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Uncut: https://thenormies.com/jujutsu/ (pg. 5)




Comments are gonna be hard on y'all lol. All the civilians on that level were still comatose from THAT domain in ep 9. There's a lot happening over different areas though and some unaffected civilians in other areas so it's easy to forget.


He's finally here. One of my favorite anime characters of all time and my next tattoo. TODO AOI! God, the animation for this episode was so goddamn sexy. I can't believe the animators are still working miracles like this. Fuck Mappa, praise the animators for bringing us this level of amazing week after week. Some notes: The civilians can't see Mahito as he's a cursed spirit. As a poster above me also said, everyone on B5 is still comatose after Gojo's domain expansion. Also, rewatch the OP again. There are two small changes: Shibuya is now a giant crater on the map and the final shot of all the characters standing is now replaced with just the background buildings being destroyed. Finally, the blonde sorcerer is actually the younger brother of the blonde manager, Nitta (who was attacked by Haruta, the blonde twink). This was included in the manga chapter notes but left out here. #SundayRundown


the percentages Mahito threw out are just his own internal math on how fragile a persons soul is and if he can change it in one touch. The 120% the narrator is talking about is everyone involved in the fight is giving all they have and then some in this


I’m kind of bummed that the anime left out this killer narrator line from the manga. In the manga When Mahito hit that black flash the narrator says, “The sparks of black do not choose who they bless”, referring to a curse hitting that technique. When I first read it I was like wtf curses can do that? Hitting those black flashes also put all three combatants in the zone, operating at 120% of their potentials. The next sequence is gonna be nuts.


Best episode of JJK hands down.

Sou saetern

Geez, every week I thought mappa was gonna take a break.


As I mentioned before, I'm not a huge fan of Jujutsu Kaisen. I still don't understand why there hasn't been a government response yet. Even if they show up just to get killed, it still pushes my suspense of disbelief a bit too far when no one has yet acknowledge the chaos that is currently happening in the city. Not to mention the nuke size creator in the city. However, this is probably my favorite episode of the season. It's right up there with the episode where Gojo styles on the volcano head guy . Yuji's voice actor did an amazing job this episode. I think I'm starting to actually care about the character a bit. In terms of characterization, Yuji still feels extremely undeveloped as the main protagonist this late into the series, but it looks like that's starting to change. As far as the animation goes, I think some deformity is necessary to convey some things, but I think the previous episodes went too far and some of the scenes felt almost abstract. This episode however was great. It's still a bit rough in some places but I think the animators did a great job in terms of fight choreography and making the scenes flow well together. In some of the previous episodes, I wasn't sure wtf was happening but I had no trouble following the action in this episode. I'm sure it also helps that Todo has a simple yet very cool ability. Todo is my least favorite character as I find him completely unfunny. This episode altered my opinion of him a bit. I wish he was serious more often. Oh, and this episode made me appreciate the opening much more. I never realized how artistic the opening was. The blending is beautiful and it's littered with foreshadowing and spoilers without context. I'm sure manga readers were flipping out at the start of this arc when they saw the opening. Discord would have definitely voted for The Normies to not watch the opening if they started reacting to this season several months from now. lol


The entire section is veiled off. Literally no one but the sorcerers there and right outside the veil know what is going on Its been 3 hours only as well. Like, they literally showed last episode that looking from outside, you don't see ANY of the destruction. I feel like you don't understand what veils do.


The civilians were still paralysed by Gojo's infinite void domain. Crazy episode and a Nice reaction, we eating good folks


My boy Todo back in the clutch I was wondering when he was gonna come back and it couldn't be at a more perfect time giving Itadori the words he needed to hear at his lowest moment. To top it off they fighting side by side like the old days. Todo is not playing he's giving Mahito a run for his money. 10/10 ep, gave me chills. Still holding out hope that Nobara is alive. Also Mahito VA killed it this episode


I love that people are rooting for the animators in the same way they're rooting for the main characters 👏 lol

Benjamin Donahue

I was not ready for the cut to Nobara's face at all. Got nothing but praise for the animators of course, but I think for this episode I really need to say hats off to the VA's. Itadori, Mahito, and Miwa all killed it and Todo being the perfect blend of comedic epicness. Also there are quite a few anime with wholesome and/or normal relationships, but I don't think any of them are action based. First one that came to mind was Dress up Darling. I think it's great and would like your takes on it, but somehow doubt your audience would go for it.

Chris D. Jones

#SundayRundown the people standing around are the ones exposed to gojo domain expansion. They’re standing unconscious while half a year of information is flowing into their brain. (This next part is my opinion idk if it true.) In the subway area anyone not moving is human and anyone who is moving has already been touched by mahito.


I was literally thinking like " it's actually only been about 20 minutes since Gojo got clapped up" lol 😆 Gotta love anime time


Of course I would be confused. It's barely gets mentioned/shown at all outside of the start of the arc. Once the fighting gets underway, the character locations in relation to one another inside the veil isn't all that clear with the environmental destruction that's happening. And I doubt you knew that 3 hour fact off the top of your head. The passing of time has so far not been a plot point in this arc. Regardless, 3 hours is a lot of time to lose contact with thousands of people. Are you also forgetting the plane that crashed in one of the previous episodes? Surely a rescue team would have been dispatched to their last known location. In the last episode they showed that looking from outside the veil you literally don't see anything at all. It's just pitch black. Unless it was done for artistic purposes, I don't see how that's not suspicious nor how you could reasonably quarantine a 400m radius in a busy city like Tokyo, Shibuya on Halloween night of all days. This isn't some random small city in the Midwest. Nevermind the fact that despite Sukuna's domain expansion only having a 140m radius, the destruction looked similar in size to the veil that supposedly has a 400m radius. Edit: Only sorcerers can see the veil and a few normal people. I'll acknowledge that my comment about how the veil would look suspicious is incorrect. The majority of the population would be unable to see it. Still, my other points remain.