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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x3

Reaction: https://youtu.be/8lxdwpZdyY4

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/buffy-the-vampire-slayer-premium/ (pg. 9) 

Angel 2x3

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/angel-uncut-only/ (pg. 3) 

Young Justice 2x9

Reaction: https://youtu.be/bIDkRu4ic8Y

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/young-justice-premium/ (pg. 4) 



mary smith

Rana's "Can I Aww at this" 😍 promptly followed by 😥 was quite the 1sec emotional roller-coaster


was gunna say this in the episode we met him but. I'm surprised you guys dont recognize Gunn. Agents of Shield my dude


What? Gunn was in a few season 1 episodes and they acknowleged they knew the actor from Agents of Sheild in Gunn's actual first episode "Warzone", pretty sure it's season 1 episode 20


one does not simply reopen the magic box without consequences


"kill us both spock" is obviously a reference to star trek, specifically an episode where kirk was split in two and late on they figure out its not exactly good kirk or bad kirk just the ego and id.


After some soul searching I have decided it's not a spoiler to say Charles Gunn will come into his own. So much so that I honestly forget this is what his portrayal was like at first. I love Gunn and I can't imagine saying that if they maintained long term this cringey attempt at street cred. I dunno, maybe it was a lazy attempt to give him an initial character arc. The Gunn I know is a much more complete character. I have cheered for Gunn, I have laughed with Gunn, I have cried for Gunn.