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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 4x15

Reaction: https://youtu.be/ehCCB5xmitY

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/buffy/ (pg. 9) 

Angel 1x15

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/angel-uncuts-only-ea/ (pg. 2) 

Young Justice 1x24 

Reaction: https://youtu.be/t9O7py8FSqg

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/young-justice-2/ (pg. 3) 




I know you probably can't for a few months at least but I so hope you all react to Barbie and Oppenheimer. I've seen both and they are each amazing films


fyi guys, when buffy originally aired (s4 was 1999, Will & Grace's first season was 1998), MOST of the audience did not clock any gay vibes. It IS weird (now). When hate mail came in (like it did for Dumbledore) the Buffy crew have said things like, "umm what show were you watching? it been happening." But it is weird to time travel back while we are comfy in where we are now. Buffy was on air when I was in elementary school up past middle school. In elementary school I had friends angry/frustrated that I wasn't on board with gay=bad. They were clearly regurgitating things they heard their parents say, because when my friend hit me with this line "you know why they're bad? they adopt kids." I blew up in a mountain of sarcasm crying out that orphans should never be given homes as my friend went from vehement to confused. Her parents had to give her more lines to throw at me I guess. I was at my best friend's house and we wanted to find something on TV and I said "Will & Grace is on!" and I got a firm talking to by her parents who overheard me. To my discredit, I only truly waved a rainbow flag in 2002. Why? Sir Ian McKellen is gay and I was/am so completely obsessed with the LOTR trilogy; and I knew Sir Ian McKellen was NOT bad. Meanwhile I started watching Buffy only midway thru S4 because as a thirteen year old, it's teen themes finally didn't scare me like they did while I was still watching Wishbone. I was a little uncomfortable with Tara. I told myself it was because I love Oz. (Buffy was so popular that even those of us who didn't watch it heard the major updates at school.) That was def part of it, but it wasn't the main part. I didn't want to be hateful but I didn't know how to handle a gay character (which is weird b/c I did like Will & Grace). It may have taken 2001's LOTR to firmly plant me, but I'm grateful for Buffy for helping me shed my community's prejudices. Buffy had gay representation thruout its run and I remember for seasons that aired while I was still like 'that confused but supportive aunt' vibe, it made me care for, angrily stand with, and understand gay characters. It sounds so little but sometimes Buffy walking so Last of Us can be running is a thing. Society and people are weird. I bet my friends are still on the small minded scale but we've come along way. And I'll always thank Buffy for part of that :)