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Neon Genesis Evangelion 14

Reaction: https://youtu.be/mCRCyeOvntI

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/nge-premium/ (pg. 2)

Bleach 48

Reaction: https://youtu.be/2dNxE9gkGaE

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/bleach-premium/ (pg. 6)

Bleach 49

Reaction: https://youtu.be/8dlrdLOD_lg

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/bleach-premium/ (pg. 6)

Avatar Read Along 1 (New)

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/avatar-read-along/




Yea Kaien took control of his body in the last moment so he could purposely fall on Rukia’s sword. Also starting with episode 51, yall finally are reaching the climax of the Soul Society arc where all hell breaks loose and nonstop badass shit happens. These final 13 episodes or so are what makes this arc truly goated


It's funny how Rukia and I are both in agreement on the "don't help him this is for pride" trope, and yet she falls into another trope that's just as bad! 😂 "I'm going to blame myself even though it's clearly not my fault" happens just as often in anime as the pride thing, and I can't stand either one! The characters that fall into these tropes are still great, and I understand how the show justifies them feeling this way, but I still don't like it. 😛


@Navi - Byakuya is captain of squad 6. Fun facts: A scene of episode 49 was flashbacked back in episode 9. (To check, ep 9 Bleach time stamp 7:57 youtube version) It's the scene with Ukitake talking to Rukia about Kaien's pride, even then Mickey noticed Gaara's voice lol. Rukia applied that same situation to Ichigo when he was fighting Grand Fisher. She wanted to help Ichigo but Ichigo told her not to and that it was his fight. Great foreshadowing. Back on episode 17, after Byakuya one shotted Ichigo, remember when he says to Rukia "This young man does indeed strike a resemblance to him" he was referring to Kaien. Notice in this episode how you guys notice both Ichigo and Kaien look alike. Also on episode 41 during the bridge scene when Ukitake seen Ichigo, he asked Byakuya "What do you know of this man?" Byakuya responded, "He's not the man you're thinking about." (he was referring to Kaien) since Ukitake noticed that he looks like Kaien


OMG y'all ! It's been literally years since we last heard a avatar read along...I questioned if you'd ever come back to it !!! And YOU HAVE and what best group is the #Cozy4 and Chris as a replacement it's just choice obvi. I'm hella excited for y'all to come back into the franchise before the show and movie comes back...I think it's what peaked Surajs intuity for the reaction channel back in the day not got.

Its ame mario

We're almost at the point of evangelion where it becomes "sad boi hour"

A. P.

Watch Rurouni Kenshin! That's my all time favorite anime. I just rewatched the OVA yesterday lol Also It doesn't take magic to forge someone's handwriting lol. You just need an eye for detail and at least some artistic ability.

Joshua Perez

If ya'll do watch it just pirate it, that pedophile author doesn't deserve the money or honestly the attention.

The Evil Queen

Flameo hotman! Very enjoyable read along. It has been a long time since you posted some avatar contents.


Hey Normies, I just wanted to take a moment and thank you all for the fun watch-alongs with Bleach. I have been having a blast rewatching the series that I love so much and watching it with you all is really fun. I have read the manga and watched the anime numerous times, but this has been my most entertaining viewing experience besides the first time. I also enjoy the Sunday rundown! I am a relatively new subscriber to the Patreon, but watching Bleach, Rebels, and Peacemaker now with you all has been a blast. Thank you Normies, you are all appreciated.

Mike Strider

The fighting for pride thing makes more sense when you're a spiritual being and you know that you're part of a life cycle and know that dying isn't really the end. It's not the same for us regular humans. Also, it's what Kaien wanted and Ukitake was just fulfilling a promise.

Annah Suarez-Domit

Some really fun Bleach trivia for these episodes! A fair bit of the Rukia backstory was added just for the anime. The structure of it was still there, Rukia being accepted by Kaien, his wife being killed by a hollow, and then Rukia having to kill the possessed Kaien; however the manga chapters were incredibly bare bones. Miyako, Kaien's wife, didn't even have speaking lines only appearing in one panel and there were less scenes of Rukia interacting with the rest of Squad 13. In addition to talking about the added scenes I also wanted to talk about the name of the chapters because they have some significance. The series of chapters adapted for Rukia's backstory are called 'Memories in the Rain 2'. Earlier in the series the chapter where we learned of Grand Fisher killing Ichigo's mom was titled 'Memories in the Rain'. I just think it is a neat naming scheme and shows how Tite Kubo has a sort of fascination with rain as a metaphor. In fact at the end of one of the chapters he put in a poem he wrote about rain that actually made it into the anime version of the Grand Fisher episodes. If I were the rain could I connect with someone's heart, as the rain can unite the eternally separated earth and sky?


Ummm live action Rorouni Kenshin watch? YES PLZzz