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Chapter 8

            In a way, Kayla felt as high as Stephanie. The entire time she cooked the red beans, and then later stuffed them in Stephanie’s mouth with the ladle, was an out-of-body experience. She was absolutely enthralled with sexual tension and joy. She had wanted to do this for her entire fucking frustrating little life.

            Stephanie, the once confident and brash red-head, was now reduced to a whimpering bloated pathetic little bitch. Her jeans were getting tight as Kayla kept stuffing her.

            “Please unbutton them,” Stephanie moaned after swallowing another ladle-full of beans.

            “No. They haven’t popped open. So you’re still good.”

            “But I’m so fucking full. Oh fuck. Oh god. Wait. Kayla. No. Seriously.” Stephanie kept moving her face in protest trying to vainly avoid the ladle from entering her mouth. Kayla let herself be humored before violently shoving it in again. After painfully swallowing, Stephanie looked awful. She started to sweat. “Wait. Kayla. Pease stop. Blue elephant. I’m serious. I’m so fucking serious right now.”

            Kayla didn’t want to give her any pleasure of stopping. She said, “We have the whole pot to go through...bitch. I thought you said you were hungry.”

            “I’m…I’m allergic to beans!”

            “Are ya now?”

            They were so close to finishing the pot. There was no way Kayla would let them end here. She put the ladle aside and brought the pot to Stephanie’s lips. Stephanie shouted, “No! Please!”

            Kayla cackled – she actually fucking cackled like some cartoon villain. She shoved whatever stray beans felt out of the pot into Stephanie’s mouth. Once the torture was finally done – no more beans to eat – Stephanie moaned as if she were dying. She failed to stifle a couple loud belches. Her lips were dirty with bits of beans, along with some sauce at the edges.

            Kayla rubbed Stephanie’s stomach. “Still not big enough to pop the button, eh? Wish I had something else in here…”

            Kayla searched through her backpack wondering if she had anything else. They had also gone through all the Coors and all the brownies. She then felt something in the water bottle pouch that she completely forgot – another can of red beans!

            “Oh, would you look at that? We got some more!”

            Stephanie cried out for her to stop, but Kayla pretended not to hear. The force feeding had knocked the wind out of Stephanie. She couldn’t yell or scream a lot because she looked as though she were having a baby – constantly huffing and groaning and grunting.

            Kayla hummed to herself as she started cooking the last can of beans. She was lost in her own world, driven by an insatiable lust to see Stephanie reach past her limit just like she did with her.

            “Alright! Last batch is done! Let’s see about—”

            Kayla stopped dead in her tracks. It must have been no more than 15 minutes or so, but Stephanie looked enormous – so enormous that she realized that she must have been telling the truth about being allergic to beans…

            “Oh fuck.”

            Stephanie’s jeans had finally popped open. The zipper was all the way down, not able to move a budge under the weight of the giant rotund belly. Kayla never thought such a reaction could be possible in real life – but there it was – a fucking pregnant-sized belly that had grown in a matter of minutes.

            Stephanie still huffed and puffed as if she were in labor. She looked over to her wrists and then to Kayla, as if one last plea to let her go.

            Kayla sat on the bed and very lightly caressed that amazing gut. The skin was very taut, and it sounded different when she lightly patted it – unnaturally firm with so much gas.

            Suddenly, Kayla understood. She said aloud, “You like to do this shit because you’re embarrassed about your allergic reaction, arentcha?”

            Stephanie looked like she was on the verge of tears. She nodded, and then in a soft whisper asked, “Can you please stop the livestream?”

            All of Kayla’s intense need to be dominant stopped right there. She stopped the livestream and then slowly untied Stephanie’s wrists. Stephanie sighed in relief and relaxed in bed. She could hardly move though, unable to even sit up.

            There was an awkward silence as Kayla still held the pot of red beans in her hands. She set it down and then gave Stephanie her full attention, rubbing her belly gently and massaging it how she wanted it.

            “I’ve been…allergic for as long as I could remember,” Stephanie said. She was different now. She was soft-spoken and innocent. Kayla suddenly realized – this was the real Stephanie. “I got sick as a kid because I wasn’t having enough fiber but my parents forced me to and I farted a lot in class. It was really embarrassed. I would swell up like a balloon. Like you see now. My doctor tried to tell my parents but they wouldn’t listen. They thought I was being…stupid or something.”

            Her stomach suddenly made a tremendous growl. She winced in pain and gripped her belly.

            “Do you have like…medicine or something?” Kayla said.

            “No. Not really. It’s not like I’m going to die or anything. I just get…terribly…fucking…swollen. It’s the most un-fucking-comfortable feeling in the world.” She looked up at her belly. It must have been so swollen that from her point of view she probably couldn’t see her toes. She turned to Kayla. “Please, don’t turn the livestream on anymore. You can leave.”

            Kayla thought for a moment. “No. I want to stay.”

            “It’s going to be really fucking gross. Like…REALLY fucking gross. I am going to blast ass like you won’t belief.”

            Kayla blushed fiercely. “I’d like that.”

            “I’m warning you. It’s disgusting.”

            Kayla snickered. She danced her fingertips on Stephanie’s taut belly. She said, “Awww…it’s okay.”

            “Is it?”

            “Yeah. You’re just a little bloated. It’s not a big deal. You just relax and let it aaaallll out. I can help you if you want.”

            “Th-that’d be nice.”

            Kayla ran her fingertips over her belly. She pressed gently, and she swore she could have gotten off by that simple pleasure of feeling her like that. It was such a nice feeling to grope a tight belly, activating some deep-rooted need for sensory overload. Stephanie went “oof” a couple times as her stomach growled in response to Kayla’s touch.

            “Can you turn me over on my left side?” Stephanie asked. “I think it needs to move more.”

            “Aw. Poor little Stephanie too full to move on her own?”

            “Mhm. Please help me. I’m so fucking full.”

            Kayla gently pushed Stephanie on her left side. She laid down next to her and wrapped her arm around her belly, and then held her close, feeling Stephanie’s ass against her crotch. But most of all she enjoyed this feeling because she felt like she was caring for Stephanie in a weird objective way – strictly clinical in nature like a nurse.

            “Oh god,” Stephanie suddenly said. “Here it comes.”

            Stephanie stiffened as she held her breath.

            The fart that erupted from her was unlike anything Kayla had ever heard. One massive long foghorn of a fart exploded out of Stephanie – ridiculous in length and sheer power. Kayla sighed and began touching herself midway through with one hand. With the other hand, she still held onto Stephanie’s belly, and she swore she could feel the gas working its way out as she farted, wavering slightly and getting a tiny bit smaller.

            Kayla wanted to whisper something sweet in Stephanie’s ear, but was interrupted by another equally abrasive and intense fart.


            Stephanie’s loud groans and grunts really signified how it must have felt to let it all out. The hairs on Kayla’s back stood up as she thought about how satisfied Stephanie must have been to literally empty herself out like this.

            “There, there,” Kayla whispered. “It’s all good…just relax and you’ll feel better.”

            Their intimate moment contrasted against the aggression from earlier, and the last time they were here weeks before. Kayla started to put the two things together – the need to be aggressive and demanding, almost abusive, followed up by a sweet ending treating the submissive partner with gentle release. Doing this reassured here that she wasn’t fucked in the head or anything like that – she wanted to experience a burst of wild emotions. Intense sexual tension and aggression followed up by the slow caress of sweetness. Maybe that was the entire experience of the human sex drive. But, for whatever reason, the two of them wanted to express that need in this way instead of actual sex.

            Stephanie tensed up as her stomach grumbled. Kayla knew she was holding back.

            She brushed aside strands of Stephanie’s hair from her ear and whispered, “It’s alright. You just let it out however you want.”

            Stephanie whimpered a little, then relaxed.


            Just like that, she expelled another burst of smelly, gross air.

            Kayla asked, “Are you sure you don’t want the livestream on? Your followers are missing out.”

            Stephanie muttered something.

            Kayla leaned forward more. “What?”

            Stephanie gripped the bedsheets, embarrassed, and said slowly, “I want this…moment…between us…only.”

            “You’re cute when you’re shy.”

            Stephanie turned her head to shoot her a glare. All at once, her usual self emerged as she shot back with, “Shut the fuck up! No, I’m not!”

            She was so riled up she wasn’t prepared for the next bout of stomach grumbling, immediately letting fly a terrific, loud fart that left her groaning helplessly again.

            Kayla breathed heavily. She was absolutely turned on all the way by all of this. She played with getting sexual with Stephanie. She reached down Stephanie’s legs to caress them. As she approached Stephanie’s crotch, she whispered, “Can I?”

            Stephanie nodded. “Yes.”

            She began pleasing Stephanie, and when she was done, Stephanie returned the favor. They were there in the suite together for maybe a total of three hours, until they had spent all their energy and lay there gazing up at the ceiling. Kayla had never before felt so high in the clouds, and without having drank an ounce of alcohol or smoked any weed. She started to feel like this was true happiness.

            “H-hey…” she began, shakily.

            “Yeah?” Stephanie said.

            “Do you wanna make video together?”

            Stephanie didn’t answer for a few seconds. She said, “I’m usually a one-gal gig. You know? I have stuffed people before, obviously. But they were all randos. People who threw themselves at me. But I never had someone do what you did.” She blushed. “It was so…unexpected…and mean…I kinda like it. I kinda want to do it again.”

            “Is it weird to say I’m excited to think about not knowing when you’re gonna screw me over? Like stuff me with food or trick me into eating something that will make me fart?”

            “Nah. I get that. I get that a lot. Secretly. Nobody has ever dared to do anything like you did. And for that…I want to be with you.”
            Kayla beamed with a wide, cheesy grin. “I want to be with you too.”



Thus story was great! Loved how it all turned around on Stephanie and ended on a high note with these two!