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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 4x13

Reaction: https://youtu.be/TBUAyBPgdf8

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/buffy-the-vampire-slayer-premium/ (pg. 8) 

Angel 1x13

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/angel-uncut-only/ (pg. 2) 

Young Justice 1x23

Reaction: https://youtu.be/qE__-LbsiIk

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/young-justice-premium/ (pg. 3) 

Avatar Read-Along 2 

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/avatar-read-along/




Other demons evolved while vampires are a curse so that's probably the difference.


Love that Chris is wearing the Gorilla Grodd shirt

rickie woodson

here we go! the eps i've been waiting for: artemis backstory and dancing angel. it dont get no bettah!

rickie woodson

no you didnt see huntress in the first suicide squad film as she wasnt in it.........no one with a hunt name was in it. if you are thinking its katana cause she is also asian then ok i guess...........this huntress was in nothing but this show and comics. helena bertenelli huntress was in birds of prey. two different people who use the same code name.

rickie woodson

this episode had everything: hot dad i mean sportsmaster, deception, intrigue, draRAMA, action, betrayal, did i mention hot dad? SO GOOD


Faith was right. Slaying makes you hungry and horny.

rickie woodson

bai ling was my girl back in the day (early 2000s). she was in baby daddy, she hate me, dumplings, 3 extremes, shanghai baby, paris, and much more. yall might know her from the horror and scifi stuff like star wars and sky captain and the world of tomorrow.

Annah Suarez-Domit

Suraj: *Discovers that Sportsmaster has had sex at least two times to make Artemis and Cheshire.* Suraj: Sportsmaster is even more dope than I thought!

rickie woodson

them: no big bad this season. adam: hold my momma

Ricardo Obregon

Woooo! man after a rough day to remember its buffy thursday, a good fun episode, but its alright... lol, really loved the ending reveals, and a very good Artemis episode for young justice


some random trivia the whole first interracial kiss on tv was star trek is often said but isn't actually true, it was a stageplay broadcast on british tv called hot summer night broadcast 1 February 1959 first in a tv show was also british called emergency ward 10 that kiss was july 1964, the kirk uhura one was the first shown in the US though so their is that

Chris K.

If I counted correctly and without delays or double drops, this week in a year from now we should have the Buffy Season 6 finale. It's really flying by :)


Absolutely such a badass Buffy moment, always love for that scene on a rewatch, appreciate you recognize it for aajor.clap back


Many fans learned that the actress who played Professor Walsh, Lindsey Crouse, that she wanted off the show cause she had another role offer she wanted to take up but not that long ago that Lindsey Crouse contradicted this. She says she wanted to stay on the show, she loved playing a villain. Personally, I think the season would've been better if she stuck around to be the villain with Adam as her muscle.


wowww they picked up the avatar comics again!! can't believe we had to wait like 4 yrs for them to start/finish the search 😮‍💨😅