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Mini review on 'The Time Traveler's Wife' by Navi. 

This is something that I started and let me know what you think about it. There may be some spoilers. It was sent to me by Lady V. Enjoy.

And here is the link just in case the video above does not work: https://youtu.be/6YMyiKiQSWQ


The Time Traveler's Wife Review (Spoilers)

Mini review on 'The Time Traveler's Wife'. It was sent to me by LadyVenom Way and I really enjoy. I haven't seen the movie and since I haven't heard great reviews, I might not watch it. Let me know if you have read it and what you thought about the book. It may have some spoilers.


Randy Neal

I have not seen the movie or read the book but I have heard of the story. I considered reading it. But, I absolutely hate stories that end leaving you feeling sad or discouraged. It sounds like this is exactly what happens in this story. I like to read books as an escape. While I understand and expect to follow the characters as they go through hard and sad times, I don't want to leave the story feeling worse than when I started reading it. I need to at least have an ending of hope if not happiness. So, while I really like the premise of this book, I don't think I will ever be reading it. Thank you for doing this review Navi. Hope you do more.


Would LOVE to hear your review on "In A Flicker"!!

Lauren S.

Hey I'd definitely been in for a book club or group read if anyone else is interested.

Lauren S.

We could start conversations on the Reddit or do a group chat. Just an idea if you'd be interested. There's so many amazing books out that the options would be endless

Lauren S.

Yeah that would definitely work!

LadyVenom Way

Glad you liked it Navi, one point though, Clare was with Gomez before Henry and we don't know what happened after Henry died. I do believe her path was set too but I feel like all our lives are set based on decisions we make or ones made for us. Freedom is just an illusion for the most part. The sequel was supposed to be about Alba but I havent seen it or heard about it in years


That's true that our path is set but even if the freedom is an illusion, it is still an illusion worth having. Yeah I forgot about Clare being with Gomez but she was so regretful about that because she was waiting for Henry and she thought she cheated on him even through they weren't together. I wonder if Audrey is still planning on releasing Alba because this book came out in 2003. That's long time lol