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0:00 - Avatar: The Last Airbender
4:04 - Cobra Kai
7:31 - Harley Quinn
13:09 - The Boondocks
17:40 - Succession
29:13 - The Office
32:54 - Bleach
39:04 - Gurren Lagann
42:40 - Buffy/Angel
52:50 - Young Justice
1:00:04 - Rebels
1:02:45 - It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia


SDR 02252024



navi almost spoiling succession on rana lol


There are people who were never gonna like the avatar live action and people who were never gonna dislike seeing their favorite cartoon put on a tv show, Its the most 6/10 show ive ever watched, They butchered my favorite character (sokka) making him boring, A lot of young men who grew up with avatar never went through a sexist phase that alot of young men do now because of people online like andrew tate, We didnt go through that because we had people like sokka who was sexist and then avatar proved by he was stupid for thinking like that. I personally think thats unforgivable to change. Like for navi, it would be like if the one piece live action made sanji hit a woman...... thats literally not his character

Josef Beck

The sexism of sokka is still there though, but more realistic. Nobody really makes the fix my clothes argument today other then in jest. When he's bested by Suki and he runs away - that is misogyny. As Sokka casually states Katara shouldn't be out on hunts and be back at camp - that is misogyny. Just softer and probably something that a lot more women viewers experience day to day.


Yeah but they arent in a realistic world are they? Hes in a village that had sent away all its men to fight in the war with him being the only teen man left. the fix my clothes argument is exactly what youd get when that happens


Mickey can catch up to Angel, there's no excuse Chris!!! (jk)

Rebecca Karsner

I'd say trust your own judgement regarding the nerds on Buffy. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

ray s

I think with the trio, it's the question of, how long do they just remain annoying pests before they cross the line and cause real damage ? And that question will be answered......watch this space.

rickie woodson

Doom Patrol definitely needs to be on the dc watchlist whenever young justice ends

David NJ

In Harley Quinn, I think that Bane was done as a parody of Tom Hardy’s Bane from the Nolan trilogy.


reaction to "The ones who live"

Chaos T

People are turning a molehill into a mountain on this topic. The live action didn't ruin anything about Sokka and his sexism lasted only a couple of episodes in the original series until it was cured (not realistic for TV even by past standards.). In this universe, it's established women are warriors and specifically the wise village elder in his village is a woman so the "get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich" mentality looks a bit weird. The misogyny would be a bit more subtle. People should stop being outraged over the things internet grifters are telling people to be outraged over.

Stanley Etienne

Goodfellas is one of the most acclaimed films in cinema history on the level of Godfather and Pulp Fiction. A cult classic film only refers to movies with a small but dedicated following. For example the movie Napoleon Dynamite is a cult classic.


Just finished the first episode of the ones who live and you got to do this show it was awesome some surprise cast and great great everything I think you guys will enjoy it and get great reactions plus it is trending #1 so you’ll get the views also it’s Rick mother fucking Grimes what else do you need ps hope you had a good trip suraj and now till you guys do it I’m giving you the #theoneswholive #sundayrundown

Anthony Day

Suraj and Rana, definitely consider reacting (or at least watching!) THE ONES WHO LIVE. I want yall to go in with your own expectations, but I do think it is worth a watch for long running walking dead fans such as me and you guys :) And don't forget, we're the ones who LIVEEE 😎


Also be careful there’s been a lot of leaks of #theoneswholive I almost got spoiled but managed to click of fast

Ab$tract A$p

Navi drip is on another level 🔥l

jose negron

Just wait.....by the end of the season you'll sympathize more with Kreese to an extent.


Thats not a honest take on what happened with sokka like at all...... Gran gran wasnt as much of a wise elder type in the cartoon , Sokka was the only older man left after all the other men went to fight in the war, him being a raging mysoginst makes total sense, and you may think its little but i and many others don't, His sexism is what brought him and tsuki together unlike in the live action where shes just a instant simp for him. This also hurts kataras character because they turned her from a firey person who fights back against injustice into a small, sweet, girl who keeps her head down and does what shes told


#SundayRunDown In regards to a question you guys had earlier in this season when the team went to Ra's Al Ghul's Island with the ninja's and Fire guy getting upset about Halo dying again infront of him, the Red Hooded guy is Jason Todd the 2nd Robin who was beaten and tortured by joker then killed by him and then brought back to life by Ra's using the Lazarus Pit on him. Batman and the rest of the batfamily doesn't know he's alive he's still getting his memories back and the woman with the baby is Ra's daughter Talia Al Ghul who has a deep relationship with Batman and the baby is Damien Wayne who will be the 5th Robin. After Young Justice finishes defintely watch the Justice League and Justice League Unlimited shows if you wanna see the League work together and then Batman Beyond which takes place in the future afterwards

Chaos T

You're basing everything off of the cartoon. This is a live action adaptation; there's going to be changes. Gran Gran wasn't an elder type in the cartoon... well she is in the live action. I didn't watch Avatar as a kid and viewed this series through adult eyes. In the original series, Sokka's sexism is meant as a lesson for children but it's extremely cartoonish; which is probably needed for children to understand the lesson given. However, even in the original series it was established the Kyoshi Warriors were a thing and Sokka's reaction was kinda weird for me. It didn't make much sense Sokka, a soldier, was baffled an established female warrior culture was...well... female. I was glad the writers got rid of the Sokka sexist plotline really quick in the original series because it didn't make sense within the world established. Also in real world societies where the males go off to fight, females often take on male roles. We see this consistently throughout history in societies where the males are seasonally off somewhere conquering shit and the women take on the roles of governing day to day life for a village. Sokka grew up in an environment where women by default have a key role in running a village and would be weird if he was "go fix me a sandwich" sexist. "but i and many others don't" Youtube grifters shouldn't account for anything. Don't fall for their bait. This is a non-issue. The usual crowd is hoping you're outraged over nothing. They require you to be angry over stupidity otherwise they lose money. Those "others" require dragons to exist for them to be a thing in the youtube sphere and you fall for their clickbait.