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Harry Potter fans it's time!!!! Enjoy our reaction to Harry Potter & The Sorcerers Stone <3 what is your favorite HP movie? No spoilers!!!

Reaction above (updated!)

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Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone - Group Reaction

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Erm u mean “Philosopher's Stone” 😂


My favorite might just be the first one. Because of the music, the introduction to the world, and the Mirror of Erised scene is something that sticks with me today. Such powerful words!!!

Joevante Santiago

Favorite movie is Prisoner of Azkaban, favorite book is Half Blood Prince


Hang on...you've never seen HP??


did they see where they're watching this? b/c there's like 20 different cuts of this movie and the sync is going to be a nightmare


Today I learned - Americans have a different name for this movie Lmao. Was “philosopher’s” really too long a word or something? I’m dead.


I'm glad y'all are aware of the issues surrounding JK Rowling and her Terfness. I also want to point out the not so subtle anti-semitism in the HP books/movies (goblins for example).


also "we arent gonna spoil anything!" "pat you're like peter pettigrew" >.>


If jk Rowling treated Arab women or black women or Indian women or Eastern European women the way she’s treated trans women you would not be doing these reactions. If she successfully campaigned to take your healthcare away, ban you from hobbies and sports, made you feel unsafe to leave your house without hiding who you are. Take your rights away, stop a conversion therapy ban, fund the legal fees of a terf who marches with nazis who call for your eradication. Started a movement that has spread to your prime minister saying you are not real women and laughing about it. She lobbied to get trans women put in men’s prisons on men’s hospitals wards. She’s lobbied so that schools have to out trans children to their parents. How long before one of those parents kills their kid. A fifteen year old trans girl was murdered in a hate crime and it’s not a stretch to say her money and time hasn’t contributed to an environment that encourages that hate. If she did all of those things and so much more to your community. Would you throw each other under the bus to make a few dollars? Or just trans women. Don’t ever call yourself allies again. Playing hogwarts legacy was one thing, laughing at trans women existing in that sunny episode was another and now this. Allies listen to communities, they don’t speak over them and then think a guilt ridding gesture puts things square. It’s one thing to like Harry Potter. It’s another thing to promote jk Rowlings work and legacy and to profit off of it. People will absolutely sign up to your patreon to watch these. This is the third thing. Don’t call yourselves allies again.


😭😭 YAAAAAY!!! *Screams in Gay PotHead ⚡️*

Taylor Stuckey

Studio thought American kids wouldn’t be interested in a movie with philosopher in the title

Rando calrissian

Finally its felt like years since you guys had the movie poll i cant freaking wait to watch this reaction


I don’t recall hearing about alchemy or concepts like the philosopher’s stone in American culture very much, so the only philosophers that comes to mind are like old Greek thinkers. HP came out before Fullmetal Alchemist, which would have remedied that gap

Hank Scorpio

I remember you. You're the one who had a huge problem with the IASIP episode because it involved trans people but was completely silent when everyone else was the butt of the joke in other episodes....


Don't. Stop trying to make this political. Let them enjoy the effing movie. Take it somewhere else.

Jesse Vincente

Are they watching the extended or regular version


For someone who takes so much issue with the actions of The Normies, you sure like giving them money.

Chaos T

"Allies listen to communities, they don’t speak over them and then think a guilt ridding gesture puts things square." It's a good idea to practice what one preaches.

Chaos T

The studios thought sorcerer sounded more magical. It's a bit silly.

rickie woodson

Finally, i get to watch a movie again! Be back later for movie night! What to order: pizza or soul food. That is the question

Jesse Vincente

This is a pretty unreasonable message (since the movies are so much more than just JK Rowling and most of the people who worked on them have called her out as well) but ngl the responses are pretty toxic too.

James Noël

Perfect Renna but it is 17. Q7 is when Wizards are considered adults but the got on more year in school

Payam Sharifi

It wasn't the studio that changed it, it was the publisher of the book. We're just lucky they didn't end up going with their first choice, Harry Potter and the School of Magic (not joking).


Saying this as a former Potterphile: meh. Not amped this is a series that will be utilizing Normie view time but it must be pretty heavily supported if that's the case. Hopefully next year some more interesting stuff will get into the mix.

_ FlusterCluck

Dumbledore would’ve had to see me after that ceremony because there is no way that I grinded for points in slytherine house and you announced that I won….then out of nowhere he just drops all these points on harry and the gang, he changed the banners from green to red and everything. Can’t convince me that dumbledores not a ho

D. Kennedy

I'm glad it's just y'all four... I feel like some others in the group not here would've been talking and explaining too much. Lol


Not surprised rana is down with the trsnsphobe movie


Pop! Pop!


Need the next one asap! 😬

Prime Rebel

I had finished watching the series a few weeks ago and I'm SO HAPPY to see y'all reacting too this! I hadn't watched it pretty much same reason as Spidey.... not allowed

James jackson

The horrid queen of terf island is a large part of the reason i think copyright terms should be stripped back down to 20 years


Yesterday jk Rowling tweeted that that all trans women are rapists. Thanks for the solidarity guys. You’d totally be doing this if she said that about you wouldn’t you. If you were afraid to walk down your street because of the rhetoric she’s amplified in your country.


the reaction was great, spideys the mvp and cant wait for the next HP reaction


I bet you still enjoy every Disney product don't you. Despite who created it.


People crying about them reacting to this movie meanwhile they are happy to watch Disney movies. Despite the creator and what they did over the years.

Toast Knight

Not me! Not Hermione! You!


Rants like these are the online equivalent of a vegan yelling at people in the supermarket for daring to buy meat and dairy. As in, it looks unhinged and you are not going to convince anyone not already on your side. Heck, you are more likely to drive people away.

Shawn Brink

You are just a liar. Nobody is scared to walk down the street because of JK Rowling. That is blatant fearmongering. You also lied about what she said on X. She never said that all trans people are rapists. That is another blatant lie. People capable of lying ad nauseam for their beliefs are not on the side of good. We teach children that lying is bad.


Some people here just need to grow up and learn to separate artist from the art. The movies are a product of so much more than just JK Rowling and being a fan of the movies is completely acceptable and ok.


Yes, how dare she like a completely fictional movie series that has no bearing on the real world and that she's been a fan of for 2 decades since her childhood.

my new name

Pat was so funny this reaction

D. Kennedy

Blah Blah Blah, let them enjoy this movie and write your dissertations later.


Not meant as a knock but oof on the unfortunate timing of this reaction being dropped on the same day with one of Rowling’s most transphobic posts.

Jesse Vincente

Yeah it's pretty funny how unbelievably evil Rowling has gotten recently, sad to see.


By your logic, they have to wait 40+ years for it to be fine to react to? I also expect you to stop watching any Hollywood based movies/Tv shows since till this day they still have lots of problems behind the scenes.

Daniel Gonzalez

Unless there are some other comments people are talking about I don't really see anything wrong with what she said people just always want to equate something with something else like when NFL players were kneeling and somehow that meant they didnt respect the troops but also the BS with HL really made me unsympathetic to the Twitter crowd that's so up in arms about everything

rickie woodson

i just know legally they are his guardians so he has to go back to them just like we have to be with out parents during summer break when we were in school

rickie woodson

had no idea chris colombus directed this film! personal fun fact: he directed my favorite film of all time: adventures in babysitting, along with a lot of good kid/family films of the 80s and 90s like mrs doubtfire.

rickie woodson

every test i've taken (4-5 of them in total) always says raven claw, even when i would change up the answers. but i knew that was my home since the first film lol. i was like "there seems to be more girls over there and they are wearing blue and their symbol is a bird. i need to follow that crew and their adventures" lol

rickie woodson

PAT! stop with the dad jokes lol jk NEVER STOP. "the next film is about secrets of chambers"

rickie woodson

harry potter is my generation's star wars except i actually like the films :) its something that has endured and i believe will continue to endure for generations

rickie woodson

i dont see pat. the movie is screaming "ron is annoyed by harmione" and "hermione is fascinated/impressed by harry". they are the only hetero ship i can see

rickie woodson

and goonies as well. and he directed the first two home alone films. dude is the stephen spielberg of my youth


God your happiness is infectious

Sheraya san

Prison of Azkaban, half blood prince & deathly hallows pt 2 in that order

Chaos T

Another accusation without context or real evidence. It's clear you see what you want to see without actually looking at what was said or typed. Literally nothing Rowling tweeted said all trans women are rapists. That's a nutty conclusion if you bothered to actually read what was typed. You want people to understand your side of the issue but that gets pushed to the back seat when you have to lie or misrepresent someone's words to make a point. Despite how noble your fight might be, you lose all credibility when you purposely manipulate and lie about what someone said to fit your narrative.


Let’s go! We need a bigger crew for the next one

Chaos T

Might as well strike literature from dead racist ass authors whose families still get money from their works after they're long dead.

Chaos T

I believe they're streaming this from Max but please let me know if that's wrong. If they're watching this from a streaming service, the point about the Normies actively supporting Rowling becomes moot.

Chaos T

Let's hit the breaks there. This film and "Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring" dropped the same year. LOTR series has more of a claim to "our generation's Star Wars".


Both are shit comparisons 🤣 🤣 🤣 But to the original point, I'd lean more HP=SW than LOTR... LOTR is more Star Trek 🤣


Add timestamps, MF'er!!! Lol 😆 I'm only being friendly. It would be nice for people to know what part of the reaction you are commenting on... especially when it's like 20 different comments in a row 😆 Love ya buddy 😘 lol


yo i loved this and im genuinely excited for the next one with pat n spidey. btw peacock has the extended versions by default; im sure someone has said it but i hate scrolling and doubt this will see the light anyways but ye

Chaos T

Star Wars was really groundbreaking in it made the general public fall in love with a genre of entertainment; which is what the LOTR films accomplished. The fantasy and scifi fantasy the average movie going audience embraces now in various entertainment properties probably wouldn't have been possible without LOTR paving the way. The Lord of the Rings films had a huge impact on a series like "Game of Thrones" being accepted by the average tv enjoyer.

Gwenhwyfar Aine

Most don't actually feel JK is transphobic. If you look at exactly what she said, it's fairly reasonable. But you get those who hate on anyone and anything that doesn't agree with ideas 100%.

Gwenhwyfar Aine

No, she did not. She has an issue with predators and rapists pretending to be something so they can more easily rape more women. It happens, stop pretending it doesn't. Yesterday she pointed out how terrible it is for a court to force a victim to pretend her rapist is a woman when he raped her with his man parts. What's worse? Misgendering your rapist or rape?

Manny D.

Except what she said was 100% transphobic. “Most” dude you do not speak for most people. That’s 100% not true

Manny D.

There’s a lot wrong with what she said. She is transphobic. It is not ok. And if you sympathize with her, you’re transphobic too

Manny D.

I love ya’ll and I don’t think you shouldn’t watch HP. I wish you weren’t, but at this point, there’s no getting rid of HP, it’s become too much of a force in pop culture. But the statement at the beginning from Navi was weak ass BS. “Oh it’s controversial, please educate yourself”. No. Come on. Look at the transphobes in these Patreon comments now feeling emboldened. Your statement should have been much more direct. “JKR is wrong. JKR is transphobic. We do not agree with her. We stand with the trans community. The trans community deserves human rights just like the rest of us.” Something like that would have been 1000% better than what you actually said. Hopefully you’ll add something like that in the future.


JK Rowling is definitely transphobic. Absolutely no doubt about that. But the HP franchise has become too big of a cultural phenomenon to link it just to her. Boycott it if you want, but harassing or berating people for still enjoying the franchise like some are doing in these comments feels a bit unhinged.


I mean, I totally understand liking the HP movies through nostalgia but putting them in the same category as LOTR or Star Wars is insanity lol. They were 100% carried by nostalgia and I'd say there are maybe two good movies in the entire series.


On the flip side, berating, mocking and insulting those who have issues with the Normies reacting to this while giving a very weak, half assed response to JK Rowlings awfulness is even worse. Telling them that JKR isn't transphobic, that they're being dramatic etc is even worse. Trans people and allies of trans people deserve to have their voices listened to instead of attempting to be silenced by the ignorant masses.


100% agreed. At the very least, I was hoping that y'all would take stock of the backlash you initially got when announcing you will be reacting to these movies and perhaps setting up donations to trans friendly charities. Condemning JKR in stronger terms and transphobic attitudes amongst your community should be the bare MINIMUM, IMO. I'm being harsh because I love the normies and the community you build and you CAN do better.


nah the HP franchise is GOATED. It still holds up very well imo


being offended by words (especially ones stemmed from opinion) is weaker than the "argument" you're defending..


What a totally ignorant and frankly, sad opinion you hold.


ignorant = lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated. I assume a published author and myself know anatomy enough to form an opinion behind it.. at this point, it just sounds like projecting.


Harry Potter is great those weirdos that get offended by everything are lame and a minority so who cares watch what you want.

Antonio Maderias

Not Rana spoiling the protection charm and why Harry has to go home in the 1st movie reaction. 😮‍💨

Gwenhwyfar Aine

I'd say they are both our gen's star wars. And both individually are better than Star Wars ;)


@Zawooloo Is like Mac with the sex-change textbook next to their bed, someone's a little interested


unfortunately my ego isn't fragile enough, nor am I religious. I appreciate the shot tho


this was enjoyable and I'm not even a huge HP fan. But I hope we don't have to wait until next Halloween for Cabin in the Woods and It Follows reactions. I remember, Christopher....

Chaos T

I have the same question as Dave and can't recall it being discussed in the films.

Chaos T

What's annoying about this debate is Rowling is probably transphobic but her opponents make a lot of shit up which make the potentially valid points they might have not creditable. The claim JK Rowling tweeted that that all trans women are rapists is a prime example of that silliness.

Chaos T

@Brakthir if one has to lie about something an individual said to support the narrative they're pushing, that persons point of view should be mocked. There should be no sympathy for an individual if they're intellectually dishonest in their discourse regardless if their intentions are morally right.

Gwenhwyfar Aine

There's a difference between being transphobic and philosophically not agreeing with the whole trans agenda.


Please elaborate terf what is the trans agenda lol


Gwenhwyfar You're getting ratioed pretty damn hard so no, I don't think you speak for most fans at all.

Gwenhwyfar Aine

No, the haters are just louder and have nothing better to do to than to make up lies about it. The numbers show that fans would rather purchase than complain. One little corner of the internet doesn't even count. ;)

Gwenhwyfar Aine

When you get to exactly what JK said, nothing about it is wrong. She's defending women and cautioning against a generation of fools cutting their parts off. Absolutely nothing wrong with that.


Correction, Hufflepuff is the drip tray. The leftovers who were neither brave nor cunning nor smart.


After Ranas comments and the faces she made during the trans episode of IASIP I feel like the normies have been "mask off" for a while.


YAYYYYY Harry Potter is my favorite series of all time!!! Can't wait for all these reactions


Oh good you're back to complain 🙄🙄🙄. Get over it you were complaining months ago when this won the poll, move on and ignore it if you don't like the show. Plenty of others have to do this with shows that they watch i.e. Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


How is the movie transphobic.....I'll wait. But we all know you won't come back with a coherent repsonse cause all you people want to do is get online complain and berate people who want to enjoy a wizard movie cause they don't hold every single political position you do. Touch grass


If being opposed to transitioning children and biologically born men being in biologically female restrooms and sports, is transphobic, then I'm a proud transphobe. And so is my transgender fiancee apparently.


JK Rowling is not transphobic. Or if she is, then she hasn't said anything that revealed it yet. Her opinions are very mild. So much so, that my trans fiancee agrees with her on her most "controversial" opinions.


On a more light-hearted note, despite Pat's usual sus comments, he was very on point with his opinions in this movie.

Jacob Castle

she is proudly transphobic, stop making shit up, she literally said all trans women are just men pretending to be women so they can more easily rape women, and all trans men are gender traitors. She is a TERF, she calls herself a TERF, stop covering for someone who isnt trying to cover themselves

Jacob Castle

GoldArthur you are literally doing the "black people cant be racist against black people, so jesse lee owens can say that "white people create and black people only destroy". It is racist when he says that, he is a black white supremacist, his race has nothing to do with whether or not his beliefs are wrong. If your fiance is real and not just made up for the argument then yes, you are both transphobes, transgender or not. Jk rowling has dedicated most of her life and a large portion of her wealth to eradicating trans people, if you agree with her then you are as transphobic as it comes. At least you admit to being a proud transphobe.


If you have a trans fiancée, I'm sure they wouldn't appreciate you using them as a token to misinform people. Coming from an actual trans woman.


Trans lady here, J.K. Rowling may be a shitty person, but the film franchise has done well enough to separate themselves from the author and the stain her beliefs leave on the IP. Daniel Radcliffe is among the most proactive allies out there. Moreso than anybody denouncing these films imo.


Shawn unless you've walked in the shoes of the of that exact demographic, don't assume to know what that demographics lived experiences are like. JK Rowling's online rumblings have definitely amplified anti-trans movements. I can't wear a trans flag sticker, be proud of my identity, at any conventions anymore, let alone HP conventions, without getting dozens of snippy or downright mean comments.


Would love if you guys moderated your comments sections a little more though, some of these comments are a little offensive.


We don't care about your opinion then, go somewhere else while they enjoy this masterpiece of a franchise.


There is NOTHING anti-semetic in the HP books. This is just another nonsense attempt for the woke crowd to try and cancel JK Rowling and the HP franchise. It's pathetic considering the fact that I GUARENTEE that you and everyone else who liked this dumb comment are totally fine with the slogan "From the River to the Sea Palestine will be free" a LITERAL call for genocide of the Jewish population, yet I know you and your types would get their panties in a bundle when you are told that slogan is anti-semetic. GTFO with your dumb anti-semitism comments


They don't care about lying, they will push and spread any lie as long as it promotes their specific ideology. These are not people to be reasoned with they are pure propagandists, plain and simple. Nothing should be taken at face value with these kinds of commenters

Aaron Boone (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-30 02:28:49 Jesus can you guys stop with the misinformation. Do actual research instead of just saying what the internet tells you. JK Rowling is not transphobic…. In 2020 she responded to a tweet that said “people who menstruate” and she said “women menstruate” ya know because only women can menstruate….. She also then said “If sex isn’t real, there’s no same-sex attraction. If sex isn’t real, the lived reality of women globally is erased. I know and love trans people, but erasing the concept of sex removes the ability of many to meaningfully discuss their lives. It isn’t hate to speak the truth” Then she said “ “The idea that women like me, who’ve been empathetic to trans people for decades, feeling kinship because they’re vulnerable in the same way as women—i.e., to male violence—‘hate’ trans people because they think sex is real and has lived consequences—is a nonsense.” And finally she said this ““I respect every trans person’s right to live any way that feels authentic and comfortable to them. I’d march with you if you were discriminated against on the basis of being trans. At the same time, my life has been shaped by being female. I do not believe it’s hateful to say so.” Doesn’t sound like hate speech or anything close to transphobia to me. Sounds more like she is a huge huge supporter of trans people and somebody just got their feelings hurt that she called out the truth instead of blindly supporting non-scientific nonsense that the trans community wants you to agree with.
2023-11-28 17:34:58

Aaron Boone

She never said that. Can you please show where she said that? You cannot find that on the internet anywhere. You can find the truth tho, which is that someone tweeted “people menstruate” and she corrected them by saying “women menstruate” because well… that’s the truth…. Now if the truth upsets you then I’m very sorry, but don’t blame it on somebody else and make up stuff they never said to make yourself feel better

Aaron Boone

Please share documented reasons to back that up? Because the only thing you can find physical proof of is that she said “women menstruate” and “I support all trans people”


Transphobia - irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against transgender people. JK Rowling supports and spends time with "pro-women" activists who outwardly believe that Trans Women pose a threat to women's rights, i.e. Trans Women sharing restrooms or changing rooms with women. This is transphobic by definition (above) bc it is an irrational fear biological mlaes sharing female-only spaces with women. Being a Trans Woman does not give someone a special opportunity to inflict violence on women. Take the changing room example for instance, any man can walk into any women's changing room at any time and cause harm if they wanted to. Thinking that someone being trans makes it easier for them to do this is an irrational fear aimed specifically at trans women. So, if JK holds this belief then she is transphobic by definition. She also is known to spend time with and support those who are transphobic (she's hosted gatherings with them before like at The River Cafe) So there's some research and definitions for you

Darth Sckolar

So...guilty by association. Got it. That line of thinking is impervious to muddy thinking and can't be abused whatsoever.

Darth Sckolar

Also, by your definition, the fear has to be irrational. This is Key. In order to understand that you have to understand what rationale and rationality actually are. And no, it is not the same as logic/logical as these two methods involve similar but different modalities of thought. Everything JK Rowling has said publicly about this issue is patently rational and there isn't a single piece of her statements to indicate a fear. Worry and concern are not fear.

Vivian Woods

you can disagree but shes the creator of this story and franchise. you didnt really need to comment on anything whatsoever. especially as you have fans on all sides of alot of issues none of you probably want to make the focal point of your channel or brand. but alright


Viv honey, if you can't accept other people's opinions, maybe you shouldn't watch other people's content or speak to them. Saying "you can disagree... BUT" proves that you're a narcissist with no ability to think outside of yourself and your own view of the world. News flash: You're not special, you are one of billions of humans in this world, and if you can't allow others to speak their minds then you should be quiet yourself. I'm sure you'll keep whining though, triggered people usually do.

Vivian Woods

youre actually brain dead. youve made alot of assumptions......im on thier patreon which means ive given them money. i love their discussions and different ideas. i dont have to agree with anything they say at all. they made that statement just like other reactors did because its HR. its not a comment or statement they needed to make for any other reason than to stave off people who dislike JK Rowling. just like people were actually doxxed for supporting the films and games. My comment is pretty straight forward. they dont need to defend thier decisions on content everytime they choose to watch something thats controversial. they dont have to speak on behalf of anyone because some people are that obsessed. IE they should have been able to put this video up without ever mentioning JK, but they did which is why i made my comment. you cant actively support a womans life work that has impacted the world and multiple generations that they obviously love, and start with dismissing her personal beliefs and views when no one asked. this story is her personal beliefs and politics. and shes still crafting this world and churning out more books. dont line her pockets if you dont like her or want her to have influence. she also wasnt wrong but the point being it literally doesnt matter? we dont need to discuss politics to watch and enjoy these movies. youre the one seemingly upset at my opinion. thata fine but im free to respond "honey".

Felipe Aravena

"fans on all sides"... yeah, transphobic and not transphobic... i prefer the latter. Joanne being the creator of the story doesn't make her impervious to criticism, especially when she's being extremely - and maybe obliviously - hurtful and victimizing herself. that's one of the reasons the younger actors in the franchise have spoken up (as they should). being a victim (and let's be clear, what happened to her was awful) doesn't give you free-pass to victimize others. The Normies not commenting on this would've actually been disrespectful to "fans on all sides".