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Author's Note: I changed something last minute from the previous chapter - Stephanie DID NOT mention anything about tying Kayla up for the feeding session. All Kayla knows is that Stephanie will cook for her and feed her and give her beer to chug.

            Kayla felt windswept by this whole thing. They hadn’t even started anything yet in the hotel room and she was already flushed and absolutely enthralled. They had made out in the car for a good hour – first it was supposed to only last a couple minutes but they couldn’t help but start touching each other. This was the first time anyone ever touched Kayla. Being able to sit back while someone rubbed her clit to the point of orgasm was an entirely different experience. She was free to writhe and moan and move her hands. She returned the favor for Stephanie, eventually learning how to properly finger someone. Stephanie barked orders at her while she fingered her, but Kayla didn’t feel like she was being talked down to or yelled at. Stephanie was the kind of person you simply obeyed because she was too beautiful.

            Stephanie had purchased a suite for them. They stayed a Homewood Suites by Hilton which told Kayla that Stephanie had a lot of money. The suite had an actual kitchen with an electric stove that Stephanie used to cook the black beans. She cooked them in a large pot.  

            After their intimate session in the car, Kayla wasn’t sure how to approach her. Stephanie clearly saw it as a sexual escapade and nothing more. Kayla thought the same – but there was still something awkward around being around someone moments after just having had orgasmed with them. 

            Still, Stephanie didn’t judge, at least not to her face, and went about the rest of the plan as if nothing had happened. She had thoroughly planned this entire thing out, even discussing a “safe word” or “safe phrase” for Kayla if at any point she would ever become too uncomfortable with the stuffing session. It had to be something specific and random, and the first thing to come to Kayla’s mind was “blue elephant”. She thought about awkward situations and “pink elephants in the room”, leading to simply switching the color to a blue elephant. Stephanie laughed and said it was a cute idea, so they settled on that.

            Stephanie was a really good cook, judging by how delicious the black beans looked and their aromatic garlic and onions smell. The pot boiled with thick rich goodness.

            Next to the bed was a beer bong funnel with tube and a twenty-four pack of Coronas. Kayla had told her which beer to get and Stephanie had obliged without any question. Kayla was at first shocked at the large pack Stephanie pulled out, but Stephanie explained that the reason she bought so much was to have a couple for herself and to have reserves for another time. Kayla grew excited – Stephanie was already thinking ahead about a second go-around with her.

            As Kayla waited, she sat at the edge of the bed and anticipated the coming feeding session with heavy breathing. She had orgasmed not long ago and was already feeling the heat again inside of her. She gripped her thighs and then touched her own breasts, feeling her nipples go hard.

            “Alllll done!” Stephanie said, tapping the stirrer one final time over the edge of the bubbling pot.

            Kayla straightened.

            She held her breath when she saw that Stephanie produced two large bags from the closet. Inside were tripods. She watched as Stephanie set up two professional backlights, one facing either side of the bed at an angle. She drew the curtain and then set up a third tripod for her cellphone.

            “Uhhh,” Kayla said. “Are we recording this?”

            Stephanie looked up from her phone. “Don’t you want something to remember us by?”

            Kayla grinned. “Yeah…of course.”

            Oh man, I get to keep a video of this? Awesome…

            It would be weird watching this later on – Kayla never considered the prospect of getting turned on by watching herself.

            Stephanie set up a foldable table by the bed with the large pot of beans. She was going to use the ladle she used to cook them with to stuff her face. That enticed Kayla – simple and messy, like an animal.

            Once everything was set up, Stephanie asked her if she was ready. She seemed so kind and sweet and gentle when she asked, her voice crisp and clean. Kayla felt her cheeks ready to blush but she fought back. She gulped hard and said, “Yes.”

            Stephanie set her phone to record. She sat in front of Kayla again – and then shoved the ladle full of black beans into her mouth. She did it so forcefully that it took Kayla by surprise. She was already afraid of choking. Stephanie’s face had also changed. The sweetness in her smile immediately went straight. The sudden change came off as jarring to Kayla, hardly having a moment to process it.

            “You like that, huh?” Stephanie scowled. “You like fucking eating, dontcha?”

            With a mouthful of black beans, Kayla nodded.

            “What was that? Fucking speak when I talk to you, bitch.” Stephanie grabbed Kayla by the cheeks and squeezed them. Kayla nearly gagged. “Use your lips, dumb hoe.”

            Kayla swallowed hard. Her stomach was already getting a little full. Stephanie was hardly giving her time to chew, so she was swallowing the black beans in their entirety.

            “I do like to eat. I love fucking eating,” she said.

            “That’s right. You’re a fat bitch. Only I can call you that, alright?”

            Kayla blushed. Stephanie’s way of doing this was rather…intense. While she still processed how she was enjoying this, she couldn’t help but feel intimate at the thought of Stephanie treating her like shit in secret. Something only the two of them do, spatting dirty words at her as she stuffed her face with food.

            Sauce dripped down Kayla’s mouth, messing up her shirt. She didn’t care. She felt free to just let it all be. She could eat and eat and not have to worry about anything. She messily wiped the sauce from her lips with her hand. She patted her belly, starting to feel the waistline get a bit tighter.

            Stephanie pulled out the beer bong. She shoved the tube in Kayla’s mouth and said, “Time to wash it down, bitch.”

            Kayla did a number of beer bongs in college, so she was used to the rush of gut-filling beer. While those instances enticed her, this whole situation was completely different. She was doing this with someone who knew this turned her on. She gulped entire mouthfuls of beer at once as Stephanie poured two 12-ounce bottles down the funnel. Stephanie cocked her head, seemingly impressed by Kayla’s ability to chug. She had finished chugging the two bottles without gagging or coughing. She wiped her chin of any dripping liquid and let out a hefty, messy belch.


            Instead of being impressed or even turned on, Stephanie went, “Hmmm.” Kayla knew that Stephanie wanted to push the limit further, so she took more bottles and viciously poured them down the funnel. Kayla grinned while chugging – knowing full well she was a champ at this, much to Stephanie’s surprise.

            Stephanie tried pushing it even further by giving her a sixth bottle. By then, Kayla was feeling a little loose. She had been drunk before, of course, many times, but never this quickly. She had always paced herself.

            Plus, her shorts were now officially tight. But then, a glorious loud belch erupted from her once she stopped chugging. The relief was instantaneous, giving her much more room in her stomach for more food and drink.

            Stephanie slapped Kayla’s belly, the way any guy who slap his girlfriend’s ass, making her jump.

            “Daaaayum,” Stephanie said. “You’re a fucking tank, arentcha?”

            Kayla nodded, burping some more, though not quite as loud. She was literally deflating with carbonation, feeling the burning air escape through her lips and her nostrils.

            Stephanie poked and prodded Kayla’s belly with her fingers. She tugged at the waistline of her shorts, as if playing around with the thought of unbuttoning them. But she didn’t. She instead said, “How do you feel?”

            “I can have more,” Kayla said.

            “Are you sure about that?”


            “You better be. We got a lot to go through.”

            Kayla stared at the 24-pack of beer and suddenly felt nauseous. But she knew the safe word, and so did Stephanie. Kayla was determined to reach her limit.

            Stephanie continued stuffing her with beans and using the beer bong for about ten more minutes. Kayla was now struggling to sit up straight. She denied being drunk but after two more beers she had to admit that she was, in fact, starting to feel it.

            “You like getting fucked up?” Stephanie said, violently groping her belly.

            Kayla had trouble speaking without burping. “Y—urrrrpp---yeah. Feels---brrrruuuurrrrpp—good.”

            She hiccupped and felt a little grossed out by a little acid vomit burp, but thankfully nothing more came up.

            At long last, the button on her shorts popped. Neither of them had forced it open. Kayla was supremely happy to witness this for once in front of someone – eating past the limits of her waistline. Once her shorts popped open, she sighed and laughed. She supported herself with her hands behind her back on the bed. She was starting to see double and her face felt tingly all over. Her tongue felt loose and in such a compromising state she could say anything embarrassing. She rubbed her belly, admiring what she achieved, and said, “Oh God, I’m so bloated. Look at this.”

            She tried to button up her shorts again for the camera. When she struggled, she giggled and almost fell over the edge of the bed.

            Stephanie looked neutral, neither a smile nor a frown. She poked Kayla’s belly again and said, “You had a lot of black beans. You gonna fart soon?”

            Surprisingly, no, but then again Kayla was getting too drunk to be fully aware of many things. She burped before saying in a low voice, “No…maybe in a little while. That was a lot. It would…take a while to kick in.”

            Kayla turned to the phone camera again and showed off her bloated gut, rubbing it and burping and hiccupping. She never before considered the joys of exhibiting herself like this. Even though she was fully clothed, she still felt naked, naked in the sense of displaying her fetish so freely like this. She loved being fat and gassy.

            Kayla started to feel something tight around her ankles. She looked down and took almost a whole minute to process the fact that Stephanie was tying her ankles together with a soft white rope.

            “Ooooo,” Kayla said stupidly. “Kinky.”

            Stephanie said nothing. She tied up Kaya’s ankles together with such deftness that Kayla knew she had to have done this before.

            Once her ankles were tightly bound, Kayla stupidly giggled as Stephanie pulled her by the wrists up to the head of the bed.

 “Is this something you’re into?” Kayla said, “You didn’t mention bondage…”

            Stephanie took another rope and tied Kayla’s right wrist to a bedpost, and then did the same with her left wrist. Kayla was now tied up to the bed by both wrists and couldn’t move her legs, as they were tied together by the ankles. She found herself blushing from being in such a compromising position. She could no longer rub her belly and was forced to look down on it and leave it out in the open with her shorts unbuttoned and unzipped.

            Kayla widened her eyes as Stephanie shoved another ladle-full of black beans into her mouth. It may have been the drunken stupor but Kayla thought Stephanie was shoving the food down her mouth with more intensity then ever before, almost violent and abusive. The ladle practically smacked her face, and Stephanie hardly gave her a second to chew or swallow. Black beans were falling down her shirt. Stephanie saw it and said, “Fuck.” She picked up each piece and shoved them in Kayla’s mouth with her fingers.

            Kayla had never eaten this much before. Her stomach was at its limit. She could now feel gas starting to work its way through her intestines, making her feel even more uncomfortable.

            “Augggghhhhh,” she moaned, hanging her head low. She burped loudly several times, once by force in hopes of making room, but none of it granted any relief.

            “H-hey, Stephanie? Blue elephant. Blue elephant.”

            Stephanie shoved another ladle full of black beans into her mouth. She must not have heard her. So, after painfully swallowing another mouthful of black beans, Kayla half-shouted, “Blue elephant! Blue elephant!”

            Stephanie did not hesitant, not even glanced at Kayla, and continued digging into the pot for more black beans.

            Kayla writhed, starting to refuse eating for the first time since they started. Her instinct was to bring her hands to her mouth but, alas, they were tightly tied to the bedposts. Stephanie continued to stuff her face, completely unfazed by Kayla’s distress.

            “Ugggghhh, Stephanie?” In one more final plea, Kayla shouted, “BLUE ELEPHANT!”

            Stephanie finally stopped. Her blank stare frightened Kayla – almost unfeeling. Then her lips curved into the most devilish smile Kayla had ever seen. Stephanie bent down face-to-face with Kayla, and sneered, “I don’t give a fuck.”



Oooo this next part is gonna be absolutely amazing!