at her large rump as she sashayed away.

Pawel then got a hold of himself. He pulled opened the cell and stormed in. Her legs were tied to chains on the wall that allowed her to walk around up to a point. There were two spots on the wall to tie her wrists to and have her pinned against the wall. Pawel laid down the tray of food and clamped her wrists. She was now held up against the wall sitting against it with both her arms held up high. She looked at him with a smirk, telling him that she had been through this routine before. He hesitated before picking up the first bowl of goulash, but then firmly gripped the spoon and jammed it in her mouth.

Baba Bosh didn’t resist much. In fact, she commented on how good it tasted. Pawel huffed a little, frustrated that he wasn’t getting the results he expected. He had to do his worst, but was even his worse? He couldn’t imagine doing such a thing. He figured he was feeding her too softly, giving her time to chew. So this time, he took the next bowl and instead of spoon-feeding her he forced her mouth open and jammed the contents down her throat.

She gagged a little and moaned. He panicked at the sound of her gagging, so he instinctively stopped. Her mouth was full of mush to the point of her cheeks puffing out like a chipmunk. Bits fell from her mouth.

Even as she took a long time to chew everything and swallow, she only grinned and cackled.

“You’re bad at this,” she said. “This is nothing I haven’t already gone through before.”

Pawel huffed. He took the next bowl and did the same, and the next one, and the next one, each time trying to ram food into her mouth more violently. The effort simply wasn’t there. He didn’t want to hurt her too much. But he knew he had to get over that instinct. She was a villain! Pure evil!

By the time he emptied the tray, Baba Bosh’s belly was a bit distended. Her skirt looked tight around her waistline. Her stomach gurgled loudly. Despite this, she kept a snarky look.

“Will you confess now?” Pawel said.

“I’m warning you boy,” she said smiling, “you don’t want to do this.”

Pawel stared at that taut waistline. He thought about getting more food to make her uncomfortable.

“Fine then,” he said. “I will be back with more.”

As he was about to walk out, she moaned, “But please, no brussels sprouts…”

He left with a lopsided grin. Maybe this was easier than he thought.

Pawel surprised Jacek and the others when he returned upstairs unscathed. When they heard he was getting more food, they looked concerned. Moretz seemed to suggest that the torture was enough, but Jacek held him back and told Pawel where the brussels sprouts were. Pawel didn’t hold back and filled the tray again with as much of them as he possibly could. A few rolled off the tray and fell on the ground as he left. The guards were actually worried watching him go back down in the dungeon, but Jacek laughed.

“What if he gets killed?” Moretz half-cried.

Jacek said, “All the better. He is a greenhorn who has no intuition about him. Better for the king’s guard to be without him!”

Pawel presented the tray of brussels sprouts to Baba Bosh with a triumphant pose. “You should be quiet next time…” he said. He felt the need to add something mean to the end of that sentence, so he added shakily, “old…hag!”

“Oh no,” she wailed. “Not brussels sprouts! Please no!”

Pawel grinned. He grabbed the brussels sprouts by the hand and started stuffing her face.

He watched as her waistline got tighter…and tighter…until the old buttons looked ready to pop. At last, Baba Bosh seemed genuinely concerned and moaned, “I am more bloated than a beached whale…ohhhhh.”

Pawel grinned at his apparent results. He crossed his arms. “Will you confess now?”

“There is nothing to confess.” The disheveled woman winced. “Ay…my skirt…too…tight.”

Pawel shrugged. He still had more brussels sprouts to go. Before he stuffed another handful in her mouth, she looked up darkly at him and growled, “You’ll regret this.”

Pawel once again briefly doubted himself. Something about her shook him to his bones. He had heard of witches roaming the kingdom before they were driven away to a faraway land, Rennsfield or something. His mother always warned him about such strange women.

But Pawel put the thought aside. There was no such thing as witchcraft.

He shoved the next batch, and then the final batch.

Baba Bosh had trouble swallowing. She chewed and chewed, looking tired. Her belly by now was straining behind her belt. In fact, she began to beg him to loosen her belt.

“It hurts…” she moaned. “I’m so…full…”

Pawel sighed. It couldn’t hurt to relieve her of the pressure. It did look painfully tight. Maybe if he appeased to her this one time she would confess? A little give?

He crouched down to her. He could hear her stomach gurgling and grumbling, sounding like a wild animal snoring. He had never heard someone’s stomach make such noise before, didn’t even imagine a stomach could make such noises.

The belt was difficult to unbuckle for a few seconds since it was so tight around her waist, but Pawel finally got it off. The second he did so, Baba Bosh’s belly burst forth, popping open the button underneath.

Baba Bosh let out a long moan of pleasure. Pawel stood up, blushing. He didn’t know why seeing her like that and hearing her like that made him blush, but it did.

“Better?” he said.

She reveled in letting her belly hang free….and then she cackled.

“Foolish boy…” she said. “I said you would regret this…”

Pawel had no idea what she was up to, but he heard her stomach growl even more, and even swore he saw her belly tremble with the amount of pent-up gas that was inside of her.

Baba Bosh winced as she leaned to one side, lifting up a butt cheek.

Pawel then heard the most grotesque sound he ever heard in his life. Baba Bosh broke wind and it sounded so inhumane that it made him blush. Deep, loud, and extremely long – he was amazed at the sight of a woman breaking wind like that.


Even more amazing – she filled the room with thick green clouds. He looked around the cell in awe at the sight of the gas filling up every nook and cranny, and then flowing out of the cell into the dungeon.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhohohohohoho!” Old Baba Bosh sighed and laughed.

She seemed shocked when Pawel breathed in the aroma – an eggy smell combined with onions and garlic. It didn’t bother him. Instead, something about it wanted him to breathe in more of it.

At last, Baba Bosh stopped farting. The fart ending with a squeak and her grunting in relief. She smirked again at him.

“Are ye feeling it now?”

Pawel sniffed the air more deeply. The scent aroused something in him. He wasn’t sure what to say about it. He watched as the thick clouds began to dissipate, until it became a misty fog surrounding them.

“Er…the smell you mean?”

Baba Bosh stammered incoherently. She couldn’t find the right words. “You didn’t feel like passing out?”


“Wasn’t it a terrible, awful smell?”

Pawel tried to find the right words without sounding strange. “Er. Quite harmless. A bit odor-y. I definitely smelled what you ate.”

Pawel swore she herself then blushed as she straightened up against the wall and said, “In my years here, never has any guard remained standing after witnessing me break wind.” She narrowed her eyes at him. “What’s your name?”

“Pawel.” He cleared his throat. “Something tells me your name isn’t exactly Baba Bosh, is it?”


He tilted his head. “What is your name?’

Baba Bosh again seemed speechless. She looked away. “Nobody has ever cared to ask me.”

“Maybe it has something to do with you being a spy.”

Baba Bosh rolled her eyes. “Give it a rest, boy. I was never a spy. I never killed anyone.”

“Then what are you here for?”

She sighed. “Being a whore. Plain and simple. Years ago, the captain of the guard was a frequent customer of mine.”

“Jacek?” Pawel exclaimed.

“No, no, you idiot. The captain at the time. His name was Lukash. When his wife found out about me, he threw me in here for harlotry. The bastard never once admitted that it was he who came looking for me.”

“How can I believe you?”

“I don’t expect you to. Who would believe an old whore like me in the dungeon? Who would believe a woman in general over a man’s word? I can tell you that those guards have always been a rotten bunch. They’re tricking you, boy. They had you come down here to feed me in hopes that you would suffocate from my breaking wind.”

Pawel huffed. He couldn’t believe he fell for it. Then again, he had no idea about her or the rumors surrounding her. But he was still ashamed of his sheer ignorance. “How is it possible for you to break wind like that? And to emit literal clouds! Are you…a witch?”

Baba Bosh snickered. “Maybe. Maybe not.”

After an awkward silence of them staring at each other, Pawel went over to release her from her bonds, even her ankle shackles. She looked down at them in surprise, then up at him.

“I’m not freeing you,” he said. “I just thought it was unfair given the other prisoners being able to walk about their cell freely.”

“Aye. Thank you.”

Pawel left the cell cautiously, half-expecting her to try to flee. She watched him with a wry smile as he locked the cell door, and he went back upstairs.


eric ortiz

Interesting 🤔 Definitely want to read more