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We say something nice about each of The Normies to celebrate another 100K subs milestone on the YouTubez. Thanks for sticking with us through thick and thing and allowing us our growing pains! We appreciate every one of you and keep the comments flowing!!

05:22 - Castlevania
10:30 - Ted Lasso
17:12 - Boodocks
22:54 - The Office
27:53 - Peacemaker
36:32 - Bleach
44:45 - Secret Invasion
49:09 - Buffy/Angel
55:37 - Jujutsu Kaisen
57:42 - Young Justice
1:03:37 - IASIP
1:06:28 - Rebels
1:08:08 - General



When are you guys gonna start the Hunger Games and Harry Potter movies, I know it was mentioned a while ago but would love to have those.


All episodes of Buffy have repercussions down the line - even (and maybe especially) "bullsh*t" episodes like Superstar...

Jey R

About Bleachs name, additional to Kubos love for the use of Black and White ending in Bleach, one of Shinigamis main job is to cleanse the souls of hollows, sending them to the after life... Also, they worked as the ones who balance the reincarnation cycle an the souls that go to SS and the world of the living... so those middle grounds make sense for Shinigamis to be the cleaners, there for Bleach