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Castlevania 3x4

Reaction: https://youtu.be/obb71Oz3jyY

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/castlevania-premium/ (pg. 2) 

Ted Lasso 3x8

Reaction: https://youtu.be/ec09xJ8Hs6U

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/ted-lasso-premium/ (pg. 4) 




Will we be getting a Movie reaction ?


Why don’t you guys communicate with your patreons?


Hey normies. Just letting you know that the Ted Lasso 3x08 reaction has been in the Ted Lasso reaction Playlist on youtube since Saturday. Think it mightve been a mistake. Theres also a random NBA reaction in the Playlist lol


Cause writing a update in patreon takes hour


Early Access is locked for us premium members

Dr Ozzy

This episode of Ted Lasso was written by Keeley Hazell - who Keeley is based off in the show and also plays Bex. She is a glamour model who did a lot of topless shoots and had a sex tape and pictures leaked back in the day. So all of this is written very personally from experience. Also I love the Beard/Henry scene as it gives a perfect showing of how Beard supports Ted. When Ted is with Henry, Beard is seated to the side facing half away. When he notices Henry notice Ted being distant he turns fully around and gets close to Henry to tell him things will be okay. When Ted comes back and Beard can see he’s ready to parent again he swings back around and goes back to being the support character. Just a great friend.


Was wondering the same thing. Feels like some communication has dropped recently

Jackie Gibson

Here's today's fun fact, (sorry it's long) this time it's about lesbians oooo. If you didn't know lesbian vampires are a trope in alot of 20th century literature, dating back to the original Carmilla the vampire who loved Laura the protagonist. The trope being a female vampire corrupting and preying on innocent girls whom are then saved by the male protagonist and kills the vampire. Now being the 1800s to the 2000s the depictions of the trope are blatant and obvious in the um period typical messageing, most of the literature, stage plays and even early movies/television show the evil sexually deviant nature of vampires and the height of said deviancy is being attracted to the same sex. Some of my favorites are the 1987 play illness or modern women, and the 2009 movie lesbian vampire killers got to look real hard for the hidden messages though. However things have changed in society now if you ask someone about lesbian vampires they'll probably say that sounds hot lol, the idea of the vampire has evolved into more than just a monster, with many stories with vampires being the hero, and so the lesbian vampire trope has evolved too. Adventure time another animated show has Marceline a main character who is a vampire woman who falls in love with another member of the main female cast. Castlevania also being one of them, Morana and Striga love eachother but they need to be stopped because they are evil vampires that want to do evil vampire things rather than they are evil vampires that need to be stopped because they are evil LESBIAN vampires.

Benjamin Donahue

There's never consistency in any religion. Don't remember the exact wording but it's still a pretty accurate saying that captures almost all of the loop holes: If God does not destroy evil because it can't, it is not all powerful If God did not forsee betrayal of angels, it is not all knowing If God can absolve sin but doesn't, it is not all loving


Too busy spending our money on fun summer trips/booze/and food.

Chaos T

I'm not a fan of this type of thought experiment because it's reductive and overlooks a lot of things like the concept of Free Will which is supposedly one of God's greatest gifts to humankind. It feels like that thought experiment was created by someone who understands the concept of God but doesn't know anything about the individual religions; knowledge of which would answer the questions in the thought experiment.

Kendall DeSouza

I feel like the Free Will argument is also a bit reductive. Like if you create a world where people starve and then if they steal a loaf of bread its all on them? You either can't feed everyone or you choose not too so you can watch what happens. If you earn the credit then you also earn the blame


The movie reaction is being postponed till this week. There was miscommunication which has forced the movie reactions to be pushed to this weekend!

Chaos T

Kendall, my thoughts on free will isn't far off from yours and have a lot of problems with the religious take on free will but the argument used in this case isn't reductive because it's the answer religious texts and theologians would give to counter the grand scale philosophical questions being brought up by Benjamin. Free will is of the highest order of eternal law because for love to be real and true, it must not be coerced and if we didn't have the ability to reject God we don't really have the ability to love God. Evil is a result of bad things done by humans who have free will to choose right or wrong. God did foresee angels betraying him but God also gave Angels free will (which would turn out extremely problematic on Earth pre-flood). Free will and personal choice makes it so God can't absolve all sin. I personally think it's a load of BS.

Champion Bescos

That’s an oversimplification, Kendall. A world where people starve forces people to steal about as much as it forces people to be charitable, to be righteous and kind and give to the needy, or to muster resources consistently and handle agriculture better; poor circumstances forced humanity to wage wars as much as it forced them to barter and trade make alliances and peace. There’s so much room for so many actions and decisions before one is absolutely forced as an individual to steal bread. Free will is all encompassing, for good and evil, and a true God would be aware that it’s often never just “I had absolutely no choice but to steal to live”, and on the rare instance that it is, there’s opportunity for grace, for growth, for redemption, for a retribution of the system, etc. I think the main problem is people seem to LOOK for reasons to disagree with the concept of God, when that’s partially the point - it’s thinking is supposed to be somewhat beyond us, a fourth of fifth dimension of thinking we can’t grasp or quantify. People cynically see that as a cop—out, as conveniently writing off their issues, but that often just shows they don’t comprehend faith and the power of believing in something beyond yourself or beyond sight or beyond reason. Humans often feel the need for things to make sense to us and our priorities and preferences and letting go of that is really hard for some of us. Mix in our pride when it comes to the thought of anyone or anything lording over us and judging us, and it’s easy to see why religions are rejected so often and with such tenacity. We all want to be the master of our fate.

Chaos T

The progression of technology makes it to where all out rejection of "God" and disagreeing with the concept of God feels flawed. Humanity is almost at a point in technological advancement where we're our own gods and not far away from accurately simulating detailed universes in computer models.


Simulating worlds in a video game does not make you a God. And there will never be a computer on this planet that has enough power or even memory to simulate anything close to the size or complexity of the universe. We can't even simulate a single human body accurately. If we could achieve that, we would be easily making cures for every disease by using our perfectly modelled digital bodies to predict which treatments are most effective. But instead we have more than 10,000 diseases and only 500 have treatments. Not necessarily even cures. We can cure almost nothing. You have no idea what you are talking about.


Some of these comments are dumb and delusional as hell. Especially this dipshit named "chaos T"


fwiw, primary sources don't definitively agree re: when hell was created. might have been before The Fall; might not have been

Chaos T

@L.C. Debate the points instead of name calling. Why do you believe I'm a "dipshit" in this conversation? The only thing I can determine from your point of view is my analysis of a point of view, one I don't agree with, conflicts with your worldview and you're not mentally equipped to really discuss anything beyond what you're outraged about.