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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x1

Reaction: https://youtu.be/H3PbpVnhb70

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/buffy-the-vampire-slayer-premium/ (pg. 9) 

Angel 2x1

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/angel-uncut-only/ (pg. 3) 

Young Justice 2x7

Reaction: https://youtu.be/TisPuJ9lCnQ

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/young-justice-premium/ (pg. 4) 



Rishi Shukla

You guys should definitely go and watch Justice League/Justice League Unlimited after this! This couch would enjoy it for sure. It does not connect to Young Justice however.

Daniel Gonzalez

Not sure if they would since they dropped Batman the animated series and I feel like watching that and Superman the animated series should come before Justice League and Unlimited


Buffy uncut is Out of Sync for the last 20 minutes!


Just following up on another comment, you guys should REALLY try to watch the DCAMU movies starting with Justice League War. Those would be great reactions. There’s other DC animated movies outside of the DCAMU series that are absolute fire but there’s so many that it’d be best to just start there

Tim Pierce

Season 3 of Buffy, Joyce and her supernatural daughter have a conversation in the kitchen. Joyce: It's a good thing you were an only child....


Buffy season 5 here we go!!! this season contains what I personally believe to be one of (if not the) best episodes of television ever, the and whole thing is pretty great! starter with this wonderful first episode, it's a vampire show of course they had to do Dracula eventually and I thinks that this was such a fun way to do it! It's also great that they immediately establish Buffy wanting to learn more about the history of The Slayer since that's not something the show has really touched on! There's so much to look forward to this season and I'm eagerly awaiting getting to see all the reactions

Nyeisha Melvina Clark

Yayyy!!!! Season 5 standing beside season 3 as the best Buffy seasons. I personally heavily enjoyed S6 as well even though it’s regarded as the most controversial (and rightfully so). So I can’t wait to gets your take on these two wild seasons. Plus S2 and S3 of Angel as well are my personal favorites!!! Enjoy.

Chaos T

Season 2 of Angel is where the fun begins.


did i miss a post about when the nexf avatar read along will go up??

Catradora fan

That "welcome back" from Aqua Lad is so chilling

Chaos T

Micky, probably the reasons why Dracula is the most famous vampire IRL is because his backstory, where he impaled tens of thousands of people amongst other cruelty, is pretty f'd up and Bram Stoker is a great storyteller.


You guys need to go back and rewatch previous episodes. Buffy’s sister has always been there 🤷🏽‍♂️.


For #sundayrundown. For the comments about the "Host" of the karaoke bar "Caratas" (his real name is awesome, there are a few reveals on it progressively later on, wait for it <3 ). There were jokes about him just being Lucifer from the self titled tv show (and I must emphasize I am a HUGE fan of both series), Angel aired WAYYYY before Lucifer (Angel premiered 1999, Lucifer 2016), and the TV series' Lucifer is very different from the Neil Gaiman original character from the Sandman comics run. The Host is far from copying Lucifer, if anything, it would be more the other way around. Though Lucifer is more carousing, indulgent, hedonistic and egocentric, whereas The Host is...well, you'll see :) The Host is an AMAZING character, and has so much depth, lore, backstory. He is also very different from Lucifer, despite being in a bar and singing. I think by the end of this episode you already started getting a glimpse of it too. He is one of the best things about this show honestly, and Angel starts getting even BETTER in season 02 for this and many other reasons. Really happy you're here now :3 As for Buffy, the writers worked towards this, they haven't really let us down so far! You'll see, Dawn is great <3 . (There are even references about this in past seasons, including the s04 finale. Won't go too far into that to avoid spoilers, but people have even been referencing it here in comments since y'all started the series too :3 )


You forgot to watch the aftercredits of Angel. It's kind of a karaoke bonus. About Buffy's sister. All I say is Buffy 3x03 4x15 4x22.

Courtney Scott

Does anyone know if they have reacted to Angel episode 3/4 yet? I didn’t see anything the last two Tuesdays but sometimes they sneak one in at an off time. If anyone knows anything, I greatly appreciate it.

The Answer

You can bring anything in jail

rickie woodson

such a great buffy episode. xander was FULL XANDER this ep. in his prime with the the whacky comedy antics. LOVE IT. the witty dialogue, totes buffy with all the dark prince and "cow me" lol SO GOOD! and we can already see parts of the mega premonition coming true here. when they tapped into the power of the first it enhanced all buffy's slayer powers, including her ability of prophetic dreams, which was episode 4x22. dracula said the exact same words as the first slayer "you think you know what you are but you have not even begun". and the premonition from season 3 when faith and buffy locked minds "gotta get the room ready for little sis". its all starting to slowly be revealed! so, i only caught episodes here and there of the show til it moved to upn with season 6, so when dawn appeared i just went "oh well her parents are divorced, i guess the little sister has been living with dad". michelle trachtenberg was a big star in my generation (harriet the spy) so seeing her had me GOOPED and SIKED. pure joy and excitement. she is such a phenomenal actress. LETS GO SEASON 5!!!!!!!!!!

All Mighty Lowercase Jay

You guys should really take notes for Angel and Buffy. Things are foreshadowed all the time and can be easily missed.

Naquan Parker

My favorite Buffy season 😁😁


the reaction to Dawn did not disappoint lol. when i realized today was the 5x1 reaction i got really excited. but also the dracula stuff super fun and brings some classic vampire lore to buffy. as for Angel, this begins my absolutely favorite season of Angel. they totally double down on the theme of the show in this episode. i love the journey the team goes on wrt keeping score. angel's light at the end of the tunnel speech is a fantastic addition to the episode and great insight into where his head is at. i love that he wants to be human yet still gave up humanity in season 1 when he felt like he didn't deserve it. i think now he wants it, and does see that he deserves some kind of happiness. but he's still willing to earn it. i love love love the ending scene with Faith. it makes me so happy that they added this little scene, especially in an episode where Angel and the team had to be reminded about their mission: it's not a game, and they're not keeping score because what matters the most is helping people. to have Faith in this episode where they realize that is a great callback to Season 3 of Buffy when she was telling Buffy that it's okay if they do some bad things because the good things they do will balance out. but now Faith and Angel are on the road to redemption. hearing Faith talk about her time in prison also reinforces how hard this road is. she has bad days but she's choosing to be there (she's a slayer, she can easily break out). i also just love that Angel hasn't forgotten about her. i don't fault any of the Scoobies or Cordelia or Wes for giving up on Faith -- they have their reasons for that. But I'm glad Faith has one person on her side, and that one person understands what she's going through. having that one person can make a whole difference in someone's life. sorry didn't mean to go long but there's just so much to dig into with Season 2. so stoked for next week.

Cory Garron

#Sunday Rundown# - Casting Trivia Rudolf Martin played Sarah Michelle Gellar's HUSBAND on All My Children in the 90s. Here are some pictures of them, roughly 6-8 years before this episode aired. 1) https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRRn4yud0FnJohhRKzIB1rekUli9L1ouwAe5HLTq0CcjWNNJEWiLEtWQ6FiCndG2c1F714&usqp=CAU 2) https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f4/0f/12/f40f1239160e1c06b744a9a9e725bc5d.jpg 3) https://media.gettyimages.com/id/860185754/fr/photo/rudolf-martin-sarah-michelle-gellar-on-all-my-children.jpg?s=1024x1024&w=gi&k=20&c=Pb5qrqihkyrr_sE2zB_eyMshmOBp-2PlIAl4bcXqDko= 4) https://media.gettyimages.com/id/860185418/it/foto/rudolf-martin-margaret-sophie-stein-sarah-michelle-gellar-on-all-my-children.jpg?s=1024x1024&w=gi&k=20&c=Kf-UEI7cmpL0jQpWMMXa_zq8sluCb-aG58n9BmHFonw= Here's a YouTube Clip of SMG and Rudolf Martin in AMC from 1994. https://youtu.be/j-U6YpKvkeE?si=YD4ANfLacR91rbYm&t=19 Also, Michelle Trachenberg was in All My Children, and played an autistic who was adopted by SMG's character's step-uncle. They knew each other from AMC and SMG suggested Trachenberg for this role. Trachenberg was already a big Buffy fan.


Chris saying more of the same for Angel Season 2, how wrong he is about to be MWAHAHHA


So excited to watch season 5 of buffy with you guys! You all bring such a great energy to these reactions and it’s nice to see a group of friends laugh and have fun with this show. Also just putting this here even though it may be a bit early but I don’t know how long in advance you guys schedule these things: while there is some crossover between buffy season 5 and angel season 2, I would say the only thing you need to be aware of and plan around is to make sure you watch the season finale of buffy BEFORE the season finale of angel, as the angel series finale contains spoilers for the buffy finale. Have fun!


"secret sister" lol you guys are just rolling with it? hilarious

Frankie H

In the Young Justice episode the lady who was trying to launch the satellite was Billionaire Carol Ferris who is often shown in the comics as being Green Lantern's girlfriend. Also was Chris aware of "Superman: Red Son" or did he just invent it in his head when he said how would we feel if Superman was raised in Russia?

Sheriff Uchiha

I'm genuinely confused; what was Rana's issue with the opening scene of Angel? Like, was she having a bad day? No hate, I have no idea why she got so tilted by it.


Yea I don't get it either :-/ Like, I thought it was kinda badass how the main 3 just strutted into that gym, handled their business, kicked demon ass, saved lives, and then just strutted out of there with the same confidence they walked in with. Demon hunter professionals

Daniel R

I like when Rana gets all feisty like that- she's wrong but it's fun to see lol

Calvin Allen

I noticed on the sunday rundown they will say there were no comments for Angel but I usually see a lot on here for Angel


Rana - one thing that might make you feel less weird about the opening of Angel is that Cordelia seems to be leaving an acting CLASS rather than leaving set for a project that she's booked. I assume she told the teacher when she started the class that she has a really demanding on-call job and if she gets a 911 page she has to leave immediately. It still shows character growth, but it's less intense than taking off in the middle of filming. Makes you wonder, though...what would she do if she was filming? Unfortunately it would just be pretty impossible to be a working actor if you had to prioritize your other job to that extent. Reminds me of Buffy's work/life issues!

Norrin Radd

Season 5 of Buffy is GOATED!!!!