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Young Justice 3x9

Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0R655dc82d8

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/young-justice-premium/ (pg. 7)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer 6x2

Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuykizQNE2U

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/buffy-the-vampire-slayer-premium/ (pg. 12)

Angel 2x22

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/angel-uncut-only/ (pg. 5)



Ray D

I want to thank you 4 for sticking with Angel when a lot of the normies fell off. I love Buffy but I actually think Angel is the better show overall. Buffy is a superhero show, she gets a new “big bad” every season and she always defeats them by seasons end in a very black and white, good guys vs bad guys story. It’s a more straightforward show. Where I find Angel to be much more complicated as a lead character. He’s a character that is fighting for good as a way to atone for all the bad that he’s done in his past. Hes looking for redemption. He’s on the side of good but he always has that demon living inside of him. The show has more shades of grey. There aren’t season long “big bads” and more of an overarching, looming evil entity Wolfram and Hart. And if you listen to what Holland told Angel this season during that elevator ride, Angel can’t “win” in the end. Evil will always exist and there’s no stopping that. It’s just about doing as much good as you can while you can do it. Angel doesn’t always make the decisions a traditional hero like Buffy does. He will do things like, fire his crew and become darker. He knows what it’s like to be evil and do bad things and he’s lived a long time. His perspective is so different from Buffys. I just find him more intriguing than Buffy as a lead for that reason and those shades of grey. Again I love both shows but I think I like Angel more. I also feel like if you watch Buffy without watching Angel you miss out on a lot of character story growth by characters that start on Buffy but go to Angel like Faith, Darla, Drucila, Cordy, and Wesley. The other normies just watching Buffy aren’t getting the full Buffyverse story that Joss is weaving through both shows.


#SundayRundown, while I 100% get Navi’s concern with having so many superheroes kids and partners in one place. I think it’s safe enough when some of the parents there are heroes themselves Red Arrow, Rocket, Bee, Red Torando, Mera (OG Aquaman’s wife) & BART/Kid Flash helping them. Also, I’m realizing Halo is this show’s Kenny from South Park