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Peacemaker 1x5

Reaction: https://youtu.be/Kiani9z1CyU

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/peacemaker/

Boondocks 1x3

Reaction: https://youtu.be/LgSx4MPLqr8

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/boondocks/

The Office 5x5

Reaction: https://youtu.be/GOPoiBN7-pw 

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/the-office-premium/ (pg. 9) 




I was really looking forward to the Stinkmeaner episode dropping today, lol. But, no biggie. The Boondocks doesn't have that many episodes so one drop a week is reasonable.


Tuesday are comedy days. All laughing reactions 😂

rickie woodson

i dont see how its a jump the shark moment at all or how it was wasnt bizarre. it fits his personality. he does not view the world like you guys. pet or no, an animal is an animal. he is a FARMER. its an ANIMAL, that was SUFFERING. he did the HUMANE thing. #teamdwight if he came out gay or had mutant powers THAT would be a jump the shark moment.......


If I walk into your house right now and shoot your dog and tell you "welp, sorry, it had diabetes" are you going to be mad? If your mom has Alzheimer's and I come over and put a pillowcase over her head until she stops fighting back, are you going to be mad? I just want you to say one intelligent thing, ever. That's all I want.


I think the thing that you're missing is that you don't get to make that choice for someone else. You just don't do something like that.

rickie woodson

emma frost said it best: people dont change. they just get really good at convincing themselves and others that they have changed. but at their core? they will always be who they are. also, when someone shows you who they are: believe them. once a ho always a ho just like once a cheater always a cheater. gotta live in reality and not fantasy kids! the truth shall set you free!

rickie woodson

peacemaker made himself a hangover cure. also raw eggs are perfectly safe with all the nutrients that you lose when you cook them away. just make sure they are organic cage free eggs


I really hope there's some sort of moderator who views the comments before the Normies because all that up there is such a bummer and I hate the idea of them having to see it. If any of them DID see all that, I'm sorry you have to deal with that sort of sophomoric idiocy and I hope it doesn't impact the openness and good vibes you try to foster!

rickie woodson

so in the first episode of peacemaker at the end amanda waller told her daughter to plant the diary in peacemaker's place. thats why "only she could do this job" cause via her empathy and compassion she could build a bond with peacemaker where he trusts her enough to let his guard down and give her access to his place. MISTRESS MIND! and the gorilla is just a regular gorilla. there was a news report mentioning an "escaped" gorilla, obviously a butterfly just going in and possessing a gorilla's body.


I can't wait for all of the future introductions of "A Pimp named Chris Johnson" 😂


There should be a way to report comments. The bigotry and downright nastiness is unwarranted and shouldn't be on here.


Well he did say one intelligent thing. It’s not a jump the shark moment since dwight has been callous about animals for as long as he’s been a character on the show.


From my understanding sadly Patreon doesn't offer many moderation tools for their comment sections


Can we see The Normies do the intro dance. Fer sure Pat will be laughing the most


Good call on Vigilante being autistic, even though I watched the series before I hadn't thought about it. Turns out James Gunn, himself is on the spectrum and wrote Vigilante to be that way. I mean I'm always interested in autistic characters being autistic myself. Love the representation.


What happened up there? Maybe they were already deleted because on the web page i see a higher number of total comments than the actual individual comments im able to read


Someone who pays for Patreon decided to spend at least eight hours of their day yesterday posting horribly abusive comments about one of the reactors, and fighting with people who called them out; I'm glad they are deleted now!


Ah unfortunately im able to actually see it on the app today. Not sure what happened yesterday with my browser but i guess it hasn’t been deleted. That person is weird.

Erich Bomke

Patreon does have it, you just have to go to a hard to find link. Yesterday I screen grabbed all the comments and filed a Community Guidelines ticket to have the person blocked or the comments removed and they emailed me this morning that it went through. So thumbs up. Best thing to do is not fight em, and just take it up with Patreon, decent turnaround time.


Thank you for the info, Erich! Will remember that next time (hopefully won't need to though)!