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Neon Genesis Evangelion 21

Reaction: https://youtu.be/kTALgsu385o

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/nge-premium/ (pg. 3) 

Bleach 62

Reaction: https://youtu.be/0k_1sjf-byk

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/bleach-premium/ (pg. 7) 

Bleach 63

Reaction: https://youtu.be/uJekeDuMthU

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/bleach-premium/ (pg. 7)



Dale Tucker

Man watching Bleach in 2023 is torture. Really all of the big 3 are horribly paced. Aged like milk. Thank god for One Pace and Naruto Kai. Shame Bleach didn't get the same treatment. But I guess the bleach fans don't really care about any of that


Bleach TYBW is rated very highly since its release. The pacing has been fantastic.

Abhi KP

Fun fact for #SundayRundown : Something Micky mentioned earlier was the trope about the copious amounts of blood that spurt out seconds after the cut, while you don't know who was cut. This is partly thanks to a mistake in Kurosawa's film Sanjuro. In the final fight, a samurai challenges another and is barely able to draw his blade before he gets cut clean through by his opponent. The hose with the fake blood was supposed to be lower pressure and spray a continuous stream of blood, but it malfunctioned in a huge geyser and made it very impactful. Kurosawa liked it and kept it in. That has made its way to numerous other movies including Kill Bill. Almost every samurai sword fight uses that trope now.


Listen, I get why you are saying the stuff that you are... anime characters are supposed to be perfect and get over their personal stuff quickly (It is just so common that a single event changes them)... But I want you to consider that it actually happens that people get manipulated in real life. You keep calling Momo a dumbass for being manipulated, but EVERYONE, including the head-captain, was manipulated. Aizen specifically stated that he manipulated her most of all, to be exactly what she is... and you blame HER? I mean, take the powers out of it and you can totally see this happening in real life... So for this, it very much seems like victim blaming to me...