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Hey everyone! Quick announcement before explaining this poll: Harley Quinn will replace Castlevania Nocturne instead of waiting a year for Young Justice to be over. This means that you will start seeing episodes for Harley in mid January after Nocturne is done posting on Patreon (and after we're back from Christmas break). Hope this is an easier wait time!

Secondly, after hearing some feedback, we are going to start doing these Focus polls before The Sunday Rundown every week. Vote on which show will have more of a focus for that particular week. This means instead of reading the usual 1-2 comments, this show will receive a special segment with 4-6 comments.

- We will be removing the show that wins from this poll in the following week's poll to give other shows a chance to be highlighted. Afterwards, the show will be added back in.



I think everyone was whining too much about having to wait for Harley Quinn. Like, it was locked in! You just had to wait. How many of us have had to keep waiting for shows we want them to react to just to make it onto a React Wheel? Plenty of us waited for years just for YJ to finally win a React Wheel. On one hand I appreciate y’all for accommodating those of us who want HQ. But on the other hand it feels like giving in to crybabies. As long as y’all at Normies HQ are cool with your decisions, then it’s all good. But I hope the crybabies don’t stress you out too much.

Rishi Shukla

Any news on the South Park special? Is that squeezing in here anytime soon?


Unfortunately doesn’t look like we will be able to squeeze that in but Suraj will be streaming it on his twitch and posting the uncut here.

Johnny Blue

My only suggestion for weekly show focus is that you don't let vote brigading fans dictate that a show wins the poll every other week. In this scenario, the most active Patreon fans of a particular show would win all the time. Maybe you can put a clause that a show's season finale should get priority over a popularity poll win? It's only fair for the tiny shows like Castlevania.


thats what they are doing if you bother to read they are dropping the winning show every week so other shows have a chance


I don't know...what if a show wins one week and only 2 people comment on it? Or 6 people comment, but only one is a good comment and the other 5 are people repetitively and annoyingly quoting "funny" lines? My suggestion would be that you hand select GOOD comments that are proportional to the number of comments for that show.

Gwenhwyfar Aine

Buffy discussion is too short every week.

ray s

There's a lot of votes for Buffy/angel and as much as I love those shows, their are better weeks and better episodes I'd much rather see discussed in more depth.


I think it was fine the way it was. Don’t get me wrong, there were times where the comment selection or the lack of discussion were a little disappointing, but overall it was fine imo. Plus, the Sunday rundown was just a cool little extra thing you guys used to wrap up the week, it was organic. Oh well it’s not really that big of a deal as long as you’re fine with it.

Estevan Sandoval

It would be cool to have the Normies write down comments after they react to a show and those he included in the Sunday rundown


Love the Bleach journey y'all are having


When you say “more of a focus”, what do you mean?

Anmol Raj

guys u just cannot remove Bleach........u guys are just getting to the best part.......also u guys have not yet seen Nel