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Rebels 2x13

Reaction: https://youtu.be/cbp_IHCXQAY

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/rebels/ (pg. 4) 

It's Always Sunny 3x6

Reaction: https://youtu.be/uBbijMy8p-0

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/its-always-sunny-in-philadelphia-premium/ (pg. 3) 

One Piece Manga Read Along 38

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/onepiecemanga/ (pg. 5) 



Mob K.O.

Wow I thought they finished rebels guess I haven't been paying attention


The A-wing star fighters that Hera’s squad was in are intercepter class Star fighter, they’re made for fighter to fighter combat. The A-wing is faster and more agile than the X-wing but lower armor and shields. I don’t know how expensive they are to make but with Bail Organa secretly supporting the rebels, they get a few ships here and there to replace them. A lot of people already commented this but might as well. Sabina is Clan Wren of House Vizsla. Clan Wren is her family and blood (equivalent to the Uchiha clan from Naruto); House Vizsla is the over all group of Mandalorians made up of a bunch of clans, that normally take the name of the clan that formed and rules the house (equivalent to the Leaf Village from Naruto). Clan Vizsla formed a house and Clan Wren joined and became they’re allies. You guys will learn more about clan Wren and more about Sabina in the 2 later seasons.

The Evil Queen

This episode of rebels gave some clear hints about how the Jedi and Mandalorians can work together and should work together to destroy the empire


Honestly Mickey makes me want to stop watching the Rebels reactions. He just arrogantly criticizes everything and then blurts out wrong timeline info. Not to mention he gave Rana a hard time for crying last episode. He drunkenly said Star Wars was “just okay” on the last Q&A so why does he keep reacting to it?


The worst part is when the criticisms of things are things that are already explained and actually make sense. But because he's not paying attention due to trying to seem like a know it all critic he tries to blame it on the show. It is killing my vibe with the reactions as well.

Annah Suarez-Domit

So fun fact about this episode. Kanan mentions a battle he fought in where the protectors saved him, which was detailed in a sort of prequel comic series called Kanan. The issue in question actually came out the say this episode aired. So just a fun callback to the people reading the comics at the time.

Chaos T

Micky, your reaction in Rebels was fine and I was left scratching my head at the comments as if you pissed in everyone's cereal. It's wild you saying "break the glass" would elicit negative comments. I wish people would remember this is a reaction channel.


Lol you're the idiot that's actually dodging the other discussion because you have no real retort. Buddy I'm shitting on you anytime your name pops up. You brought it on yourself with a condescending remark.

Chaos T

I responded to you when I was having dinner last night and don't care to debate you further on the issue. It's on you if you can't see how problematic it is to formulate an opinion based on an opinion from a video game streamer that lives in their own media bubble and rarely goes outside of that bubble who also has a history of god awful takes.


Lol sure buddy. The fact that you think an opinion was formed based on what was said in the video when I explicitly said I was expanding on it shows you still don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You deserve the shit you're gonna keep getting.

Chaos T

My last response wasn't about you (shock horror); it was about Micky's opinion. It was contextualized as being a Western propaganda issue; which you went on a diatribe about in your original statement and got called out for. The NK human rights atrocities is one of the worst cases to go into the problem with Western media propaganda because the horror story's are published everywhere and pushed in non-western media. Some famous escapees might exaggerate for fame or political reasons and they should be exposed (which Western media has done in Park's case). However the horror stories from NK aren't far off from the truth that's being reported by everyone worldwide. Sometimes a duck is a duck. By the way, there's mental health services and medicine you can take for your anger issues.


>My response last wasn't about you (shock horror) Yeah it absolutely was and you're backtracking because you got called out on it. Every other bullshit you're talking about right now is just that. You don't even have original context and you're still doubling down on your misconstrued framework. It wasn't contextualize as being a western propaganda issue, it's about western propaganda's existence in addition to failed-states existing. It's telling you're still are doubling down on this when it's already been debunked. And the mental gymnastics is hilarious. I'm at peace with my anger issues and typing comments on a channel is pretty low effort so I'm good buddy. It's a nice outlet for me. If you thought that was some sort of gotcha then lol. We're both arguing on a pateron fucking react channel and you're acting like you didn't also type out paragraphs when called out on your dumb initial comment. I think you should be more concerned with your cognitive dissonance.

Chaos T

I get why you might be confused at my original comment because I thought you could put two and two together. For every Yeonmi Park who tells falsehoods, there's many more telling similar horror stories that aren't lying. The media horror story's are pretty accurate. Try doing better research.


Lol see ignored everything and just doubled down on your dumb incorrect stance. You really deserve all the shit you're gonna get. Nobody ever said north korea was a utopia and there were only falsehoods coming from defectors you moron. This was already established but you're gonna keep trying to brute force past this. You're really stupid.


I'm sure everyone knows, but please make sure to watch Ahsoka after finishing rebels. It follows up right after the last events in the series.