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Gurren Lagann 17

Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzX9OHCHcbQ

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/gurren-lagann/ (pg. 2)

Bleach 163

Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lswGlU-YJ9Q

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/bleach-premium/ (pg. 12)

Bleach 164

Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASehQqxX9jk

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/bleach-premium/ (pg. 12)




No, orehime cannot bring back people who are already fully dead, the girl was burned to a crips and was on the verge of death, but still technically alive


We are so close to when this arc gets really good.

Tristan Harley

In the manga, her entire upper body was disintegrated. Orihime can and actually did bring her back to life. Or to be more specific, she rejected the fact of her death in the first place.

Tristan Harley

# SUNDAY RUNDOWN HO HO HO A fun reaction to Bleach this week. Some Points that were in the manga but not the anime: * Grimmjow ripped off Loly's leg, instead of just saying Boo. *Orihime did, in fact, restore Menoly to life. But it's important you all remember what Aizen said of her powers. She's not reversing time or healing, she's rejecting reality. So it's more accurate to say she 'rejected' the fact of Menoly dying in the first place. *Pink Hair Espada ate his minion raw, without turning him into an energy ball. Finally, some questions for you because I want to see what insights you have made about the themes of the show: To you, what does it mean to become a Hollow? What does Ichigo's mask represent? What do Orihime's powers and the way she uses them reflect about her character? Is Nel calling Grimmjow 'Master Grimmjow Espada Number 6' required for viewers who may have somehow gotten confused and started thinking he's actually number 3? Happy New Year folks. Great Hair Suraj. And your last meeting went well. Stand proud. You are a great leader. Now both of you fuck off to the next comment.

Benjamin Donahue

GL states early in the episode that they do not have an accurate census, so the counter you saw likely isn't in Kamina City (if it physically exists at all). It's just a visual thing for the viewers to say shit's about to happen. They also gave Rossieu responsibility for the census so something that may not have come accross is that forcing people to the surface likely actually started in this episode as opposed to over the time skip. His mentality behind doing so wasn't so much that he WANTS to force them to the surface, but more because at any given time people can just randomly come to the surface and throw off the numbers so its easier to track only the surface. Lastly on an unrelated note I wonder if Suraj is a Star Trek fan as he mentioned a big part of their lore. Aliens initated 1st Contact after they observed humanity successfully developed warp drive (interstellar capability that can actually get them beyond their own galaxy).