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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x10

Reaction: https://youtu.be/bmNclAcUAik

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/buffy/ (pg. 10)

Angel 2x10

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/angel-uncuts-only-ea/ (pg. 4)

Young Justice 2x15

Reaction: https://youtu.be/4ZtAKNriNl4

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/young-justice-2/ (pg. 5)

Jujutsu Kaisen 2x17

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/jujutsu/ (pg. 5) 




Its your boy, Brakthir back with some JJK facts. In regards to the summoning ritual for shinigamis(manga readers were confused since its been Mahoraga in the manga but who knows), you can only gain control of the shinigami if you are the only one in the ritual and you manage to defeat it. If anyone else helps you defeat it, the ritual ends but you don't actually gain control of it. So, because Haruta was in the ritual and Sukuna was the one who killed Makora, Megumi does not have control of it. Secondly, no one in sorcerer history has ever successfully defeat Makora. The fight that Gojo mentioned stated that both the ten shadows user and the six eyes limitless user died. #SundayRundown


In regards to JJK, the crunchyroll anime translations are very interesting. In this episode Sukuna uses his domain expansion “Malevolent Kitchen”. In S1 and in the manga, his domain is called “Malevolent Shrine”. In this episode his cutting techniques are called “Fillet” and “Dissect”, while in the manga they are called “Cleave” and “Dismantle”. Ever since the Shibuya Incident arc came out in the manga, it has been theorized by the JJK community that Sukuna’s curse technique has to do with cooking. It is stated that Sukuna was a cannibal and he uses cutting and fire techniques, which makes this theory plausible. Now with this anime translation, it might have reinforced this theory.


It's been 10 days since you guys said you were posting Rick and Morty "at the end of the week"


The future of anime? I hope not. It's funny how everyone is super critical of Demon Slayer but when it comes to Jujutsu Kaisen, everyone just puts on a blindfold. Conceptually, this episode should have been amazing but it was not. The animation was all over the place. Some parts looked amazing and other parts looked like a complete mess. Some scenes were so disjointed and blurry that it was nearly impossible to follow what was happening at all. Also, why was the doctor and the teacher just chilling there with no reaction to the nuclear bomb level fight that just took place near them? What happened to the lava and fire landscape of last episode? What was the point of showing Yuji for a second when Sukuna hadn't transferred control back to him yet? This arc takes place during a busy city but we've seen no reaction from the police, military, news, or anything like that. At least with Almight vs One For All, everyone knew to stay away since Almight was the strongest professional hero. Episode gets a 7/10 from me. Yes, I'm nitpicking but it's weird how many anime viewers don't hold Jujutsu Kaisen to the same standard that they hold other shows. It was the equivalent of writing an essay the day before it's due and your teacher giving you a C and writing, "You passed, but I know you can do better." It sucks that Mappa's animators are working under horrible deadlines but they don't get bonus points just for being Mappa. It's an unfortunate truth that many anime studios have to work under similar conditions.


I like the OP playing during the final moment, mainly cuz the song is made from the point of view of a villain (probably sukuna) to someone 'special'. It is so cynic and sarcastic. It really mirrors sukuna taking his body to that site just so yuji can 'appreciate the view'. Quite heavy


It shouldn't be surprising that Nanami got burned -- but that he survived. Jogo wasn't weak by any means, except in comparison to Gojo. But Gojo's insanely strong. So because he gets his ass handed to him in Season 1, we forget that it's a faulty metric before we see him fight someone on a non-Gojo level. Zen'in Senior got dusted and he's Special Grade 1 -- one level above Nanami's Grade 1. Special Grade curses are no joke -- which says a lot that Sukuna ended Jogo and Gojo ended Hanami so easily. They had to seal him to have a chance at all. No one's on the same level as Sukuna or Gojo (non-manga reader).


To clarify, the rank of Special Grade 1 is not above Grade 1, they are equivalent. Sorcerers who are not affiliated with the jujutsu schools are granted that rank. A lot of the big 3 clan members have that rank because they didn’t go to jujutsu school, but are of comparable skill. So Naobito is a Grade 1 level sorcerer who is “special” because he didn’t go through the traditional school route. That being said, Naobito is stronger than Nanami.


Watching back for the 3rd or 4th time, I realized that this JJK episode actually used a LOT of real world photos of Shibuya. The ending was always questionable, but it's also definitely real images with a filter that makes the drawings feel natural. The end where they show the black hole is literally a Google maps image edited for effect lol 😆 not a jab, just an interesting thing I haven't seen before in anime!