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“Where are we going?” Kokonotsu asked.

Hotaru didn’t respond. She kept driving. For someone with such a loud personality, her gray sedan was rather subdued. Kokonotsu looked around the seats. It was bare and still had that “new car smell”.

“Funny seeing you drive,” he said. “We were just barely the driving age last time we saw each other.”

They had been driving for some time now, around twenty minutes. Hotaru drove down rural roads, away from most neighborhoods. Soon they were in the middle of nowhere, trees and fields all around them. Something about the road struck Kokonotsu as being familiar.

“Hmmmm. Is it here?” Hotaru murmured to herself, craning her neck to see.

Dusk was approaching. The last rays of the sun stretched out across the road. Finally, the line of trees broke, and the ocean was in full view on their right.

“Oh!” Kokonotsu said, suddenly remembering.

And he blushed.

Years ago, the two of them hurried to a fireworks festival on bike. They didn’t make it in time. Hotaru had wanted to stop at a bench to take a break. There, that was the closest Kokonotsu had ever felt to her, practically spilling his deepest desires at the tip of his tongue.

Hotaru screeched to a halt right in front of the bench.

“Found it!” she said, beaming.

They got out, stretched, and walked to the edge of the guardrail. Everything felt as though it was the same night all those years ago. The same trees, the same bench, the same view.

“It’s like time never passed,” Hotaru said.


The water was calm. The wind gave a gentle breeze. A wave of nostalgia hit Kokonotsu. He remembered that night like it was yesterday. Hotaru needed to leave town abruptly. He missed her so much in the days that followed. She was the sun and without her life seemed…dull.

“You know,” he said with a wry smile, “you said you have a terrible memory. I’m surprised you remembered this spot.”

“Oh, I would never forget that night,” she said casually.

They both sat down, giving each other a generous space between them.

Why had she brought him there? He gulped remembering the intimate moment they had. Well, it might have been more intimate in his mind than hers. She was always seemingly oblivious about how she came off as sexual.

Maybe this was the perfect time to take it out…He had been considering it ever since she popped into his office window a couple days ago.

“Hey, Hotaru?”

She turned to him, snapping back from gazing out at sea. “Hm?”

He pulled out the homerun bar winning stick.

“Remember this?”

Hotaru’s eyes lit up. She laughed. “Oh my God, yes! I asked you to hold onto that for me!”

“Yup. I kept it with me this whole time.”

She sat closer to him to see it for herself. He shivered at how close she was now. He could smell her lavender perfume up close. She was touched by the gesture, holding the stick in her hands like it was a long-forgotten treasure. The words were a bit faded by now, but they were still legible.

“Heh…” she said.

They looked out at the sea.

“Thank you, Coconuts,” she said. “It means a lot when people remember stuff like this.”

With a shaky smile, he said, “You’re welcome.”

“Do you write about me?” she said, her voice so soft it was almost inaudible.

Kokonotsu’s heart leaped. That had come out of left field. She asked it so casually, not even looking at him. After a prolonged silence, he replied with a simple “Yeah.”

“I see,” she said, looking down at her feet. “Your manga. It’s very…”

Kokonotsu sighed. It was time to fess up. He was so over being nervous about it that at that point he was fine with just blurting it out loud. “I know. It’s…it’s weird. It’s weird and it’s…I’m sorry. I drew you without your permission. I should have told you.”

Hotaru sat closer, so close in fact that their head were practically touching.

“I like weird,” she said. “I can do weird.”

Kokonotsu gulped.

Oh man. Is this really happening? Is it? This isn’t a joke this time, right? This isn’t a misunderstanding? A dream?

She looked up into his eyes. They had that sparkle in them again. “I’ve never been anyone’s muse before.”

Kokonotsu shivered. He had so many things to say that were held back. He nearly swallowed them whole again, but at the last minute he burst.

“Hotaru, you are my muse. Ever since I first saw you. I knew exactly what was missing in my life. It’s like I never realized what I was dreaming about until I met you. You’re not just…a gorgeous girl but you mean so much to--”

Hotaru didn’t bother to hear the rest, because she went for the kiss. His senses lit up. She tasted like strawberries. He was so overcome with emotion at first that he just stood there rigidly, but then he eased into making out with her, holding her and caressing her.

Their breaths deepened as they kissed stronger.

A car horn blared.

They both jumped and broke off the kiss.

Another car had passed by them. The driver was pissed off at Hotaru’s car nearly blocking the road. They quickly became a dot on the horizon.

The two of them breathed heavily, thinking about what they just did.

“Come on,” Hotaru said, taking him by the wrist back to the car.

Kokonotsu wasn’t sure where she was taking him, but the two of them seemed filled with hormones and adrenaline. Nervous and excited all at the same time. She backed up and took another road that led to a park. At this hour in the evening, there was nobody around. She swerved into a gravelly parking lot and parked in the far corner, the only car in the lot.

Once she cut the engine, they turned to each other and kissed again.

“Backseat,” she breathed.

They got out and clumsily fell into the backseat of her car. Hotaru began undressing his shirt and pants. He fumbled with her blouse. At the same time, he didn’t want to undress her right away because he always loved this outfit on her, so instead he slowed down to caress her amazing bosom and feel her stockings. She smirked when he did so and slowed down too.

She reached down through his unbuttoned pants and started stroking him. Kokonotsu gasped a little.

Hotaru then leaned back against the door. She spread open her legs, revealing that she hadn’t been wearing any panties underneath her stockings. Kokonotsu was ready to go down on her. He never did such a thing before, but of course he knew about it and had a general sense of what to do. As he bent down to her crotch and began pulling down her stockings, she suddenly held him by the back of his head and pushed it towards her crotch.

She then let fly a terrific fart. Kokonotsu caught wind of it right in his face. The smell was grotesque, telling him that she might need to shit soon. The sound was deep as usual, and she moaned both from how relieving it was and because he started eating her out. She then widened her eyes realizing she had farted. She was so into their sexual intimacy that she hadn’t fully realized until after the moment.

“I—I’m sorry,” she said, between gasps. “Bad timing.”

“Don’t be,” he said, unafraid of revealing his fetish. “Just let it out. Please. I like it.”

“You…you do?”



Hotaru ripped another loud fart, much longer this time. It sounded gloriously wet, vibrating against her asscheeks.


Kokonotsu really made her squeal now. She then pulled his head aside and gasped, “I want you right now.”

She pounced him and took off her blouse. Her naked breasts were everything he imagined and more. They were plump and heavy.

“H-holy shit, Hotaru!” he exclaimed.

It was like his entire pent-up, frustrated adolescence finally broke free. He groped them and all felt right with the world. He was so happy to be alive to experience this. He further groped the rest of her body, especially her delicious round rump.

At last, he entered her, and the two of the moaned out loud, their shouts bouncing off the car windows.

This is amazing! I’m actually doing it with Hotaru Shidare!

Kokonotsu was so happy he could have cried. From then on, he wanted nothing more but to have her and keep her in his life. No more staying where life felt comfortable. He had to take the chance, the big step. If that meant being with her in the city then so be it.


Kokonotsu woke up first. He wasn’t sure what time it was, but it was dark out. Being inside a car naked underneath a blanket in a public park was most definitely a bad idea. They should leave before a patrol car came doing rounds. But he was still riding out how pleased he felt, and was too lazy to get up to do anything about it.

Hotaru was still asleep on top of him. He looked down at her and smiled.

I still can’t believe this is real. We actually did it. Oh wow.

He stared up with the dumbest, widest grin on his face. For the first time in his life, he felt like he was going somewhere. Things had felt so stagnant. Now the ball was rolling.

A few minutes later she stirred. She yawned and looked at him. “What time is it?”

“I don’t know. I’m too lazy to check.”

She caressed his chest with a finger. “So,” she began, “when did that start?”

“What start?”

“Come now, Coconuts. Me farting?”

“Oh man…”

“What? It’s interesting. It’s not like your average person. Interesting is nice.” She then smirked. “You must have been so crazy when I ate those gummies.” She inched her finger over to his face. In a low, sweet and sultry voice, she said, “Maybe I can eat a whole ‘nother bag for you.”

He chuckled nervously.

They eventually got up, put on their clothes, and Kokonotsu drove them back to his place. The roads were quiet and still. They glanced at each other every now and then, blushing and smiling. He was so drunk with love that he nearly took the wrong way home. He had to screech to a halt and make a quick turnaround. They both laughed about it. He rested his hand on the gear shift and Hotaru placed her hand on top.

When they arrived, they loitered around the front of the house for a few minutes. They kissed some more but stopped before they could get rowdy again.

“Will you come work for me now?” she asked.

Kokonotsu breathed in deeply. He looked out at the river and the trees.

“Yeah,” he said. “I think I will.”


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