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Gurren Lagann 23

Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cb6_wauMRlA

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/gurren-lagann/ (pg. 3)

Bleach 197+198

Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9SVCKphnHU

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/bleach-premium/ (pg. 13)



Step B.

#SundayRundown Some fun (not really) Orihime trivia. Did you know that Studio Pierrot went out of their way to change, cut down, and out right remove some of Orihime's scenes from the first 2 arcs of the show? *Apparently* the director preferred Rukia over Orihime (I've heard the same thing happened with Sakura) and went out of his way (supposedly) to do what we have in the anime. For example: Orihime's introduction - this was changed in the anime no idea why; in the manga she's talking to Tatsuki about his hilarious scowling face when he shows up and says "You look as happy as usual Inoue" or something along those lines and some light banter with Tatsuki Orihime's first meeting with Rukia - This scene was also changed a bit from my memory; just a couple lines though Ichigo's decision - I'll never not be upset that they changed this scene how they did it's one of my favorites from early Bleach. Read Chapter 58: "Blank". You'll understand There's another small scene in Chapter 76: "Boarrider Comin'" with Orihime and Ichigo after Jidanbo gets his arm cut off by Gin that got completely removed but you get my point. Justice for my bread girl Orihime. Something actually related to these episodes I hope yall remember though I know yall don't, but we have already seen Mayuri without all his makeup and extra bullshit on lmao way back when Aizen and co got outed to everyone. He's not a goo monster or a robot XD

Charlie Maletich

#sunday rundown hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Wonderweiss is not an espada so he can't be number 1. We've been shown all the espada, just we don't know who has number 1 2 3.


When Invasion played as Mayuri released his bankai. 🔥 You know shit's bout to be real when Invasion comes on. Yep Suraj Neil Kaplan (Madara's VA) voices Zommari (Espada number 7), I knew you'd figure out the voice lol. He also voices old man Yamamoto as well. Kudos to Navi for remembering that Rukia used Rikujokoro against Aaroniero after seeing Byakuya using it this episode. We originally seen it when Byakuya used it against Renji. Such a dope technique. "Also it's because you aimed your blade at my only pride." one of my favorite lines from Byakuya.


I'm surprised the Bleach/Gurren crew didn't notice Johnny Young Bosh (Ichigo) calling Stephanie Sheh (Orhime) heavy for the second time in another anime

Annah Suarez-Domit

#SundayRundown Man These episodes are some of my favorite, and surprisingly enough it’s mostly because of Zommari’s last words before Byakuya killed him. “Who gave Soul Reapers the right to kill hollows.” That’s sort of a line that stuck with me for a while and the more I look at the Arrancar the more I wonder if they are worthy of destruction. Do y’all remember back during Grimmjow’s fight when it’s mentioned that when hollows become Menos they stop really going after humans and then those that become Adjuchas and then Vasto Lordes just eat other hollows? That means that there is a non-zero chance that most of the arranger haven’t killed any humans. The only ones we have confirmed as having killed humans is Tammy when he just ate all those people’s souls but no other Arrancar really had the time or opportunity to kill humans and none actually seem interested in doing so. There are some interested in fighting and killing strong opponents, but does that make them monsters? A non perfect comparison is Kenpachi and Nnoitra. They’re both battle thirsty fighters who find a thrill in battling to the death and both will hound their opponents to the ends of the Earth. Kenpachi has more of a moral code, but only slightly. Hell the only reason he became captain of Squad 11 is because he went up to the last captain and murdered him as they mentioned in his first appearance, and it’s played for comedy but he does constantly hound Ichigo when he was recovering in the Soul Society to have a duel to the death again. Then there’s Mayuri and Syzelapporo. Both scientist that care nothing for morals, and in the end we can’t even argue that Mary is more moral because he is a sick frick who showed Uryu a picture of his dissected grandfather that he just kept in his pocket for show and tell. That’s not to say that the Arrancar are innocent, they are an army working under Aizen to let him create the Oken and finish whatever his plans are with the Soul King, but there are also just that. An army. Nelliel when she was an Espada worked for Aizen, was going to fight for his cause against the Soul Society and it wasn’t for any moral reason that she did so, it was because she was betrayed. It just messes with my mind to think that there could be more Nels out there. Arranger who are just chill, who wouldn’t be out of place in the Soul Society. Well this was rambly but hey, I think it’s worth a think. Anyways since you theoretically made it to the end of this here’s some Byakuya trivia. His theme song as stated by Tite Kubo is Giovanni Mirabassi’s - Je chante pour passer le temps, or I Sing to Pass the Time. It’s a honestly haunting piano solo that somehow perfectly fits Byakuya and is well worth a listen, as is the rest of Giovanni’s discography. Also Senbonzakura was voted as the second best zanpakto right behind Sodo no Shirayuki, Rukia’s zanpakto. The Kuchiki’s keep on winning baby!