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Big announcement:

I decided on another story to be my online publishing debut. And I already finished the latest draft and will have it looked over. I am also working with a notable artist in the fetish community to draw the official artwork for it.

The Guidance Counselor is on hiatus for the time being. To be honest, I ended up not being satisfied with the new direction and thought of another idea. But instead of going backwards, I focused on a previous story I wrote on here that I revised and greatly expanded. It was much more straightforward and I knew exactly where I wanted to go with it.

The story in question is none other than The Finger Curse. I will not be posting the full revised version here. As it gets closer and closer to the final product (shooting for beginning of July), I will post some previews of it.

SO, that being said, in the meantime, I will be focusing a lot more on commissions!

I will be finishing up the last commission that was requested, but I will start getting requests in for June in the next post!




Oooog very nice! Can't wait to see what you make next!