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End of Evangelion 

Reaction: https://youtu.be/_OkdXfQIZuw

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/nge-premium/ (pg. 3) 

Bleach 120

Reaction: https://youtu.be/O8ueF0A8a1Y

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/bleach-premium/ (pg. 9) 

Bleach 121

Reaction: https://youtu.be/IoGYG7uMgEA

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/bleach-premium/ (pg. 9) 

Gurren Lagann 1x1 (NEW)

Reaction: https://youtu.be/d-DxOZDhLUE

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/gurren-lagann/




The song used during the Third impact is called: "Komm susser tod" and it translates into come sweet death




Fun fact, Grimmojw was ranked #12 at first, and has been promoted to 6.


watch?v=xPxmQF6Huvs&ab_channel=ThatOneGuy%27sAnimations congratz on ending eva.

Vicar Sol

I wish y'all will be watching the other works of Hideaki Anno, atleast in your own time. He is probably one of the most influential person in the industry with what he has contributed, right up there with guys like Ghibli and Go Nagai. The man's life and works are incredibly fascinating and has great passion to the otaku culture. He has worked on almost every major influential Japanese franchise. Hideaki Anno has come a long way since Evangelion and his recent works reflect that (you'll see that in the Rebuild of Eva movies). IF you are planning to react to another one of his works, Shin Godzilla is a fantastic movie, ESPECIALLY after watching Eva (dont worry no ego death in this one).

Roland The Gunslinger

Do Gundam 0079 afet Gurren Lagan, one of the best mecha ever


Just started Gundam 0079 today. Instantly want to binge more and more. Catching bodies episode 1.

james lee

Do you guys even like most of the shows y’all watch


“Spiderverse” and “Everything Everywhere All At Once” take a lot of their best aspects (thematically and narratively) from Evangelion Both have a few Eva references sprinkled in Like those films the fourth wall is destroyed. The contract made between the film and viewer (that this is a story being told to us) is broken by Hideki Ano, directly involving us in his world and sharing his message about humanity directly with us We’re all part of these same emotional and psychological narratives the characters are facing. He’s talking to US about humanity, connection, suffering etc Also as f***cked as it was with what Shinji did over Asuka’s body (Didn’t need that in this movie) it is relevant to the message… like the idea that Shinji’s ability to connect with others has been perverted to such an extent that he would do THAT with Asuka’s body… like his concept of human connection has been destroyed after killing Kaoru (and everything else). It makes his decision to NOT connect with humanity and chase individuality all the more dramatic Misato kisses Shinji (which was gross af) because she has felt more and more like she has no worth to others outside of her body (the opposite of Ritsuko who feels she only has her mind to offer and is deeply insecure about her body)

Cody Peevy

To be fair, Bleach doesn’t hold up and is hard to get into. It has some peak moments but also a lot of nothing.


This is a great video breaking down what happens in the world of the story itself https://youtu.be/E5gVDDpviKo?si=lsVTds8M8huYTHTH This one does a good job diving into the metaphors and psychology of both endings https://youtu.be/0VABh_NE4Xg?si=r_kU0K3Lz_S8QaFJ


Hope whatever show you guys watch next can be more relaxed and digestible! Gurren Lagan is for sure more relaxed but still fun and awesome


Whereas NGE made you depressed and mindfucked, GL will give you hope and unbelievable hype. The things is you gotta let it cook for like 5-6 episodes before you really feel the hype. I watch GL at least once every year and I always skip to ep7 just because imo that’s where the plot really takes off and never comes down.


you should react to devil man cry baby fantastic anime.


Eva is actually a rather optimistic and hopeful series if you think about it.

Heavenly Demonic Emperor

Y'all should definitely check out Eternal Raijin remixes on these Bleach OST bro shiiii is fuegoo!!! 🔥🔥🔥


Grimmjow really violated Ichigo. I love how he was hopping like a boxer, he want all the smoke. Didn't even pull out his sword. Due to Hitsugaya being the youngest out of all the captains, he's the most naive and least experienced when it comes to battle. Not taking anything away from him though as he's one of my favorites. @Suraj, Espada means sword.

All Mighty Lowercase Jay

Now that Eva is done i'd like to touch on this popular fan theory that Sinji is Bisexual seeing that it was brought up here during the review. I personally never read this as Sinji being Bi and i think a lot of people who do are projecting their own feeling onto the Character. Sinji as a character is extremely depressed, he is a person who feels as if he is always alone even when he is surrounded by others so he seeking a conection with anything. When the Show/Movie is showing Sinji's sexuality it is being focused on through the eyes of a depressed teenage boy who is attracted to women/girls which the show does by showing scenes where he is sexually attracted to Rei, Auska or Misato. The conection that Sinji shows with Kaworu isn't a sexual one in nature but a Mental Emotional one. Sinji in his depression is longing for a conection to something and Kaworu is giving him a branch to grasp, they have long conversations about the beauty of life and Kaworu comforts Sinji. Sinji's longing for a connection also touched upon in the movie where in a scene with Auska she not only calls Sinji a "Coward" but also points out that he'd "Love" anything that showed him attention and affection while also stating Sinji's own feeling wouldn't be genuine. When Sinji kills Kaworu his pain and anguish over the situation wasn't solely out of the "Love" he had for Kaworu but was also because Sinji doesn't have a true desire to harm anyone (remember he was destroyed after hurting Toji also). Sinji's depression is the primer focus of this series and when in that state of mind the need for human contact as well as a sense of belonging is a huge deal for someone in that dark place but that wanting for a connection or to be "loved" isn't necessarily a sexual desire.

Dale Ellis


Muhammad Affan

What is the schedule for this week? I have not found any. What times will you guys be uploading One Piece Live Action?


@The Sunday Rundown, if any of the reactors want to respond or at least read any of this. Congratulations! You have completed the original story of Neon Genesis Evangelion. There are some facts widely known by fans that cannot be learned from watching the show. I will include many of those in this comment. There will not be any spoilers for the Rebuild movies. • The First Ancestral Race (FAR) are an alien species that seed life through the universe. On every planet they leave either a Black Moon, which contains the fruit of knowledge, or a White Moon containing the fruit of life. On Earth they messed up and left both, the black in Japan and the white in Antarctica. To repair this, they deactivated the white moon and left a device to activate or destroy its contents (The Spear/Lance of Longinus) and an instruction manual of sorts (The Dead Sea Scrolls). • Possessing the Fruit of Knowledge, Lilith possesses intelligence but little power. She gave birth to the human race through her blood, the LCL, which NERV also uses in the Evangelion cockpits and is what humans turn back into during Third Impact. Adam has the Fruit of Life, which means he has infinite power but no intelligence. • By the end of the series, Eva Unit One has both the fruits of life and knowledge. That means she (and Shinji) have infinite power and the awareness to use it. The real life scenes in the movie and the school scene in the last episode represent Shinji creating/visiting alternate worlds as he tries to decide what to do with his own. • Humans experiment using the Lance on the inert White Moon. This woke up Adam. He promptly exploded, causing Second Impact and seeding the Earth with Angels 3-16 who would wake years later. • Eva Unit One and Rei were both created using the flesh of Lilith. Seele always intended for Unit One to be the device for controlling Third Impact, but Rei was a contingency created by Gendo so that he could assume control. While Rei is a clone of Yui, she also has Lilith’s DNA and possibly her mind. This is why she can create her own AT-field as seen in episode 24 and can absorb Adam. Unit One is made out of Lilith’s lower body, which is why the Second Angel is missing her legs for much of the show, but Yui willing merged with the Eva during the first activation experiment and serves as its mind and soul. • Every Eva unit possesses a human soul. Early on Kensuke mentions that none of the children in Tokyo-3 have mothers. Kenji reveals that every child at the school is a potential pilot. These facts are related. The technology used by Ritsuko’s mom to copy her mind into the three MAGI computers is used by NERV to turn the souls of human mothers into the CPUs of their giant cyborgs. • Unit-02 is possessed by Asuka’s mom. The experiment where they downloaded by her mind into it caused her mental illness and suicide. • Unit Zero is possessed by the first Rei, the child who died in the flashback episode. That is why every time the unit goes berserk it tries to kill Ritsuko, because her mom murdered the first Rei. • Unit Three was presumably possessed by Toji’s mom. • NERV scientists at several points mention “reconfiguring” Unit One for Rei or vice-versa. Presumably this means that “souls” can be transferred between Eva units. Also, Rei and Shinji can connect to each other’s Eva units because Rei 1 and Yui are so similar. • Everyone has an AT-field. The fields of Angels and Evas are stronger than ours, but every human has an AT-field they maintain themselves as individuals and not part of the soupy, LCL homogenate we become in End of Eva. Both in-universe and out, the AT-field represents our fear of getting too close to other people. • Adam has no mind, even in his fetus form. He never controls Gendo. However, Kaworu is part Adam and part human just like Rei, so he is the closest Adam comes to having a consciousness. • If you pay attention, the mass-produced EVAs in End are piloted by Dummy Plugs with Kaworu’s name stamped on them. Just like Gendo used Rei-clones as his dummy plugs, Seele is using mindless versions of Shinji’s boyfriend. • Getting meta, the notes flashed on the screen during End of Eva are letters the studio got after the final episodes of the show. They are mostly hate mail and death threats. End of Eva is in part a “fuck you” to those fans, which explains why Shinji goes so far off the deep end. The live action theater scene was shot at the opening for Evangelion: Death and Rebirth, the compilation film you guys didn’t react to. Thank you for reading! Hope some of this is of interest.


Mickeys entire theory hedges on Asuka being a step sister.

Jey R

Oh yeah, Ichigos name means a couple of things, Strawberry, The one who protects, or he who protecs, and 15 as Ichi= 1 Go =5, his sisters call him Ichi ni, or Ichi-nisan, as brother Ichi... but also Ichi Ni San = 1 2 3... Bu the point is, he is the protector to grimmjows baerer of the 6sexto rank

Che Arnold

i. think if y’all watch the 1.0 2.22 3.33 and 3.0+1.0 just make em uncuts paterons only and fit a blind watcher it’s a really good contrast to the original story with updated looks



Its ame mario

I just resaw all this on mushrooms. Jesus