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Gurren Lagann 9

Reaction: https://youtu.be/tXe0sWbF6yE

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/gurren-lagann/

Bleach 146

Reaction: https://youtu.be/-qOL3-1-Ybk

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/bleach-premium/ (pg. 10)

Bleach 150

Reaction: https://youtu.be/Fi2dfwx6FAY

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/bleach-premium/ (pg. 10)



james lee

Y’all are so cynical now and have like no patience to let a story breathe


Nah, their criticism is fair. Some of these scenes are so dragged out, it's annoying to watch


Pacing of Hueco Mundo (anime version) is slow With that said, the content is quite good for the most part. Glad you guys like Nel

Sou saetern

I still can't believe not one of them can figure out that Yamamoto sent Zaraki and Byakua to get the SS group for a reason. Zaraki would've been enough, but Byakua too, there was no reason in trying to resist. Come on.


#SUNDAYRUNDOWN Fun fact Yoko and Simon are both 14 and Kamina was 18, GL and NGE were both made by gainax and kill la kill was made by Studio Trigger who was founded in 2011 by people that had previously been a part of Gainax that's why theres so much similarity in the animation style.


FYI, antlion pits are an actual thing separate from quicksand. Antlions are a type of predatory insect that look very similar to dragonflies. They're also the inspiration for the Pokemon Trapinch, Vibrava, and Flygon. Antlion larvae dig pits in sand and then hide at the bottom. The sides of the pits are steep enough that when prey (like ants) wander in, they slide down into the pit and can't climb back out. Quicksand occurs when sand is saturated enough that it can't support weight (there's more to it, but that's the basic jist).


This episode of Gurren Lagann is probably my least favorite for the reasons Marketa mentioned. It's basically the "let's be unnecessarily hostile towards the 14 year old who just lost his closest friend" episode


Yeah that made me spit my drink out when they said "dOnT yOu MeAn QuIcKsAnD?"

Tristan Harley

SUNDAY RUNDOWN: Yo I am loving the deeper character analysis I'm seeing from Suraj and Rana. Haha, nice harley davidson joke. Suraj, if you're missing Tatsuki, you can look at the following: https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/vel70i/bleach_chapter_252_618_things_like_loneliness/ It's a short bonus chapter (5 pages), set way back, on the day after Ichigo beat Grand Fisher. It details Tatsuki's thoughts, and is, in my opinion, a showcase of Bleach's character writing at it's best. No spoilers at all. I am revealing this to you now because the arc you're about to see is greatly enhanced by just thinking about what each characters thoughts and philosophies are. It will be beneficial to ask yourselves "what does a mask represent?" "What themes is the show trying to communicate in this fight?"


Those fillers from 147-149 were actually pretty good IMO.