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Life Solutions was located in a desolate solar system. The space station was a large circular structure, rotating ever so slowly. There were no markings or lettering on it, not even numbers, a further sign that they stuck to anonymity.

Samus nearly didn’t respond to the ship’s alert. She was disheveled, naked, and still in bed. Her pussy was red from the pounding SR29008 gave her. She didn’t even realize that she spent the last remaining time on the trip fucking the metroid. It became somewhat of a continuous cycle. They fucked, SR29008’s semen gave her gas, she ripped ass, and the farts attracted SR29008, leading to sex again.

Her mind was muddled in a pleased stupor, like she was high. She was not inclined to do anything. She just wanted to please SR29008 to have sex again.

But alas, a rational part of her mind broke through and pushed her to get dressed and ready for meeting the client.

Samus docked her ship through an airlock on the space station. She nearly tripped on the ramp down; that was how muddled she was.

A man in a white lab coat met up with her at the hangar.

“Samus? Right this way. Follow my path and do not stray, please. Margaret is waiting for you.”

SR29008 followed right behind her. Samus wasn’t paying attention to anything else around them. Normally, she would be keen to take in details of wherever she was. She blanked out following the nondescript scientist. They went up an elevator and down a few more whitewashed hallways to a small office overlooking space.

Margaret Steiner turned around and greeted Samus. The scientist left.

“I hope the journey wasn’t too long?” Margaret asked.

“Not at all.”

Margaret glanced at SR29008, then back at Samus. “You didn’t detain it?”

“No need. It showed no resistance, so I didn’t have a need to. All in all, the easiest job I took.”

“Very well. Let me get your funds ready. You can sit while you wait.”

Samus sat. She kept stealing glances at SR29008 every so often. Margaret’s computer beeped as she began the transaction.

A large ball of gas had been forming in Samus’s stomach. She had been holding it in ever since the scientist showed her the way to Margaret’s office. Her stomach grumbled and she placed a hand over it, as if to mask the sound. Margaret glanced up from her computer momentarily.

The gas was quickly becoming difficult to hold in, like a dam needing to burst from a flood.

Shit,she thought. This is gonna be unprofessional. Oh well.

Margaret was about to speak when Samus’s fart rudely interrupted her.

The fart vibrated loudly against her cushioned seat. It dragged on and on, with Margaret staring at her blankly with an open mouth.


The reeking scent of methane started to fill her suit, but the filtration system quickly vented it.

SR29008 immediately perked up and moved towards her, its cock unsheathed itself from its foreskin.

Samus looked to Margaret. “Sorry.”

Margaret pursed her lips before saying, “The transaction is finished.” She pressed a button and the scientist from before entered. He held a lasso and a shock stick this time. He looped the lasso over SR29008’s head and dragged it out the door. Of course, SR29008 was more interested in Samus, having witnessed her rip another fart. The scientist gave it a couple shocks to get it to obey.

Samus gripped the edges of her seat watching this. She got up to do something about it, but Margaret said, “Miss Aran, if you have a moment? I’d like to show you something.”

Samus had felt a swell of rage fill up inside of her. It quickly dissipated. Margaret was a stoic and unbothered woman.  She led the way down the hall but took a different turn from the elevator.

“We are a privately owned business by very rich woman who wishes to keep herself anonymous. She stumbled upon her discovery purely by accident.”

Samus watched as they passed by a lab. Several naked women of all shapes and sizes, of all races and species, were being examined. They looked dazed, and a few farted extremely loud and long. The scientists observing them not only wore the usual protective lab equipment, but they also wore gas masks.

“In a crosslinking experiment between a metroid and a curious larva from another world, she created something new. The original goal was to discover new genes that could benefit us. Instead, it led to something vastly different.”

They went down an elevator, this one led to the lowest floor.

“The metroid is oddly attracted to flatulence, as you know. This comes from the unknown larva species we crosslinked it with. The metroid, as a parasitic organism, must have a host to attach itself to. Typically, metroids do this violently. Taking the life of another to survive. But this metroid did something different. It turned that parasitic behavior into sexual behavior.”

The hallways down there were also white, but something felt foreboding about it. Samus could hear echoes coming from around the corner. Human echoes.

“It only thinks about one thing – propagating the species. Arguably, most living creatures do this, but our new species here does it so effectively unlike any other. The reproductive organ is quite possibly the ‘perfect fit’.”

Samus turned to her. “What do you mean by that?”

Margaret smiled thinly. “I think you know what I mean. You’ve had sex with SR29008, haven’t you?”

Samus gave a flustered response. “Uh. Well. Yes.”

“The side effects are extreme flatulence. That’s what gave it away. That and the attention you were giving it. The semen isn’t compatible with human bodies, but the effects are still there. You won’t be giving birth to any hybrid monstrosities. Nobody will. But we realized something we could make out of this. A business you could say. We breed them offsite and bring them here to offer their services.”

“What services?” Samus asked.

They turned the corner and went down to a set of big gray double-doors. The echoing emanated from behind those doors.

Margaret continued. “The penis of SR29008 and its brethren can morph and shape to fit its partner. Perfectly. It uses its tentacles to detect the wants and needs of its partner through some method we still don’t understand. We think it might be psychic on some level.”

She placed her hand on a fingerprint scanner. The double-doors unlocked and the sounds of women moaning filled Samus’s ears. It was all around her, like a constant droning background noise.

The room stretched out before them with a number of stations on either side. At each station, a woman was being penetrated by a metroid-larva hybrid. Ergonomic beds had been made for them to lay on and have sex. Scientists walked by making notes, observing each couple. One female scientist was slowly touching herself. When she spotted Margaret, she jumped and stopped, looking back at her clipboard.

What Samus saw felt both arousing and terrifying. She wanted to be a part of the orgy. Every woman screeched and squealed. Each creature seemed to move at various paces depending on what the woman wanted. Some kept thrusting violently, others slowed down, and everything else in between. Accompanying all the scandalous screams were farts. If someone wasn’t moaning, they were ripping ass, often times right in the faces of the metroid hybrids.

It was so loud in there that was difficult to hear Margaret.

“It started when a few co-workers with failed relationships tried it out. They’re still here. They haven’t left since their first intercourse.”

She nodded towards a specific couple. A woman with brown hair looked the most disheveled of all. Samus had seen drug addicts before. Typical signs that gave it away were missing teeth and a thin, wiry frame. But she had never thought what a sex addict looked like. There was something more intangible that might give it away. Samus saw it in the woman’s eyes, the way she failed to notice anything else around her except what she was feeling, this hungry dark look in her eyes.

Samus then snapped out of it.

This was dangerous.

She nearly slipped into something she might have never come back from. She always prided on her independence, her way of life. When she had sex with SR29008, she had started to feel a need to satisfy something that might never go away.

“You’re realizing it, aren’t you?” Margaret said.

Samus looked at her.

Margaret was frowning. “You should quit while you’re ahead. You are the galaxy’s most legendary bounty hunter. Once you become one of them, you will never come back. Nobody has. That’s another thing we don’t understand. Whether it’s something the hybrid emits that creates an insatiable lust for it…or simple psychology, we don’t know.”

Margaret stared blankly at the brown-haired woman. “All we know is that there are people out there who have nothing else to live for except pleasure. I don’t think you are one of those people, are you?”

Samus didn’t answer. The fact that she hesitated worried her. It sounded like a rhetorical question anyway. But still.

Margaret sighed. She said very bluntly, “That woman has been fucking the same hybrid for over two years. We have had to feed her ourselves. She has lost interest in everything else.”

Samus gazed into the eyes of the woman as she moaned and moaned. It was like gazing into an abyss.

“Come on.” Margaret motioned towards the way they came.

Samus glanced back at the orgy before the double-doors shut them out, making them muffled echoes again.

The same scientist was out there waiting.

“He’ll escort you back to your ship.” Margaret smiled and offered a handshake. “And I highly suggest not turning back.”

Samus left without a further word. She felt shaken, really, but she didn’t want anyone to know. Margaret probably did already though. The scientist bade her goodbye as she ascended the ramp to her ship.

She turned around to look at him. For the first time she noticed his features. It was like SR29008 had put a spell on her before, and she was now able to undo it before she got caught in it. The scientist was tall, lean, and handsome, with tan skin and a narrow face with spectacles. A slew of lewd thoughts clouded her mind. She shook them off and closed the ramp, nodding the scientist goodbye.

“I need to take on a Federation job,” she murmured to herself.


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