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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x6

Reaction: https://youtu.be/HvSTJcQTwB0

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/buffy/ (pg. 10)

Angel 2x6

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/angel-uncuts-only-ea/ (pg. 4)

Young Justice 2x11

Reaction: https://youtu.be/BhgqcpbXW30

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/young-justice-2/ (pg. 5)

Jujutsu Kaisen 2x13

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/jujutsu/ (pg. 5) 



little Pun Dragon

I think ya'll missed the short after credits for JJK, right before the next ep preview


Yeah I think yall missed the post credits. And this isn't a spoiler but Sukuna killed Yuji in season 1 by ripping his heart out. Idk why yall think Sukuna cares about Yuji.


Choso exhibits the true potential of blood manipulation. Good balance of close, mid, and long range attacks. The only drawback is how much of your blood you’re willing to remove from your body. With Noritoshi Kamo ( the guy from Kyoto school) he was limited to how many blood bags he can carry, he can’t really use too much of his own blood for risk of blood loss. With Choso, he’s half curse so his physiology is a bit different, which mitigates the drawback.


Micky did catch it at the 2nd watch, but Sukuna deliberately chose not to lift a finger to help Itadori. He's just a convenient host, but it's not like Sukuna needs Itadori: if Itadori dies -- Sukuna dies -- not at all the case. I think just from an anime trope perspective, since we didn't see anyone in the shadows, only the focus of these two, something weird is going on between Yuji and Chosa, and no third party intervened.

Benjamin Donahue

Last time Itadori died Sukuna was just fine. We don't know how long that will actually be but my guess is he'll be fine even if Itadori is gone. As for the "10% chance" part, I would chalk that up to really not knowing the specifics of the technique. He may have such fine control as to seperate the water from the blood entirely, or even worse the mixing of blood gives him control of the water too.

Daniel Sessions

I have a somewhat long and complicated theory about Victor and He Who Remains. I don't think they are the same version of Kang just at different points in life I do think they are two different versions. This goes back to some of things He Who Remains said to Loki and Sylvie. He talked about how a version of himself of himself was a scientist in the 31st century, which is Kang's backstory in the comics. And they discovered the multiverse and how to travel along it which soon leads to war. So what I wondered was if there is no multiverse anymore, cause the TVA was pruning timelines, what happens to that younger version of Kang in the 31st century, cause then he couldn't have discovered the multiverse, so wouldn't that change things? And I know he's wording saying it was a variant and not actually him points to him and Victor being the same person, but I still don't think they are. I think maybe He Who Remains didn't isolate his own timeline. I think he isolated one with a harmless version of himself, a version that if wanted to he could shape and mold into the next He Who Remains if needed. Cause in 1868 it said they were on the Sacred Timeline but in 1893 they weren't. Cause Ravonna gave young Victor that book causing the timeline to branch. I think He Who Remains was always a Variant not actually native to the Sacred Timeline. Which could be another reason he lived at the End of Time, cause him being on the timeline should have countless branches but since he was at the end of time there was nowhere for the branches to ever really grow. I hope that wasn't too confusing