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Emilia’s fart was so monstrous that she still felt embarrassed about it the next couple days. Even though Melissa had long-since forgotten about it and never alluded to it, Emilia kept thinking about it. She felt vulnerable. Not even Zack heard a fart like that come out of her, or any of her high school friends for that matter. She shied away from Melissa after dinner and hid in the bathroom more frequently to make sure she got everything out.

It wasn’t until Melissa herself farted out loud that Emilia started to finally feel comfortable around her.

They were doing homework (or rather, trying to) in their dorm. Instead of using their desks, they were more comfortable sitting on their beds doing their work. The desks in the dorms were rather small and uncomfortable. Melissa was sitting cross-legged on her bed and then casually leaned to the side to let out a loud PRRRRT. She sighed and lowered herself.

Emilia looked up when it happened and stared at her. Melissa hadn’t said anything at all about it, just like her burps.

The cafeteria food was once again not agreeing with Emilia. It bummed her out because tonight’s main course was actually delicious and appealing. They had fried chicken, but it was so greasy that it didn’t sit well with her about an hour later.

I guess I’ll just let it out here? she thought.

She slowly lifted her leg, but then her heart raced as she reconsidered it.

No. I should do it in the bathroom.

It would be nice though to be able to let it out in the comfort of her own dorm. Emilia always had to hide it form people. She imagined never having to hide ever again, but then what if the smell happened to be really bad this time?

Her stomach swelled. She had to decide fast.

Too late. The gas was so big that if she jumped down from her bed it would definitely come out.

Emilia spread her legs casually and let it out.


“Augh!” she cried out. It felt like taking a massive dump that had been stuck, except it was all gas.

“Oh my GOD!” Melissa said, mouth agape. “That sounded like a zipper.”

Emilia blushed, but she braved through the embarrassment.

As if in response, Melissa farted again, a little longer but still loud.

“Jesus Christ,” she said, rubbing her belly, “that food was so greasy. I think it got the both of us.”

Emilia had yet another one coming. She laid down this time rubbing her belly and lifted her leg high. This fart was much more violent and explosive, a single long moan that sounded inhuman.


The two of them burst out laughing, since it sounded like a duck near the end. Emilia’s face was so red but this time from all the laughing, not embarrassment. She laughed until her stomach hurt, and that was when she accidentally let out a few more bassy farts.




That created so much more laughter that they could hardly breathe.

“Ohhhhh man,” Emilia said finally. “That was so funny.”

“Girl, you fart SO loud. I’ve never met anyone who farted that loud! Man. That has to be like a world record or something.”

Melissa’s comment felt different from what Emilia was used to. It was a compliment. Melissa was genuinely impressed and amused by Emilia’s gas, and it was a new and strange feeling. Nobody had ever reacted to her farts positively.

“Well, you really burp loud,” Emilia said, “so I fart really loud.”

“You’re the bass and I’m the treble.”

They giggled some more over it and went back to their work. Emilia stared for a while at Melissa. She never ever told anyone this, not even Zack, but she thought she might be bi. There were certain girls she admired and had intrusive thoughts about. She was always on the fence about it. She no doubt could see herself being with a guy and marrying a guy. But then certain women kept popping into her head. Alessa was like that. Alessa was so fashionable and flaunted everything that Emilia found herself blushing. Melissa was becoming one of those people. Her curly hair was divine, and she had the biggest ass Emilia ever saw. Melissa’s ass was kind of like an elephant in the room among the people in their dorm hall. But outside when Emilia sometimes walked to the cafeteria with Melissa, jocks would catcall her or whistle at her. Melissa would often yell back at them things like “Yeah, keep moving!” or “Fuck off!”. Others would just stop walking, gawk, and not say anything. They were too dumbstruck by Melissa’s jiggling cheeks.

But something more intangible attracted Emilia to Melissa. It wasn’t just her looks but the way she strutted her looks with confidence, and then shut down any guy who tried to call out to her without her permission.

Emilia blushed and continued to work, or rather tried to continue working.


Before Emilia left for rugby tryouts, she had felt so disappointed about her body in sweat shorts that she spent about a half hour in a bathroom crying. Workout clothes always made her feel like a whale. Her thighs looked ridiculous, and she felt ridiculous for wanting to go out there and join a sports team.

When she got over herself, and wiped the tears from her eyes, she stepped out into the hall and nearly bumped into Melissa.

“Oh hey. You heading out?” Melissa asked.

Emilia avoided eye contact, hoping Melissa wouldn’t notice that she had been crying. “Yeah.”

“Alright, good luck.”

Melissa was heading back to their dorm. Emilia hesitated before leaving the other way. “H-hey, do you want to come to tryouts?”

Melissa raised a brow. She seemed flabbergasted. “ME? Rugby? Naaaah. I’m a soccer girl. You know that. Plus, I’m so small I’d be fucking crushed in rugby.”

Emilia shuddered. She was really nervous going there alone. She had to suck it up and go for it. What’s the worst that could happen? It’s not like they would arrest her or shoot her for failing. Well, there was the sheer lack of confidence that gripped her, and that always made her turn awkward, and when she was awkward she failed at doing the simplest of tasks.

“R-right, okay.”

Melissa seemed to notice that she was nervous. She stepped forward and put a comforting hand on her arm. “Hey, you’ll do fine. You got them thunder thighs. You can take on anyone!”

“Thunder thighs”? That was a new one. Emilia wasn’t sure whether she liked it or not but it sounded okay coming from Melissa.

Emilia took a deep breath and headed out the back exit.


The football field lay close to the main entrance of campus, across a long stretch of parking lots and beyond the school buildings. Emilia’s heart raced as she approached the field, squinting in the sun, and saw a bunch of girls passing a rugby ball. A large and sturdy older woman with sunglasses and a grim demeanor watched them. She had short blond hair and looked like she could kill you just by looking at you, so that was probably why she wore sunglasses. When she noticed Emilia, she barked, “You here for tryouts?”




She checked her list. “What’s your name?”

“Emilia Bankowski.”

“Got it. Wait over there until I call you over.”

Emilia saw the full extent of the tryouts and got so nervous that her stomach went into knots. There were dozens and dozens of other girls around. Older members of the team were assessing the agility, strength, and coordination of the freshmen. They tested their passing, their sprinting, and their balance.

Something felt familiar about all the girls, and it occurred to Emilia that they all had similar body shapes and sizes as her. They were all relatively taller and larger than most girls. Some were thick with fat while others were more muscular. Nobody looked like they were worried about how they looked, as sweat dripped down their faces. Everyone held their hair up in ponytails and wiped the sweat off their faces using their t-shirts.

Emilia then squinted at one of the freshmen.

“Rita?” she blurted.

Rita turned around and waved innocently. “Oh, hi.” She alone, and was wearing a much tighter pair of workout shorts that Emilia never thought she’d wear, and an awkward tie-dyed t-shirt that read “SCIENCE ROCKS”.

“I didn’t know you were going to be here.”

Rita shrugged. “I thought I would give this sports thing a try.” She pushed her glasses up. “Rugby is becoming really popular, especially with the girls here.”

Emilia was impressed. If Rita had never done a sport before and was this relaxed about it, she could be too. It was comforting to see someone more well-put together than you.

“Better stretch while we wait then,” Emilia said, getting down on the floor and stretching out her legs.

“Oh?” Rita said, watching her. “Uhhh. Yeah. I guess.”

Rita awkwardly got down and started to stretch. It became apparent to Emilia that Rita had never stretched for sports before, if at all. She was flailing her arms and legs at random intervals, then flat-out laid down on her back and stretched like a starfish.

Emilia burst out laughing. “Here, let me show you.”

She showed Rita how to stretch her quads by crossing a knee over the opposite leg on the ground and reaching out with her opposite arm. This position really showed one’s butt, and Rita chuckled saying, “People are gonna see how fat my ass is.”

“Hold the stretch for at least thirty seconds,” Emilia said.

Ten seconds in, Rita ripped a fart.


It changed pitch and tone like a cartoonish sound effect, ending in a loud chime.

Rita immediately laughed. “Now people are gonna know I just came back from lunch.”

Emilia felt second-hand embarrassment for her. She looked up but nobody had been paying attention and were out of earshot from where they were.

Rita stood up when Emilia showed her how to bend over and stretch all the way down t o her toes, and then hug her legs. Rita of course had some difficulty but she tried her best. She strained, and Emilia said, “Don’t force it to much. Go as far as you can go and stop there. Each time you do this, your body gets used to it more and more.”

“Oh wow,” Rita said grunting. “I really feel the blood rushing.”

Rita then let off another loud expulsion, her ass wholly bent over. Thankfully nobody was standing behind her.


“Whoops,” Rita said laughing, lifting her head to look at everyone. “That was totally not me.”

Emilia burst into a chuckle. She never thought Rita would be like this with her farts. She had a certain playful response to them.


She jumped at the sound of her name. The coach motioned for her to come by.

“That’s me,” she told Rita.

“Good luck.”

“You too!

Emilia hustled to where the coach stood. Another girl who was probably the team captain waited next to her. She was one of the tallest girls that Emilia ever met, a full two heads above her own, and was strikingly blond. Surprisingly, she was not as wide as the other girls. She wore black aviators that gave off the same vibe as her coach.

“This is Julie. By the way, I’m Nora. Julie is gonna start off by testing your sprinting and you catching. Here’s the ball. Go at it.”

Julie pointed to a section on the field designated with flags and rope. “Come on. Let’s get to it.”

The distance Emilia had to run was marked by a rope. Julie stood several steps away past the other end and was ready to pass her the ball once she ran at the end of the rope, then Emilia had to continue running past her.

Emilia’s nerves wracked as Julie prepared herself.

She thought about looking back to see if Rita was trying out yet, but she fought against it.

Don’t look back. This is about me. Focus.

Julie clicked her stopwatch.



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