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Uncut: https://thenormies.com/avatar-the-last-airbender/ (pg. 1)





Yes!!! Thank you for being so fast. Can’t wait to watch with y’all in a couple hours after work!



Marketa with the “Aang” but saying it like the live action movie was a tier humor


Suraj probably couldn’t make it, but without a doubt he’s gonna be in the reactions I’m sure. That would be weird if he wasn’t considering it’s one of his fave shows if not his fave


So something I’ve noticed is they combined a few episodes into each one, but they skip around with the timeline. It’s hit or miss. I think it really works for the first two episodes though! This one obviously covers most of the first three episodes of the series plus a little bit of what we got from “The Storm” aka ep 12 of the original. :)


He’s currently on vacation with his girlfriend I believe. I think he said he’ll be back early March

Vongola Fiamme

is this just gonna be an hour of them comparing this to the cartoon instead of viewing this as its own thing?


"...At best, the show serves as a constant reminder of how amazing the original Nickelodeon cartoon was. At worst, it makes M. Night Shyamalan‘s 2010 The Last Airbender film feel like a mercy because at least that poor effort was only 2 hours long."


You need to watch that film again if you think this is as bad as that

Jim Watkins

it's literally an attempt to copy-paste the original, it's not trying to do/say anything different, and the original was amazing, so of course we're gonna compare it

Vongola Fiamme

its quite literally not. not only can you see that in the show, the creators of this series said its not supposed to be a 1 for 1 lol. its their own recreation of the story with added elements, substracted elements, etc. but hey if yall wanna just sit here and make comparisons the entire time be my guest to ruin your experience before you even start fuh it

The Cook

if you watched this entire series and thought they were going for a 1:1 adaptation, then you're an idiot


So fun watching with yall! Episode 1 was really well done.

rickie woodson

Yall fast. I haven't even watched young justice yet lol. So i can at least get this party started right with you guys


The intro of the first episode was really good but after Aang gets trapped in ice it made me realize why the original creators left the show. Katara is so bland and monotone compared to her confidence and sassy animated version. Which is why they shouldn't have written out Sokka sexist arc because that brought out the sister and brother dynamic they had. some of the fight is cool and I like that made firebenders ruthless but still doesn't make up for the dialogue. 5/10 should've listen to the creators of the show there's a reason why their show will always be top 5 shows for people.

J. J.

The acting is pretty stiff all around, I'm all for getting the ethnicities right but they limit themselves sometimes.

Champion Bescos

This show was a mess. A lot to like and enjoy and even praise, especially technical departments (like wardrobe and set design and even the vfx and sfx teams who had a massive workload), but just as much if not more to criticize and look at oddly - mostly in the writing and directorial department. I understand why they made many of the choices they did, but those choices were wrong. The inexperience of the filmmakers really showed and what we got was uneven and stale despite some shining moments.


I'd tell Nicholas to go outside and touch but he probably still needs permission from his mommy


People can have their own opinion, but I personally liked it.

Josef Beck

I loved It after binging it today. First episode was kinda iffy, lots of exposition etc, but i found every episode better then the next. Hopefully they improve the writing next season, so we dont have to hear the same beats about duty and so on every 20 minutes though XD

J. J.

It was actually great to look at, costumes, VFX, set design, everything was great but the line deliveries and choice of narrative was really stale at times which takes away from the positives sometimes. I don't know why they didn't pick a better narrator to do the opening or at least get Katara's voice actress to do it again for the LA. It would've hyped up the beginning so much more.

rickie woodson

A group of bison is a herd so a herd of appa


I don’t care what the reviews say I loved every second of this show

Champion Bescos

Nailed it. They constantly undermine the shows themes and potential by unnecessarily smoothing out defining flaws in its characters (ie, Sokka is less ignorantly sexist; Katara is less of a preachy hothead; Zuko starts off less angry, still desperate but noticeably less blinded by his need to capture Aang and more empathetic, etc). Then, oddly, they go the other direction with Aang and beat the audience over the head with how indecisive he is, how immature he is, how little wisdom he has. That scene with Kyoshi where he petulantly argues about the merits of strength and being strong to impose order in the world made me gag. I get that he’s normally a pacifist, but OG Aang would never question using his bending to help others by stopping attackers. Ugh.


Says the guy who has commented 4 times in the past 2 hours. I'm not ashamed in liking the show (flaws and all). You're the one looking pathetic since you both don't like it AND are still wasting your time commenting on it. Really showing the joyous life you have.

The Cook

just say you're too much of a moron to understand atla in the first place


I’m on ep 4 and it’s so good!, yeah it has its flaws but the show still works, even with the stuff they got rid off IT STILL WORKS. I’ve already seen ppl quit the show just because the intro was missing 7 words. Ppl so filled with hate already because they can’t get their nostalgia boners up


Yes Aang was pretty ruthless when using his bending talking about the same guy who blasted the door while Sokka was trying to open it. Then just said whoops sorry.


sokka not being sexist is one of the dumbest things ive ever seen, especially when he literally gets put on his ass because of his sexism which makes him a more fascinating character to watch his character growth , He gets his ass beat by mulitple women warriors which makes him realize women can be warriors too


Yea I can’t bring myself to even finish episode 4 at this point

rickie woodson

Loved the first episode. Only negative is some of the young actors are a bit green but i give them grace cause they are new to newish to the craft. Its all minor things that can be fixed with experience and the right acting coach. Ravens home is a perfect example of this. Season 1 vs season 3 them kids improved tremendously. This is an 8-9/10 for me

James W.

I understand why folks feel this wasn't necessary, the original show is kinda perfect. But as I say to a fan of any rebooted property, don't watch it if you are some fragile, dogmatic tool. For me this felt really well handled. I only saw bits of the M. Night one and decided to just skip it but this single episode succeeded beyond my expectations. We're going to lose some beloved scenes just due to run time but that is what happens in adaption. I don't need it to be identical, the OG is still right there if I want it. So far it doesn't look like they are going to compromise my affinity for that so I'm just happy to see what they do with it. I dug the way they reframed the backstory for the attack on the southern air temple and how it flowed into Aangs escape in a more linear way. Most of us already knew it but it was nice to put a face to the Air Nation more broadly, and Gyatso was perfect. It was also nice to get a taste of what Sozen was like so early since in the show we don't see his back story with Roku until much later. I've been seeing Hiro Kanagawa in shows for years but he was legit scary as Sozen, another really good casting choice. I was worried about Sokka and Katara because you can't get away with characters like that in live action; it would be too broad. Sokka leans more to his snarky side than his jokey side in this episode but he still had humor and it felt famliar. I see folks bagging on Katara and I thought she was cool too. She is heartfelt and already coming in hot with the pep talks. It was fun watching with y'all on this first excited for further uploads.


Show was such neccessary and rushed 👎

El hombre

I love you guys so I'm going to save some time. The first two episodes are pretty decent, episode 3 is ok. then episode 4 is a disaster, then it gets worse for 5 and 6. I really wanted to like it, but they've just changed all the characters' personalities. And the Jokes, man, the Jokes are awful.


Yall really hoed Suraj by not waiting till he came back from India

Nyeisha Melvina Clark

I'm someone that has problems with reboots and adaptations in Hollywood in general, it just makes me feel like there's no originality in creators anymore because everybody is just willing to rewrite something that's already been established. Even so I try to be as flexible as possible in my criticisms when I do watch a reboot or an adaptation (except when it comes to ANY X-Men property, those have to be perfect, lol), with this I have watched up to episode 6, and gonna watch the rest later on today and I can honestly say the changes and deviations that they have made, I honestly don't see them as horrible as people are making them out to be. I can see what the creators are going for, what their trying to do or say and for me it's working so far, of course there are some things I want them to do exactly as the cartoon did because it was just perfect in the cartoon, but other things I don't see as an issue. Zuko and Iroh are my favorite parts though, they just shine, and they were my favorites in the cartoon as well so I'm happy.