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It's only been a few weeks since you guys voted for the next show for our LOSTies / Ich Bin Du / Yaegerists, but the show you picked was quite short. So here we are asking you once again - what should we react to once Peacemaker is over?! 

Below are your options. You can vote for multiple titles and change your votes for one week since this poll was posted. We will honor the results of the poll when the poll is closed, but we are also considering spinning the wheel with the top 3 because we know how much you guys LOOOOVE chaos!!! 



either way you should do the current Season of Black Mirror since its only 5 episodes then do Cobra Kai right after since its way longer

Pervy Sage

Kobra frikkin Kai! It's a shame there isn't any scary ones for Pat


Aright everyone, we gotta swap to The Bear to beat the CK gang because I'll be damned if I let Soap Opera for Men but With Karate win


yellowjackets PLEEEAKKKKKKKK let women win for once i beg


I still have a hard time believing so few people have seen and appreciated Twin Peaks that it constantly ends up this low in polls. Reminds me of Steins;Gate in the anime polls. Both shows are so damn good.




Cobra Kai!!!!!

Harry Moon

i dont understand how Cobra KAI is winning. That show is the absolutely the corniest of cornball shows. The only thing im still on this subscription for at this point is the single drop of the office every week. Also AGREE that succession should be on this list. Unless most couch member have already seen it off camera, i dont see how one of the most critically acclaimed tv shows of the last few years doesnt make it onto the poll otherwise. IM ROOTING FOR THE BEAR ALL THE WAY!! Lets get those numbers up CHEFS


I think Cobra Kai falls into the Ted Lasso category of a feel good corny show

Pervy Sage

Twin Peaks is just such a slow burn and it never completed. It's a waste


I don't really understand the "slow burn" take when The Normies are routinely watching anime that takes 5 episodes to cover 10 minutes of plot development. Twin Peaks is concise and relatively short compared to most shows. As far as the idea of the show not having been completed is concerned... did you see Twin Peaks: The Return? Having a somewhat open ending where you have to interpret things on your own is not the same as "never having been completed". It's personal preference, but I've always liked not being given every answer in a neat little box.


I have no interest on these shows sad cuz i love this group reactions


If possible could we get the Ted Lasso group to react to Cobra Kai and the peacemaker group to react to the Bear?


Never the wheel, never again.


I like cobra kai But secession should have been there. Well hopefully next year since cobra kai will take time