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Caslevania 3x6

Reaction: https://youtu.be/DPMOjGFkmtI

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/castlevania-premium/ (pg. 2) 

Ted Lasso 3x10

Reaction: https://youtu.be/Xt2tjZBsNiE

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/ted-lasso-premium/ (pg. 4) 



Dr Ozzy

A few Ted Lasso notes for you guys - -We have seen Roy’s sister before. She was the doctor that took care of Dr. Sharon after her bike crash. It is also a fan theory that they celebrate Uncle Day instead of Father’s Day since it is mentioned that Phoebe’s dad is a POS and Roy is the male figure in her life. -Nick Mohammed is actually a very skilled violin player so they wrote that into the script -If you noticed halfway through Roy reading the letter to Keeley he stopped reading and looked her in the eyes. This is a callback to the episode when Nate roasts the team in S1 where Roy tells him “don’t read it; say it.” -The Super League story is based on reality. Most of the top teams in England, Spain, Italy, and France secretly met and formed a Super League where they would stop playing all the other teams and only play each other. This led to massive revolts from the fans who protested outside the stadiums for weeks, the leagues threatened to kick everyone out of all the competitions if they did it, and much more financial threats. Eventually teams started to cave one by one. Barcelona, Real Madrid, and Juventus are the only ones who are still technically involved in the project but it seems to be dead. Thankfully.


Rojas's attitude towards Van Damme reminded me of when during the 2008 Olympics, when USA first played Spain, Kobe shoved his Laker teammate, Pau Gasol, hard to the ground to make a point. Suraj every time we see an Apple logo: we get it, you want us to buy Apple products. Also Suraj: why don't you call those chips, Doritos? Rupert showed some humanity but at the end he showed that he's still a bad person. Knowing that he's married w/a kid he wanted to have his ex-wife on the side. And he wanted her in the meeting to have diversity. #SundayRundown


I personally love this episode of Castlevania. The infinite corridor, when you first hear about it, most tend to brush it off. 'A corridor that leads to everywhere', you had a preconceived notion about what that entails. However, when you see St. Germain dream of it, you see that it leads EVERYWHERE, showing St. Germain things he should not have seen. The creator of the series has stated that the Infinite Corridor could be a literary device he uses to explore other worlds in the future. The creator stating he wishes to create other shows based off games.

rickie woodson

looked like aztec gods to me but could have just been aztec humans.......the real marvel character is the one you wouldnt pick out. the aboriginal man. in xmen there is a character called gateway who can open teleportation portals and he does so by spinning that device you saw in the show. notice when he spun it the portal closed........#xfreak #xpert

Jesus Morales

When it comes to Dani, many players act and play differently for their national team than they would for their club. Being selected to your national team is considered a huge honor for many different countries

Benjamin Donahue

I love just about every scene with Isaac


The irony with hector is great though. I definitely feel bad for him but all he really cared for was his pets before, so Lenore treating him as her pet is a great direction they decided to take with him. Also, every scene with Isaac continues to be amazing during his travels!


Same, when he lowered his glasses to look at Roy’s shirt then went on to minding his own business was funny.

Rando calrissian

I don't blame hector one bit if I can claim some bit of comfort after being imprisoned, beaten, and humiliated I would do it because if he doesn't he goes back to being tortured


I want to add another basketball fact. In Ted Lasso they mentioned that Michael Jordan didn’t get picked for his HS team because he was a 5’10” sophomore. Sam sort of dismissed it, but that still didn’t stop MJ from taking it personally. He invited the guy who was picked over him to his Hall of Fame induction ceremony to show everyone that it was a mistake that he got didn’t make that HS varsity team. Pat will appreciate that level of pettiness.

Chaos T

It should be highlighted Michael Jordan's pettiness kind of defined his career. He took shit personally even if he was diplomatic about it later in his career. Jordan along with Gretzky are the few humans in North American sports who could back up their pettiness with god tier performances to highlight why they were so great and why they were one of a kind in their era.

Lord Winters

He admitted he kinda needed it to drive him. He'd invent things other people did to him to give him the drive to beat them. Even if he knew that it was imaginary. He needed something to hate

Chaos T

^this is a common thing amongst top tier athletes. A lot of top tier athletes imagine something to hate to become great.


Ted would disagree with that kind of motivation. You don't need hate to be good at what you do. That's what he was trying to tell Beard and Roy with the Nate video. No spoilers, but next episode dives into that as well.


Guy if your enjoying the evolution of isaacs character prepare for minds blown when isaacs arc reaches its PEAK in season 4. Hands down favourite character in the series. Hector devolves into a pet and isaac evolves into a Boss the difference in dynamic is perfect