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Penelope burst through the door. She gasped, nearly screamed really, upon seeing Agnes lying belly-down on the bed with her head hanging over the edge of the bed. She looked dead at first, and Penelope clutched her heart fearing this. But then Agnes looked up at Penelope, revealing a haggard and worn face with her makeup all untidy.

“P-Princess! Are you unwell? What happened? You look AWFUL!”

Agnes tried to say something, but instead rolled over to reveal a massive, bloated stomach. Penelope was confused at first and thought Agnes was somehow pregnant and going into labor, that was how distraught Agnes seemed. Then Penelope flushed at the sight of how distended her royal highness’s belly was. It was so big that her loose night gown was tight around her waist. She had never seen Agnes in such a compromising position before, lying on her back like a helpless turtle. Seeing her like this belly-up was very….no! Penelope had to shut out those thoughts before they got a hold of her. Agnes was in pain, and she had to do something about it.

She sat next to Agnes but was not sure what to do. “Milady! I see…you are quite unwell. Um. Er.”

Penelope was still flushed. Her heart was racing as she watched Agnes unable to speak coherently, holding her belly and wincing and moaning from the loud pangs. Her stomach grumbled endlessly. Low rumbles, loud roars, long moans.

“D-did any of the food disagree with you?”

Agnes shook her head. She was trying to say something. The pain kept preventing her from doing so. Penelope had an idea. She often knew of certain massages that helped ease the burden of gas in one’s stomach. It often worked on herself. Penelope reached out with a shaky hand and placed it on Agnes’s stomach. She of course held her hand on top of her dress and not underneath on her naked belly. But Penelope was still very jittery about it.

“I-I-I have an idea. If it is alright with you, milady?”

Agnes nodded.

Penelope began rubbing Agnes’s belly in a rhythmic fashion. She was shocked and aroused by how taut the belly was. She felt something shift and heard the gas gurgle violently. She did her best to move it around. It was possible that all of it was stuck.

Agnes looked up at her. Penelope squeaked and instantly looked away whilst continuing to rub her belly.

“Th-thank you,” Agnes finally said. “I need you to…do something for me.”

Penelope’s heart fluttered and then raced. This was the first time the princess ever directly asked for her help. She wanted to lean forward and tell her that she would do anything, anything at all. She resisted her lewd imagination, where she got on top of her and---


Agnes reached out with her right forefinger.

“Pull my finger.”

There was an awkward silence as Penelope reeled back and stared at Agnes. She honestly did not know what to think about this. This whole situation was all so catered to her own secret and deep desires that she wondered if she were dreaming. Penelope had been personally serving Agnes for some five years. Never in that time had she heard Agnes break wind or belch or joke about bodily functions in any way. The mere thought always disgusted Agnes. Everyone knew that. So why now? The pulling of one’s finger was a game associated with commoners. Why would Agnes suddenly divulge in something like that when she could hardly stand the sight of a beggar?

This must be a dream. It had to be. There was no other explanation. Either way, Penelope was secretly grateful for this moment. Maybe the spirits finally took pity on her simple little life and gave her what she wanted.

Agnes then pleaded, “Please. You must. You MUST pull my finger.”

Penelope narrowed her eyes as she stared. “M-Must?”

The pain was starting to overcome Agnes again. She found it harder to talk again. “Pen…there is no time…I am…cursed”

A very loud, and frankly concerning gurgle made Penelope jump. Agnes yelped once more in pain.

“Please, Penelope!”

Penelope pulled her finger.

Agnes widened her eyes to the fullest. At first, Penelope thought something terrible had happened, but she later realized that Agnes was fully realizing just how much gas was about to come out.

Nothing happened for a single, long second, and then:


The two girls stared at the wall on either side after the fart ended, both embarrassed for two entirely different reasons. Penelope did not know what to say, and kept stealing a glance at Agnes, who was still wide-eyed.

Penelope finally cleared her throat. She was about to speak when Agnes broke wind again. The sounds that came out of her sphincter were nothing short of amazing. An impossibly long fart sputtered out of here like a mischievous boy blowing a raspberry on his arm. This time, the fart was accompanied by Agnes’s satisfied moaning. This shook Penelope to the core. She faced away from Agnes and crept her fingers closer to her inner thighs…

The sweet sounds of wind-breaking ended with another sputter. Agnes moaned a little and moved around. She huffed and sighed and groaned. Penelope thought about saying something when again – amazingly – Agnes broke wind a third time, equally as long and obscenely loud.

This third bout sounded like it was the end this time. The fart started to lose momentum early on, and then the rest became a long hiss that finally whined out.

The smell became overpowering. It reeked of an old, musky smell that reminded Penelope of old people. The gas must have been lingering in that poor princess’s stomach for a long time for it to smell so bad. She had to take out her handkerchief and cover her nose and mouth.

“Ohhhh, Pen…” Agnes said.

Penelope opened the window. The bedroom quickly became less stuffy.

Agnes’s stomach reverted to a normal state. Penelope could not believe it. Agnes sat up and rubbed her stomach. She sighed heavily, and the satisfaction on her face pleased Penelope.

“A-are you feeling better, milady?” Penelope said, eyes averting the princess.

“Penelope?” Agnes said. She seemed to be thinking about how to say something. Penelope breathed heavily, wondering what in the realm had just happened and why. She was desperate to know, as it aroused her deeply.

“Y-yes, milady?”

“I trust you with all my secrets. I trust that you will not tell a soul of what you have just seen and heard.”

Penelope bowed. “Yes, milady!”


Penelope desperately wanted to ask and know – but knew it was not in her place. She had to respect her princess’s privacy. She would go to the ends of the earth with her secrets and never tell a soul even in the face of death. That was how much Penelope loved Agnes.

Agnes stood up, gracefully swished her hair, and said, “Now, time to catch up on the day.”


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