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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x2

Reaction: https://youtu.be/GAEhIlozP-E

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/buffy-the-vampire-slayer-premium/ (pg. 9) 

Angel 2x2

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/angel-uncut-only/ (pg. 3) 

Young Justice 2x8

Reaction: https://youtu.be/mbr-q2EG7rM

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/young-justice-premium/ (pg. 4) 




No one got the Star Wars balance training reference in Buffy?


One thing that always gets me about this ep, is Judy isn't far off Angel is a serial killer, he is THE serial killer, Angelus is the template for so many of them, it hit so hard, love this ep

Ash Lee Can

Everyone in the hotel was under the influence of the demon. That's why everyone's behavior was escalating so dramatically, irrationally turning everyone against each other to the point of lynching. That's why the guest had the reaction they had after they lynched Angel. Just like the guy who unalived himself. The demon is taking their paranoia and amplifying it to irrationality. The demon WANTS them to fight and go crazy to further push their paranoia so it can feed and everyone gets left with nothing but the guilt of their actions (unless you end up deceased)...


LOL i was screaming at you guys the entire episode that the bellhop was Fake Dean/Fauxby!!!! lol glad you all got there at the end. this episode is one of the best angel episode. the hyperion > the magic shop in my opinion haha. I would say Judy was under the spell -- everybody was. but the demon just amped up everyone's paranoia that was already there, which is what makes the characters so compelling. i think it's also interesting to realize that Angel once attempted to help people in the same way he's helping them in present day. To have that one failed attempt prove to him that he didn't care about humanity is tragic yet understandable. it's just cool to realize that his life in Sunnydale and in LA is not the first time he tried altruism, but he was better equipped in sunnydale and LA with the right people around him this time.


Can y’all PLEASE react to Under the Red Hood ? Matter of fact react to the dc animated movies in general plz

Brandon Gibbs

See that's why I really hate that smug baldhead fucker! He'll use deals or bribery on anyone he's done something wrong to just to save himself or whatever.


1. Rana was right about Dawn's actress, Michelle played the lead actress in the movie Ice Princess

Courtney Scott

Please watch Buffy episode 7 and Angel episode 7 back to back!!!!


Great question about whether Judy was under the spell of the demon or not! I think that she was, but that the spell is kind of like the Red Scare - it created a horrible, scary, paranoid environment, and so it’s understandable that people would make bad, self-centered decisions under those circumstances, but within that they still have some free will, and so it’s still wrong for them to “name names,” as some people did under questioning during the investigations, and as Judy did when she pointed the mob towards Angel. I also think she was punished in a similar way to how we would punish a convicted murderer – she was imprisoned for the rest of her life. And she mentioned earlier that imprisonment was exactly what she was most afraid of – being trapped like that. So I think she bears some responsibility for what she did to Angel, and I also think that she spent the rest of her life paying for it – trapped in a room, terrified of going out, and marinating in her guilt. I think that’s why Angel forgives her in the end. He made the decision to let the demon continue to torture her and all the other people in the hotel, and now he’s ready to let her rest and give her the relief of knowing that he actually survived. I think he also understands what it’s like to feel responsible for horrible actions that you did when you were under the influence of a demon/not entirely yourself.


Whether or not Judy was under the influence of the spell, she deserves forgiveness. That's the entire point of the show, saving souls and struggling for redemption. Not a bible thumper but Matthew 18:21-35 is I think one of the moral compasses of Angel


Luthor is a different kind of petty, when he puts his mind to something he'll go to any lengths to achieve it. It's probably why he's Superman's greatest rival, in order to fight him he has to go beyond what any human would do. For example, one time in the comics, he wanted Superboy to kill Superman. He had Superboy take him to his sick sister, who was paralyzed because of an incurable cancer. He then calmly walked over, put in a syringe, and gave her a self made cure for cancer. She immediately regained use of her legs, and was able to walk for the first time in years. In tears, she hugged her brother, who then calmly inserted another syringe that instantly returned her cancer to her, taking away the use of her legs. He promised Superboy he'd only release the cure for cancer when Superman was dead and buried. Lex is a different BREED of petty!


Mickey please stop bringing up the The Killing Joke. It is a horrible movie and has nothing to do with Jason Todd.


No spoilers, but TRUST Whedon & the writers. The introduction of Dawn at this point was not a last minute or sudden decision. Hints were given as far back as season 3 and throughout season 4. I won't point out the specific episodes, scenes and dialogue, but you did watch and react to them.


I was so happy when you guys realized that the bellhop in Angel was the "doppel-deaner" at the end. I wanted to yell at the screen during the episode because Pat so soooo close! Even though the demon increased the people's paranoia, this episode showed how humans will cast people aside or kill them in a mob mentality. Examples: Salem witch trials, US's communist "scare", and the Midnight episode from Doctor Who.


Had to double-check to see if actor Ned Beatty actually voiced Luthor's right-hand man Otis (found-out it wasn't) because they nailed the voice-acting in this episode and for such a small part. Otis in the Christopher Reeves 'Superman' films was a bit of a buffoon, but Otis in Young Justice seems like he was a bruiser employee not to be messed with. (RIP Ned Beatty) I believe Ted Kord's the second to have taken the mantle of Blue Beetle, and Jaime being the third in the comic books. Ted's the rich millionaire with incredible mechanical skills. He has a lot of beetle-modeled weapons and a giant beetle vehicle, but his buddy-relationship with Booster Gold in the Justice League is legendarily humorous material from the J.M. DeMatteis/Keith Giffen 80's era of those books. Really like YJ's take on Arsenal's introduction. In the comics it was far messier with Roy Harper literally getting his arm ripped off by the "it" villain of the time.


I don't understand how YOU don't understand about Dawn... Have you guys even been WATCHING the show?! Honestly, tho... Yous guys gotta pay more attention

All Mighty Lowercase Jay

#sundayrundown Just finished your reaction to Buffy 5×2 and just so you guys know there is a lot of foreshadowing in Buffy and Angel so "things" don't really just pop up out of nowhere. Also season 2 of Angel is where the ball starts rollin. Try to watch 5× 7 of Buffy along with 2×7 of Angel as they're basically a single story BUT its not a true crossover ep.


#SundayRundown - Another fun episode from this season 🔥. There was so many things going on and they able to pack it all into a 21 minute episode. It’s wild how there’s technically 3 Roy Harper’s running around lol (Red Arrow, Arsenal/Speedy & Guardian who we found out was another aged up clone of the original Speedy in Episode 4). The memorial scene was also nice as we got to see Ted Kord and Jason Todd. To keep count, Tim Drake is the 3rd Robin of the 4 prominent ones (Dick, Jason, him and Damien Wayne) while Jaime is the 3rd Blue Beetle

rickie woodson

fun fact: watched a review for my stepmom is an alien (moviebitches, check them out they are AWESOME) and i totally forgot about this kismet first meeting. the step daughter? WILLOW. her prom date? OZ! yes, this is allyson hannigan in her FIRST film looking like season 4 will with brown hair and seth in his fiftieth role (he was a child STAR in all the commercials and tv shows). they were so adorbs and seth had braces sigh. who would know that a decade later they would be reunited as a couple again on buffy lol. #fate

Vicky N

Re Angel 2x2 Obviously not one of the Normies is a fan of classic Hollywood. Missed all the references/homages to Psycho, Rebel without a cause and Imitation of life.

Chaos T

I haven't seen anyone talk about "My Stepmother is an Alien" for decades and forgot Alyson Hannigan was in that film. Per the usual, Jon Lovitz was up to shenanigans in that film.


Imitation of Life (1959) is one of my all-time favorite movies.