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Gurren Lagann 18

Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSvocDmGxSY

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/gurren-lagann/ (pg. 2)

Bleach 165

Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLib4x6-wsE

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/bleach-premium/ (pg. 12)

Bleach 166

Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwXNpfeBHhQ

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/bleach-premium/ (pg. 12)



Adrian Bisutti

any update on the blue beettle video?

Jesus Morales

You guys mentioned the improvement in the animation quality but you haven't seen nothing yet. You will definitely see more animation improvement the further you get into the episodes. Also many of the best bleach openings are still to come


#SundayRundown the Anti-Spirals are basically scared of the Universe imploding from all the unchecked spiral power being generated. Think of spiral power as fire, in small spaces it’s useful and manageable. Carelessly generated fire becomes wild and uncontrollable and destroys everything.

Reynaldo Urena (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-03 16:30:00 #SundayRundown Hey Normies, I wanted to ask since you record ahead of time, for episode 190, since the majority of the episode is a recap of the previous events of Hueco Mundo, did you splice the last few minutes that are actually new in the reaction with ep. 191? Also don’t react to the new OP until ep. 197
2024-01-03 16:29:44 #SundayRundown Hey Normies, I wanted to ask since you record ahead of time, for episode 190, since the majority of the episode is a recap of the previous events of Hueco Mundo, did you splice the last few minutes that are actually new into the reaction with ep. 191? Also don’t react to the new OP until ep. 197

#SundayRundown Hey Normies, I wanted to ask since you record ahead of time, for episode 190, since the majority of the episode is a recap of the previous events of Hueco Mundo, did you splice the last few minutes that are actually new into the reaction with ep. 191? Also don’t react to the new OP until ep. 197

iman (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-03 16:31:27 For the #SUNDAYRUNDOWN! What a great collection of episodes for Bleach. Here's a fun fact, each Espada has an "aspect of death", which essentially describes their personality in a bit of a reductive way. Grimmjow's aspect is "destruction" for example. The guy's an absolute anarchist and has no respect for authority. Ulquiorra's aspect is nihilism, his actions and decisions make a lot more sense with this. Not to mention that Aizen trusts him to do the grunt work and be a leader out of every other Espada, despite being 4th in rank, as his personality is best suited to follow orders and be objective. Onto the episodes more specifically, they introduce some great soundtracks here, particularly "Power To Strive" which is considered to be Grimmjow's theme, as well as "Encirclement Battle" iirc. They really smashed it out of the park here.
2024-01-03 16:31:02 For the #SUNDAYRUNDOWN! What a great collection of episodes for Bleach. Grimmjow and Ulquiorra have argued with each other since their first interaction, they're polar opposites. Grimmjow has an obvious lust for battle and power, leading to him breaking rank, rules and even a bit of insubordination in these eps. Ulquiorra on the other hand, has no personal ambition, is emotionless and not only obeys every order Aizen gives him but makes sure others fall in line too. Hence why he's usually the one who does the grunt work and is a leader out of every other Espada, despite being 4th in rank, as his personality is best suited to follow orders and be objective. It's very good commentary on how different each Espada is, they all have their own aspirations (or lack thereof), but it is also a indication of how strong Aizen must be. Especially to have someone as powerful as Ulquiorra be so loyal and subservient. Onto the episodes more specifically, they introduce some great soundtracks here, particularly "Power To Strive" which is considered to be Grimmjow's theme, as well as "Encirclement Battle" iirc. They really smashed it out of the park. Oh and I almost forgot to mention, that drug analogy from Suraj (as well as Chris' reaction) had me howling like Grimmjow LOL

For the #SUNDAYRUNDOWN! What a great collection of episodes for Bleach. Grimmjow and Ulquiorra have argued with each other since their first interaction, they're polar opposites. Grimmjow has an obvious lust for battle and power, leading to him breaking rank, rules and even a bit of insubordination in these eps. Ulquiorra on the other hand, has no personal ambition, is emotionless and not only obeys every order Aizen gives him but makes sure others fall in line too. Hence why he's usually the one who does the grunt work and is a leader out of every other Espada, despite being 4th in rank, as his personality is best suited to follow orders and be objective. It's very good commentary on how different each Espada is, they all have their own aspirations (or lack thereof), but it is also a indication of how strong Aizen must be. Especially to have someone as powerful as Ulquiorra be so loyal and subservient. Onto the episodes more specifically, they introduce some great soundtracks here, particularly "Power To Strive" which is considered to be Grimmjow's theme, as well as "Encirclement Battle" iirc. They really smashed it out of the park. Oh and I almost forgot to mention, that drug analogy from Suraj (as well as Chris' reaction) had me howling like Grimmjow LOL

Heavenly Demonic Emperor

Hopefully y'all can check out Eternal Raijin remixes of Bleach soundtracks, they are 🔥🔥 asf but maybe after you've finished this season 1 of bleach tho cause some of the covers have photos containing spoilers but if y'all don't mind it... check it out remixes are great


IMO the Grimmjow vs Ichigo isn't even the best fight.


In Gurren Lagann, how I understood it is Lorgenome betrayed the Spiral Warriors to work with the Anti-spiral for two reasons. One, the war against the Anti-spiral was a grueling war of attrition that they might of ultimately lost and be wiped out completely. Two the Spiral Nemesis that he talks about is his fear that the Anti Spiral are right. Spiral power will evolve humanity(the Spiral race) at such a rapid pace that it would lead to the destruction of the universe.


#SundayRundown Marketa is almost correct about spiral power. Spiral power isn't just life, it's the power of evolution. Whether you refer to it as evolution, the will to live, or "fighting spirit," the idea is that spiral power is a tangible representation of that. Beastmen are alive but they are unable to reproduce, thus they do not generate spiral power. Essentially, the Anti-Spirals are saying, "Hey! Stop evolving/reproducing so fast! You're going to destroy the universe!" As the Anti-Spirals and Rana mentioned, it simply shouldn't be possible to achieve what they managed to achieved in such a short amount of time. That is an application of spiral power. It was also explained that the Anti-Spiral gene was already hidden in Nia's DNA. Kind of like how someone may be born with a gene that makes them predisposed to breast cancer or something. When the Anti-Spirals activated the Human Annihilation System, they also activated the gene in Nia transforming her into an Anti-Spiral messenger. Nia isn't a traitor, she was just born unlucky.

Daniel Holko

Hey, good stuff and all and I don't want to be that guy but that Aspect stuff is a spoiler lol, that gets brought up later by another Espada in a future battle :)


Oh yeah, that is technically true, especially considering the context behind certain characters. I'll touch it up and refer to Grimmjow and Ulquiorra as polar opposites in personality, which was the goal of the comment.


I was thinking this too. I knew one of the episodes coming back from the filler was almost all recap. No one wants to see a reaction to that, recaps aren't fun for the people watching or for reactions.

Martin Powers

Can you guys watch Yu Yu hakusho


#SUNDAYRUNDOWN they do mention specifically helical dna which implies there is life out there without helical dna.


Well this is standard shonen. Certain fights get all the budget (Ikkaku vs Edward) and ironically the best animated fight in bleach anime is filler


In the manga end of chapter sketches, Ichigo was held back by chains during the chapters of this fight as Orihime's fear of him greatly limited his ability to fight but her words of encouragement and affirmation finally allowed him to go full power when he seriously wounded Grimmjow

Annah Suarez-Domit

#SundayRundown So I actually have a theory as to why Ichigo's Hollow powers have been growing so fast, he's in Hueco Mundo. Think about Chad, who in a previous episode mentioned that because his power is Hollow like he was able to evolve to get his second arm. They don't actually outright say it but I think that the same could be said for Ichigo and his Hollow mask. In fact I would suggest that because Ichigo is the only Vizard to at this point in the story be confirmed to have gone to Hueco Mundo he, despite not having it for long, has the most advanced Hollow Mask of the Vizard. I wish I could link images but Ichigo's Hollow Mask also has physically changed. Originally there were maybe two stripes of red on the right side of the mask, but as he grew and especially after he made it to it has now almost completely been filled in on the right side with red. I think it's some nest subtle storytelling.


I'd say, in terms of pure animation, there are several fights coming up that are better. Perhaps not as emotionally impactful, depending on how you feel about the characters, but the animation goes NUTTY several more times in the OG series. 👍🏽


The crispy animation in the Grimmjow fight was a sign of things to come. 😉 I know you're past it now, so I'll just say I can't wait to see y'all taking in the new format. I'm hoping you skipped halfway through 190, so we can see you getting shock-a-ho'd by the widescreen reveal. 😆


I don’t think Grimmjow was aiming at Orihime. Ichigo dodged the 5 shots and was forced to take the hits. Orihime was in the way.

A Little About A Lot

I can't wait for the next few episodes of Bleach reaction. Especially episode 192. These episodes were 🔥🔥🔥

Nyeisha Melvina Clark

#SundayRundown Thank you Normies for pointing out Orihime's past trauma with her brother and how it affected her after seeing Ichigo's mask, and keep in mind this is her VERY first time seeing it and because of her past trauma it scared her and she froze. So many other reactors got mad at her during this scene but it's so obvious that she was responding to past trauma. No one can really control how they react to trauma, ESPECIALLY right in the moment, and yet so many reactors missed this point. Even Nel only said those things because she doesn't know Orihime or her trauma so she doesn't know why she froze up. Ichicgo knew it would affect her and that's why he never wanted her to see his mask but was forced to show it to her during this fight and it hurt him to scare her and that's why he started losing. Even with all her past trauma though, I LOVED how Orihime was able to power through and understand the difference between her situation with her brother and this situation with Ichigo, it just shows you how mentally and emotionally strong she is. Also all Ichigo needed/wanted to know was that she understood the difference between him and her brother and when she reassured him she did by telling him she doesn't want to see him hurt anymore, it got his head back in the game. Definitely one of my favorite scenes!!!!

Santiago Velasquez

Please upload Rana, micky's and Pats reaction to these two episodes! When you get a chance. loves to see how they handle the animation change and fight sequence along with Grimmjow's release.

Tristan Harley

#SUNDAY RUNDOWN (Bleach) This may be my favorite reaction so far in the whole series. Shame Navi and Pat couldn't make it for the HYPE. Point's to clarify: * Of all the new gen anime, the one most inspired by Bleach is Jujutsu Kaisen. Hollows -> Curses, Bankai -> Domain Expansion. Something I don't think you've noticed is that Sukuna did to Shibuya what Aizen is planning to do to Karakura Town (When Aizen's plan to make the Ouken was revealed, we saw an image of Karakura turned into nothing but a hole in the ground). Bleach itself draws a lot of inspiration from Yu Yu Hakusho. * I think you picked up on it, but yes, Orihime's fear about Ichigo's mask and his eyes was rooted in her own abuse and insecurity. It's clearer in the Manga, but Orihime genuinely did not think she was worth saving until this very moment. *All good fights in anime have a philosophical subtext, and I love the subtext in this fight the most. Remember Rukia's fight with Espada 9. What she said about the heart: "There are fights for pride, and fights for survival, but in the end, everyone fights to protect their heart." I love that it's only when Orihime shows her faith in Ichigo, that Ichigo solidifies his resolve to protect his 'heart'. But in contrast, Hollows literally have holes instead of hearts. What would you say each of the Espada were familiar with are fighting for?


can we have uncut reactions of micky rana and pat for 166 plz


No Rana for Bleach, ok hope she'll catch up. Navi your hair cute as F. You go girl!


We need Pat for these Bleach episodes!

Danny B

Kind of disappointed we didn’t get the full couch of reactors for one of the best fights of the show so far, but enjoyed the reactions regardless. I also did the math and realized that we could potentially start getting TYBW episodes in December 😬


This fight is iconic and the animation is on point. That legendary shot of Ichigo when he said "Sorry Grimmjow" is so fire. Ichigo is so badass. Grimmjow has one of the coolest transformations. The ost at the beginning of the second episode is called "Power to strive" I consider it Grimmjow's theme 🔥 I think of him whenever it plays.