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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I apologize if this overall story seems rushed. With everything going on lately that I mentioned, I found it difficult to write through it. But here it is. Consider this a prototype. I will definitely go back and bulk up this story. Regardless of how rushed it is, I hope you all enjoy. Happy Halloween!

With the beers, Rob’s flask, and Lawrence’s joint all finished, Emilia needed some support by the time they arrived at the diner. It was much more crowded than usual. This year’s Halloween happened to fall on a Friday, which was perfect for everyone. The whole town was out and about ready for a late night. They had to wait in the seating area to get a table.

Emilia sat with a dumb look on her face. Her bag only had empty candy wrappers. Melissa kept telling her to throw it out, but Emilia kept saying that there was more. And what if they knocked on more house for more treats too? The night wasn’t over yet!

The hostess had them sit in a center table in full view of everyone. Emilia hit her leg on the chair trying to sit down.

“Oh my God Emilia,” Melissa whispered, half-laughing. “Control yourself.”

When the waitress came by to get their drink orders, Emilia slurred and asked for a rum and coke. Everyone at the table snickered, and the waitress – a portly older woman with a straight face – said, “Ma’am, this isn’t a bar. This is a diner. We don’t have cocktails.”

“Oh!” Emilia said, suddenly realizing. She picked up the menu again and attempted to read it upside down, then realized it was upside down and read it sideways. Melissa hid her face from the embarrassment while Rob, Lawrence, and Kayla all snickered.

“Chocolate,” Emilia stated. In her head, she thought she said “Chocolate milk”. She wanted to say “chocolate milk” but the word “milk” got stuck in her head and wouldn’t come out. She leaned forward and tried to enunciate louder.

Melissa couldn’t take any more of this and interjected. “She’ll have a water.”

Emilia slowly gave her a look. “Huuuuh? No, I said---”

Melissa rubbed her back. “It’s okay. We’ll get something else later. A water, please.”

Emilia later on didn’t even remember what she ordered. Next thing she knew, she had food in front of her. She didn’t ask questions and ate the food. Noisily. Messily. Sloppily. Lawrence was giggled even louder, and she had no idea why. She started to notice people around them staring at her, especially the smaller kids.

“Emilia,” Melissa hissed, using a napkin to wipe her chin.

“Oh. Sorry.”

Halfway through the meal, Emilia’s stomach churned. She expected a fart to come out. Instead, a lump stayed there. And it continued staying there and building up…more and more…and more.

It reached the point where Emilia had to stop eating. She dropped her fork with a clatter and leaned over hugging her stomach.


Rob stood up. “Oh boy. Is what I think is going to happen going to happen?”

Kayla darted her eyes. “Where’s the bathroom?”

Melissa reached out cautiously. “Emilia? You okay?”


Emilia couldn’t speak. Something was terribly, terribly, terribly fucking wrong. The pain was getting worse and it was like she was going to die. Her entire stomach was screaming in pain from all sides. She was now consciously aware of just how much she ate and drank. She gripped her belly and fully realized how taut her costume was now, wanting to burst at the seams. Who knew how long the cheap fabric would hold?

“I gotta…” she moaned. “I gotta…gotta…”

Melissa shot to her feet and helped her to the bathroom. Emilia’s vision blurred. She wanted to feel the satisfaction of being fucked up but this terrible awful no-good stomachache was getting in the way of it. It was powerful enough to threaten her back to sobriety.

Melissa shoved through a couple people to bring her to the bathroom and into a stall. Emilia’s moans bounced off the walls. Melissa locked herself in a stall with Emilia and had her sit on a toilet, acting like a sort of midwife.

“Just breathe slowly,” Melissa said. “What do you feel?”

Emilia couldn’t sit still. The pain was worming around her stomach. One second it would be around her intestines, and the next it would be up by her chest.

“It just hurrrrttttssss,” Emilia said, leaning over and heaving.

She didn’t have chocolate milk. So what was the culprit? Was this something dangerous? Some kind of internal bleeding? But from what? Emilia’s racing thoughts exacerbated the pain.

“Do you need to throw up?” Melissa said.


“Are you sure?”

“YES. It just huuuuurrrrtttssss. Ohhhhh!”

Her stomach let out a very audible grumble.

They were in there for a while. Melissa lost track of time because she was solely fixated on making sure Emilia was awake. Kayla stepped into the bathroom with hesitant footsteps, calling out, “Emilia? Melissa? You still here?”

Melissa popped her head out of the stall. “Yeah. Here.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know. She’s just in a lot of pain. She keeps saying she doesn’t need to throw up but then again she’s piss drunk.”

Kayla didn’t like how Emilia looked – all redfaced and needing to pull aside her collar for more air.

“I-I don’t know, Mel. This looks serious.”

“Did that idiot Lawrence lace the joint with something?”

“No, he would never do that! Me and Rob took hits and we’re fine. Remember?”

That ruled out that theory. Melissa kept quiet and paid attention to Emilia’s stomach.

“Her stomach is gurgling really loud. Maybe uh…maybe it’s gonna come out the other end.”

Kayla grimaced. “I don’t want to stay here for that.”

“Don’t worry, you don’t have to. I’m her roommate after all.”

Emilia was only half paying attention to the conversation at hand. Whenever she felt she could focus, another pang in her tummy had her reeling.

“Maybe we should go back,” Kayla then said. “If something happens, we can take her to Health Services on campus.”

“Yeah. That’s a better idea.”

Melissa stood up and sighed heavily. “I told her not to eat all that candy at once.”

The two of them had to help up Emilia. She felt embarrassed on the inside, especially when they walked out of the diner. The effects of being high exaggerated everyone’s stares in public. Emilia broke eye contact and tried staring at the floor the entire time. She heard a man laugh and say, “Too much to drink?”

Being back in the chilly autumn air brought some respite to her. Maybe the diner was way too stuffy for her.

Rob and Lawrence caught up carrying a couple doggy bags.

“Hey, you alright?” Rob said.

“Rrrrob. So sorry…” Emilia murmured. She didn’t want to be a burden and ruin the night. It felt like only ten minutes ago that they had just arrived at the diner.

“We don’t know what’s going on with her,” Kayla said. “We figured we should head back and bring her to her dorm.”

“I can look after her, obviously,” Melissa said.

Emilia wanted to cry. Melissa had said that she didn’t want to stay stuck in a room all night long for Halloween. She burst out with, “I’m sorry, Melissa! I’m jus----you don’t have to look after me. I’m fine. I’m fiiiiiiine!”

“Emilia, you can’t even stand up straight. Dammit.”

Rob saw that the two girls were having trouble holding up Emilia. He intervened by carrying her firefighter style in one fell swoop. The sudden movement made Emilia yelp. She ccouldn’t believe what was happening – the firefighter’s carry turned her on so much. She wished Zack could do it. Her guilty pleasure, so embarrassing and timid, was to be held up like that by a big burly man.

Rob was that man.

The realization made her forget about her stomach pains. She was redfaced and giggly now. Rob carried her without a sweat and started walking.

“Is that a good idea?” Kayla said.

“It’s just a short walk. Let’s go!”

Emilia’s arms dangled behind Rob. The bag slipped from her arm, but Melissa caught it. She carried it from then on.

Emilia continued blushing. The fact that her ass was sticking out a bit because of her short costume made her hot and bothered. Nobody seemed to realize that Emilia wasn’t wearing panties. She purposely didn’t wear them. Sluttiness was basically her guilty pleasure. She didn’t actually intend to do anything with anybody. The very least, tease a display of her moon-sized ass “accidentally” to someone. Her costume still barely covered her asscheeks, so people weren’t paying close attention to her nakedness underneath.

Rob’s large arms around her legs enticed her. He held on tight and that tightness was something she loved feeling.

Maybe she liked overeating because of that. Her clothes would get tight, and tightness and restriction implied bondage, and bondage implied sex. A logical string of ideas and sentiments.

Then, her stomach pains resurfaced. Emilia groaned and went limp, almost looking dead.

“Hey, don’t pass out,” Melissa said, worried.

Emilia muttered nonsense.

The walk back to campus was actually rather long. Then again, carrying a crunk woman on your back who weighed more than the average young adult woman probably made it seem longer than it should be. They just passed through the back gate of campus when Melissa decided to sift through Emilia’s bag. She wanted to check if there was any candy leftover, because otherwise she would toss out the wrappers in the garbage on the way back to their dorm.

Melissa turned over the gummy bear wrapper. She had never seen that brand before and was curious.

Then she saw the words “sugar free” and she stopped dead in her tracks.

“Oh shit.”

She read the fine print on the back, at the very bottom of the Nutrition Facts section.

WARNING: Sugar substitutes can cause laxative effects.

Rob realized what Melissa had just said and stopped to turn around. “What is it?”

Melissa looked up with a horrified face. The equation sprung to mind. Sugar-free candy plus alcohol and weed equals too fucked up to hold in your shit.

“She’s going to shit her pants. You HAVE to get her to the bathroom right away!”

“What? Why?”

“Read this!”

Once Rob realized what Emilia had eaten, and the fact that her ass was right next to his face, he made a run for it.

Lawrence, on the other hand, said, “Wait, wait, Rob! Just have her shit in the woods!”

Rob shot him a look. “I’m not gonna make her do that! Don’t you know how humiliating that is?”

Lawrence sighed heavily.

Rob bolted across campus to the nearest dorm hall that had the nearest bathroom. The running frankly made Emilia feel worse, as the up-and-down motions jostled her stomach. She groaned some more and tried to speak, but Rob couldn’t hear her.

“Don’t worry! You won’t make a mess of yourself!”

He saw the dorm hall in sight just a few meters ahead. It shone like a promised land, peopled with college students all dressed for Halloween.

Emilia’s farts started to pop out in rhythm to his running.




Emilia, in her drunken stupor, was desperately trying to hold in a massive lump that was working its way through her intestines and was ready to come out.

The air pockets in her guts came out as more loud, abrasive farts.


“Oh gosh,” Rob huffed, “you can hold it. Just a little more!”

Emilia moaned. She clenched her cheeks together. Another hot fart was ready to explode. She was worried that this one might signal the beginning of the end – the start of the shitshow.

Rob groaned as he reached the front door of the dorm hall. But now he needed his badge for the security panel. He cursed trying to find it in his pockets, panicking as Emilia let out more and more farts, sounding like a dam was about to burst.

“Roooooob?” she said.

“I got it, I got it!”

Rob slapped his badge on the panel and pushed through. He created a stir in the main lounge as people swerved their attention to him crying out “Hold the door! Hold the door!” as someone was exiting a locked hallway.

There, he continued sprinting down the hall to the nearest private bathroom.

The end was in sight.

He pulled open the door, rushed inside, and plopped Emilia down on the toilet seat. He didn’t have a moment to ask anything before Emilia unleashed the most horrendous dump he had ever witnessed in his entire life.

Emilia cringed staring up wide-eyed at him as she destroyed the toilet. Every possible loud fart came out of her. Trumpets, bassoons, clarinets, foghorns – an entire cacophony of farts. Accompanied the gruesome orchestra was a slew of wet sloshing and slopping noises. The stench quickly filled the room – reeking of utter shit.

A massive fart found its way through the shit. Emilia winced as she ripped a ten-second-long boomer with shit dripping from her anus.


Rob winced too, but not because of how gross it was. He winced because it sounded like it must have hurt. No human body could possibly let out a fart that tremendous. One would have needed an asshole the size of a manhole to let that out.

To Emilia, it was both the most embarrassing and most relieving shit she ever took. Here was this man who was gracious enough to carry her all the way over here for some privacy. At the same time, he was the sole witness to this disgrace, this display of her basest and most private function. Her face was redder than a tomato.

After maybe ten minutes, the farting and the shitting slowed down. Neither of them spoke a word the entire time. Emilia was sober now – completely knocked by the intense bout of diarrhea. Her stomach felt weak, tired, but relieved.  She could breathe easy again. Her anus meanwhile burned.

Slowly and surely…it stopped.

They waited in silence for anything else.


Now she was done.

After a whole minute of silence, Rob said, “You good?”

Avoiding eye contact, Emilia nodded.

“Do you…do you need anything? Wipes?”

Emilia nodded.

Rob ran back to his dorm.

When he came back, he knocked on the door and Emilia quickly opened it slightly and snatched the wipes from him.

He waited outside.

Emilia finally exited, albeit slowly and her head low. Rob tried to see her face.

Emilia sniffed.

“Aw, hey now, are you crying?”

Emilia wanted to run off and hide, but her room was so far away.

“Hey now…that was---that was quite frankly impressive.” Rob put his hands on his hips. Emilia knew he was trying to make light of the situation, but she wasn’t having it right now. Rob went on anyway, not reading the room. “I don’t think any other woman is ever capable of THAT. I’m impressed. Like. Wow.”

Emilia sniffed. She wiped her eyes and then stormed off.

“W-wait. You’re okay though, right?”

Emilia didn’t respond. She disappeared down the corner of the hallway.

Rob leaned against the wall. He sighed and murmured, “Dammit, Rob. Why you gotta say stupid shit like that?”

He stayed there leaning against the wall rethinking the night and how it all went wrong when all he wanted to do was spend some time with her. He stayed there until the stench from the bathroom spread out even though the door was closed.


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