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We want to see a double drop hype train in the comments! 👇 A note for those who do not watch uncuts - this time you might want to click on that website link, as it also includes Chris' alone reaction to these two episodes, since he missed these due to being sick. Enjoy! 

Buffy The Vampire Slayer 5x15: 

Reaction edit: https://youtu.be/FRsBCne8T_E

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/buffy-the-vampire-slayer-premium/ (pg. 11)

Buffy The Vampire Slayer 5x16: 

Reaction edit: https://youtu.be/TUgyo_aALps

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/buffy-the-vampire-slayer-premium/ (pg. 11)

Young Justice 3x1:

Reaction edit: https://youtu.be/COOKgabgnW0

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/young-justice-premium/ (pg. 6)

Angel 2x15: 

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/angel-uncut-only/ (p. 5) 



Yana Thompson



Oh!!!! He'll yeah!!! It's time for some sadness!!!!


Oh boy oh boy oh boy.

Poison Ivy


Vicar Sol



omg ive been waiting for these. i cant believe you gave us these on the same day. thats just made my day week and even my year


DOUBLE DROP HYPE TRAIN!!! (Quadruple drop if you count Chris’ solo reactions)


Bless your hearts for releasing both at once.


This is a hilariously cruel choice for a double drop, goddamn.

Giuseppe D

Wait what. Double drop?! I am literally flabbergasted... I love you guys so much.. now, someone pass the tissues..🥲🥹🥹


I’m not ready, but here we go. Hype hype hype.


With these particular episodes, it isn't so much Double Drop Hype as Double Drop Dread


YES!! So very nice of you all to do a double drop and kudos to Chris for recording his own reaction to this beautifully written/filmed episode. ❤️


It’s like Christmas but sad 🎅🥲 Incel shit with Spike and Warren followed by total devastation Can never get through the first 15 minutes okay, highlight of Sarah Michelle Cellar’s acting career, no words The writers room said they were ready to pack their bags after the kiss between Willow and Tara, huge moment for queer television and the network just had to roll with it wether they liked it or not Anya’s reaction is a highlight for me, the way she struggles to understand or comprehend or communicate her feelings is so hard to watch


Omg thank you normies for the double drop especially for these two eps 😭 and Chris for your reaction as well. One of those eps that is so hard to watch but can’t be missed

King Medjai

Double drop yes siiiiiiiir!💪🏿💪🏿


I'm having trouble seeing the uncut - I go to your page and try to unlock, then it sends me checkout (but the charge is £0) and I just get stuck in a loop of clicking 'pay' and nothing changes.

King Medjai

Joss Whedon said 5x16 will forever be his best work. I agree. People wrote into the show thanking them for the episode because it captures those moments so well and it helped people with their own grief.


Hello Laura! you should not have to pay anything. You need to log into the website using your patreon credentials, afterwards you should be able to click on this link again or you can navigate the main menu on top of the page to premium access > buffy > page 11

Relaxed Ninja

This is happeneded to me before. When I was on the checkout page and the price is zero, I changed the currency to dollars and clicked pay, and it worked. Hope it works for you.


This is the problem - I have already paid for this tier, but when I click 'Unlock with Patreon' on the site (either from here or if I go to the site myself) it still takes me to the checkout page even though I have nothing to pay (which the checkout acknowledges, because the total is '0').


Hey Relaxed Ninja, I changed the currency and it worked! How strange.

David Zimmerman

A double drop…out of nowhere…I appreciate it but also I thought I had another week to just watch the YouTube reaction but now I gotta sit down and watch and be completely mortified at Joyce sitting on the couch for the final time


Yesss double dropppp

Tasker Thorn

Congrats. You've passed the last rite of passage. You're officially Buffy fans.


#sundayrundown I see the point that's being made but the world at large isn't aware of what happened on Rimbor and the only reason the UN is stopping the league is because Lex is using the clout he built up 2 years ago "helping" the league stop the reach death machines to ham string the league by making up whatever reason he can think of because the world as a whole has no idea hes a super villain and just know him as the head of lexcorp who has gone into politics

Michael Pamon

#SundayRundown Ah, my favorite season of Young Justice. Unfortunately it’s also the season with the worst budget out of all of them. You probably already noticed some of the budget restrictions like Conner and M’gann talking telepathically in a room with nobody else, but the most egregious example of the budget restrictions is Khary Payton. The budget was so bad for that they had him voicing every single black character in this season outside of Static and another character that I won’t spoil. Also that wasn’t Barbara in the Bat costume that resigned from the League, it was Kat Kane aka Batwoman. Barbara is now Oracle, the person Nightwing has been talking to.


For the Chris Buffy uncuts 5x15 tells me the embedded link doesn't work when I try to watch and it wont load the video. The other episode link works fine though.

rickie woodson

WHAT?! did not expect this double drop! going to have to do a special lunch menu for this! OH BOY OH BOY! HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cory Stanish

DOUBLE DROP! YAY But then, seeing what the first epsiode of the Double Deuce is: OH NO And then Suraj says: "I ship Giles and Joyce it's gonna happen." OOF


Chris' reaction for BTVS 5x15 is broken. "The embed code for this video is not valid."


Hell yeah double drop!! Been waiting for 5x16 for weeks like a sicko.


thank you so much for the double drop oh my gosh, The Body is quite honestly what I personally consider to be one of, if no the, best episodes of television ever. some "fun" facts for this one; 1) the Christmas dinner scene is there so they could have the onscreen credits without them distracting from the rest of the episode. 2) the first on screen Willow and Tara kiss was purposely put in this episode, since the kiss was done out of comfort the studio executives couldn't use the usual excuse of it being something sexual to censor it. 3) all of the sound in this episode is diegetic, done on purpose to keep it grounded. the whole episode is truly just a masterpiece, and the performances are all spectacular, especially Sarah Michelle Gellar's, the fact that this episode was completely snubbed by the Emmys will never not be insane to me

Chaos T

SMG's acting in episode 16 is one of the most believable portrayals of someone reacting to death I've seen in a TV show.

mary smith

Perfect timing for a double drop. Thanks!! The body is such a brilliantly honest and realistic depiction of the immediate stages of grief


5X16 is one of the BEST. EPISODES. OF TELEVISION. EVER. It's a masterpiece. There is not one person (actors, production crew, writing staff, etc.) who did not bring their A-game. A stroke of genius and a true testament to the talent of everyone involved


But she did get the Golden Globe nom... Which, personally, I think is more prestigious (but what do I know lol)

rickie woodson

there is something wrong with chris' episode 15 uncut link. when i press play i just get a message that says the embedded code for the video is invalid, no actual video.


I usually skip episode 16, but I'm prepared to deal with it.

ray s

The body is one of the best episodes the show has ever done. I love how everyone has a relatable reaction that's also so in character. Giles and Tara are calm and supportive. Dawn breaks down. Anya is childlike and confused. Xanders angry, willow is frantic and anxious and Buffy is shut down. Overall, The writing, directing and acting are top notch. 👏👏 Ps, YAY for the double drop.


you jerks I have lots of work tomorrow, thank you, asshats

Johnny Blue

#SundayRundown YJ Season 3's first 13 episodes released on Jan. 2019 and the other 13 episodes released between July and August 2019 on DC's failed subscription only streaming platform, nearly 6 years after the end of S2. It was such a long wait, the fandom kept begging the producers what we can do to hasten the s3 greenlight. We even bought all the YJ toys we could find to prove to WB that we'll do anything to get a new season. Eventually it worked, but on a decreased animation budget and we repeated the song and dance again for S4. WB execs are trash. They won't even acknowledge the state of S5.


#SundayRundown Really excited for you guys getting to S3 of Young Justice! There was a big gap between the S2 finale and this episode - about six years. Imagine having to wait that long! Similarly to S2, S3 also had a lot of backlash when it first came out (and that's still there to a degree, you'll probably get some loud obnoxious youtube comments about it). A lot of it I think has to do with how long fans had to wait - it let them build up expectations of what they wanted the next season to be, and when it wasn't that it left some fans disappointed. But it's still a great season, and I love how it's grown up with its audience. It's also great to see what the show is allowed to do without restrictions from Cartoon Network. Oh, and you'll hear some people claim that the season had a budget decrease, but that's not true (seriously, Greg Wiseman has talked about it many times, it's not hard to look it up). And the idea that the telepathic speaking saves money *also* isn't true, despite what some comments here are saying. This is something Greg Wiseman has also talked about: people think it saves money but it doesn't, especially since they are still animating micro-expressions and such. What *is* true is that different studios worked on the animation than in the past and that does make it look a little different. On top of that, while there wasn't a budget decrease, they didn't get an increase either, and it's clear they had to do their best with that. None of that is bad, but misinformation about S3 gets spread around a lot, so I wanted to clear it up. I recommend the podcast The YJ Files, where they interview a lot of people involved in the show (including Greg Wiseman and Brandon Vietti). There's a lot of really great discussion in every episode, including behind the scenes information. Anyway, can't wait to see what you think of the rest!


The long wait for YJ season 3 was so drastically crushing, lol.

Reynaldo Urena

#SundayRundown So you can keep things correct in notes because they don’t explain the backstories of these characters you’re just supposed to know them, The newer members of The Team(YJ) that left with Green Arrow and Batman are Proteges of both of them and you can hear the Zeta-Tube calling their name: Blond in Purple is the hero Spoiler, Blond in Red is Arrowette, and Robin. The Brunette in Gray & Black, Traci 13, DID NOT LEAVE, let Navi know since she was the one who said it and she’s the only notetaker. The Official Justice League members that resigned from left to right were Plastic Man, Katana, Hardware and Batwoman(not Batgirl).

Grayson Yount

I LOVED that you scrubbed through the first episode and really payed attention to everything that happened.


Yaaaaaaaaaaaay! Thank you so much for the double, well, triple drop! The Buffyverse fans love you!


you can log in directly via the website or if you click on a lower tier link and connect to patreon then it should refresh with your current tier access

Ryan of New York

The Body is in my opinion one of the greatest episodes of television to ever be made. This supernatural show dealt with the reality and minutiae following the death of a loved one better than any of the “serious” dramas out there. No other show has ever made me feel the way this episode makes me feel and since it was both written and directed by Joss Whedon I thought I’d share a few interesting facts on that— 1) Joss Whedon lost his own mother at a young age so he drew from that grief and those personal memories in writing this episode. 2) The scene where Willow is obsessing over what to wear was inspired by his own experience agonizing over what tie to wear for a friend’s funeral. 3)Kristine Sutherland, who plays Joyce, was informed by Joss in season three that Joyce was going to die in season five, so he had planned her death long in advance. This was not a spur of the moment decision. 4)The network was initially against showing the Willow and Tara kiss but Whedon told them that the kiss was non-negotiable because he felt it was the most natural thing in the world for someone to comfort their grieving partner and he threatened to quit if they didn’t allow it. 5)Out of all the episodes of TV Joss Whedon has made, he said he in an interview that he considers The Body to be the best thing he’s ever done and ever will do. And I can’t really disagree, it’s an absolute masterpiece.


woot episode 15 my fav Buffy episode

that bear over there

Joss Whedon wrote and directed 'the body'....why do you keep naming every person BUT him???

Rufus May

So it's basically a QUADRUPLE drop? You absolute maniacs.


Thank you for the assist, Relaxed Ninja! We will see if we can fix this bug so it doesn't happen again! - Ketty


UPDATE: Chris' 5x15 uncuts should now be available. I have no idea why it didn't work, but I reuploaded it the same way I did before and it's working now lol - Ketty Also I forgot to mention our editor SPENCER deserves some love here for dropping these on y'all on time <3

Esther Boogie

Giant thank you, Spencer! You have warmed the heart of this OG Buffy fan with the early Christmas gift of watching the Normies cry. lol <3


Lucifer is definitely a great show and it’s Buffy influences and inspirations are everywhere from the genre tv tropes to the villain of the week format along with overarching story that deals with a “big bad” each season. Without Buffy we wouldn’t have Lucifer as we know and love it.


Angel is awesome its been overshadowed by a spectacular buffy ep, seriously angel is amazing just currently being overshadowed by buffy season 5, which is an absolute banger


Note Anya saying 'she wishes Joyce didn't die' to Buffy. Even Xander didn't catch it and his response was that she was being weird and doesn't know what to say. She absolutely does. Ex vengence demon who understands what a wish means and was the backbone of her demon ways. In some ways that line is more poignant than her not understanding earlier. Anya doesn’t wish for things out loud even when she does want them due to consequences, but she did it for Joyce here.

Brendan O'Connor

Not sure how far ahead you are/your watch order in Buffy/Angel, but if you haven’t already I’d suggest watching Angel 2x16 before Buffy 5x17, but it’s not a major issue if you don’t


welcome to the wolframhart the most evil organization that ever was


yes buffyverse is literally in a hell dimension, lucky their world had the slayer but yes earth is just one more hell dimension

Brandon Gibbs

Well it's time for season 3 of YJ and just so you know most of it is gonna be so depressing. Like what you just saw at the start, that's only the beginning.

EJ Roldan

Best time for a double drop


I don’t watch your Buffy reactions but I’m glad a portion of Normies watchers get to enjoy a double drop. 🙌DOUBLE DROP 🙌

Esther Boogie

I'm a long-time Buffy fan who never got into the Angel series. Many others have made a case for it, but your comment about the world building has convinced me to watch.


The uncut never works for me and I feel old and sad say I give up trying to watch them


The Buffyverse has always been groundbreaking. There’s a reason why it’s still so strong today.

Andrew W

Buffy double drop for the Body??? Holy shit! The longest week in history was in February 2001, waiting after that cliffhanger.


omg the body early? i love you guys lol, i've been so looking forward to it, thought it would be another week! <3


Yo that comment at the end of the Angel reaction about next week's episode defining their entire outlook on life... ain't lying. I'm with them.

Jimmie V

If Mickey thinks there's only been 2 examples of media that have treated death this way, he needs to consume less snack art. If you liked that though, check out the greatest, most innovative television show of all time, Twin Peaks. Also, if a certain member is gonna keep screaming during her reactions, can we PLEASE explore the concept of an audio-compressor? You can pay for a nice one, but the ones built into your NLE/DAW should suffice.

Chris K.

every time I watch ep 15 and the red shirt shows up on Buffy at the 21-minute-mark, im just "oh fuck". Sarah Michelle and Alyson, two of the best criers on television.


#SundayRundown - imagine watching this show live as a kid/teen, watching that S2 finale with that death and cliffhanger… then learning the show cancelled 💀. Simply being mature and not being able to sell toys. I love that the aftermath is felt instantly in this episode and how dark the theme is. As far as Tim Curry, while the show was cancelled, he suffered a horrible stroke that prevented him from returning to voice the character and he was replaced by James Arnold Taylor

Alexis Cardarella

As someone who lost their dad suddenly a few years ago, I can say this is a perfect portrayal of a traumatic loss. That said, I watched this episode years beforehand and it still hit like I lost someone. I'm glad a couple of you kept it together (unlike the majority of us who couldn't stop sobbing) enough to harp on about the shots, because yes, it's deservingly gawked over for that. Perfect cinematography throughout. However it was completely snubbed at the Emmy's. Not even nominated. Hush was actually the only Buffy episode that was nominated for an Emmy. This and Six Feet Under have the BEST most beautifully done portrayals of this subject matter. I hope to fuck that's what Micky is referring to, and me- one of the people screaming at you guys for years to watch Buffy- would lose my mind if you decided to watch it. One of the best and most underrated series of all time, and ya'll would have a blast watching it.

Alexis Cardarella

Also, I really appreciate Chris dropping his own reactions. I was bummed he wasn't in the mix. I always enjoy his reactions and appreciate his take on shit. And thank you, Spencer and everyone, for the m'fuckin double drops!!

Vicky N

And blame him and criticize him for everything they don’t like in episodes he didn’t write.


Yeah, the upcoming episode of Angel (Season 2 episode 16) is just amazing and, yes, I have pretty much adopted the philosophy from it.


Some of the Normies were complaining about the silly episodes of Buffy, wishing for something else. 5x16 is the start of "be careful what you wish for...."

All Mighty Lowercase Jay

#SundayRundown #Buffy - The Body was written and directed by Joss Whedon and is loosely based on the death of his own mother as well as other scenes being pulled from the lives of other on the writting team. This ep is widely considered one of the best ep of Buffy because of its realistic take on death and breaking from the standard TV trope of "A Very Special Episode". Also Whedon chose this moment to have Willow and Tara kiss for the 1st time as to not have it be the primary focus of an ep and to avoid any ep of Buffy being labled the "Girl Kiss" ep. Joss also threatened to quit Buffy because of push back by the Network for having the Kiss scene.

Casey Van Duin

#SundayRundown there is a fan theory that Warren dressed up as a mad scientist during Halloween in season 2 and turned into his costume and like Xander retained the knowledge to allow him to create the sexbot.

Ray D

The Body is one of the greatest achievements in television history. I feel that it’s the most realistic portrayals of death in media and is a masterpiece of directing, acting, and editing. So powerful.

Carson Coleman

Brilliant episode, probably Joss' best work 👏 👏👏 now more off topic... if the show that Mickey is refusing to mention, isn't Six Feet Under, I'll be very surprised. By far the best portrayal of death and grief is Six Feet Under. You guys should watch the pilot and I bet you'll never look back. But yes this was the best episode of the series... so far ❤

Justin Brinkley

There's so many fun facts to share about this episode, but assuming w over 90 comments they've already been said. I'm glad you all appreciated it for what it was saying. A lot of little takeaways, but I think the world not stopping bit was definitely felt when Buffy opened the back door of her house. I watched this when it aired as a 13 yo. Rewatched it once I bought the dvds in hs w family, friends, & partners. Luckily watched the series w my dad before he passed, & w my mom before she had dementia. It hits a different kind of way now. Cathartic. Hope to share it someday w my niece & nephew who lost their father in 2020. They live w me now, & Buffyverse is my main obsession I wish to pass on. 😅 Love your reacts, & only laugh I made this go round was Pat calling this one a filler.. 🤣


what do you mean doesn't work? you can't get the sync right?


all true but Joss acting like this with the network came back to bite him hard in the end


they are stopping buffy at ep 19 until next year for holidays, lmao, so many of them are going to be so pissed


I’m fairly sure what show Micky is talking about (especially how he is evading the spoiler) and it’s a recent show.


Please be patient with Angel. It's just starting to come into its own.


I do appreciate Chris doing his own reaction. And the double drop. I'm honestly surprised by the little extra considering how bitchy the commenters have been about y'all not remembering things or about your opinions lol, tough those are mostly on YouTube


Yeah, the truth is that Joss was a complicated person. He was an amazing person to work with for some people while also being petty and vindictive and awful to others, all while being a masterful (if not still somewhat flawed) creator. Every major writer of this show has gone out of the way (many even after the allegations) to state that Buffy IS Whedon's work, and emphasized how much of its brilliance stems directly from him. People are complicated and contain multitudes, his bad actions doesn't immediately mean he becomes a scapegoat for everything 'bad' about his work (including the episodes he didn't write) while ignoring all he contributed.

Marcos Avalos

I can't find the reaction to young justice 2x21

Nick Velasquez

The first thing ANYA says to Buffy is “I WISH Joyce didn’t die” As a former vengeance demon she more than anyone knows not to “wish” for anything