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Bleach 46

Reaction: https://youtu.be/YWqigvLkYDM

Uncut: https://youtu.be/ZT_OGJmSocc (pg. 5)

Bleach 47

Reaction: https://youtu.be/AMtMD1QyJaU

Uncut: https://youtu.be/ZT_OGJmSocc (pg. 6)

Neon Genesis Evangelion 25

Reaction: https://youtu.be/SOMKBFS6EwI

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/neon-genesis-evangelion/ (pg. 3)

One Piece 1x7 

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/one-piece-live-action/ 




Sanji thirst 🥵 Enjoying the One Piece discussions! Fun to see Suraj picking up on a lot of the themes and parallels The story is incredibly based, super anti-authoritarian, really humanist and very honest with it’s discussion of racism/segregation (also genuinely great Trans Representation later on) Think it will only appeal more and more to Marketa and Navi’s values (and the full couch when they watch) Really like Marketa’s point about the extras looking a bit too generic to differentiate the stars


A complaint of mine would be that Luffy listened to Nami’s backstory A big part of his character is the fact that he doesn’t really care much about people’s history or the history of the places he’s visited. He’s someone who helps others because of who they are as a person Some of the best things he’s done for others (even entire nations) have happened without him realizing (or even caring) about the impact I think this makes it even MORE beautiful that he helps others, he’s selfish BUT he cares about people he likes not being denied their rights (which to him includes things like food) Helping others being denied their rights is just the right thing to do for him


Agree with this, I hate being too picky with the LA since they are doing a great job of hitting major story beats while shortening things in a way that flows well but this is one of my favourite things about Luffy in this arc. He literally doesn't care what has happened, all he knows is that his friend is in distress, so of course he is going to help.

Chris K.

not the Pat impersonation lool he would totally be on Arlongs side


While I see the difference, the LA still made it clear Luffy was already all in on helping her from the start. That's why they went to Arlong Park in the first place. He just needed her to ask for it. Learning her reasons had more to do with everyone else needing to hear it. EDIT: hit enter prematurely; not sure how to sepearate paragraphs on mobile here. Anyway just adding the reason everyone needed to hear it was the LA didn't have time to split up the group, something the manga does a lot in this and the coming mini arcs.