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Castlevania 3x1

Reaction: https://youtu.be/ajJBjCJkYLM

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/castlevania-premium/ (pg. 2) 

Ted Lasso 3x5

Reaction: https://youtu.be/fl-fu3E37ME

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/ted-lasso-premium/ (pg. 3) 



rickie woodson

surj "i like the big one". me: i bet you do.............

Benjamin Donahue

Carmila mentioned that she confirmed Dracula's death with a seeing mirror so it's a safe assumption most other factions did too at some point. Don't think the show says it but my assumption is that she knows where the castle landed and made the choice to go home vs persuing it with her remaining forces. She also mentioned in the last season that she killed the vampire that turned her. Lastly the character Carmilla predated Dracula in reality but I don't know if that's the case in Castlevania lore.


anyone else find Ted Lasso boring


Not a huge fan of Hector but regardless of his poor decisions with Carmilla I can't help but feel abit bad for him. Mans really fucked around and found out


nah lol. start of season 3 is slower than the first two seasons, but most of the episodes left are incredibly solid-to-excellent


This past weekend, Zava… oh I mean Zlatan Ibrahimovic retired from professional football and the visiting team fans were booing him. In typical lion fashion, he said on the mic, “Keep booing. This is the biggest moment in your year seeing me”. Great reaction guys.

Chaos T

Your level of boredom isn't a legitimate criticism of anything and is a mirror on your gnat-like attention span.


Having Zava on the team was not helping them out. They were losing and everyone, including Ted was doing less while he was around. I think the point of Zava was to show them that they have what it takes to win, without a Superstar player. They just have to BELIEVE. (Even he said they had what it takes to win, and he didn’t include himself in that speech he gave)!


The scarf Rebecca's ex was wearing should be burned IMMEDIATELY. Last season he said he supports whichever team is winning so it makes sense he'll wear an abomination like that.

Jeff K

It’s wild too, I knew Zava was based on him but I forgot just how much he looks like him until the retirement stuff started coming across my Twitter feed. It’s wild. Almost identical.


This show really outdoes themselves with the Sypha action scenes she has to be inspired by ATLA


Love how Roy and Jamie train together now. They both came so far from how they were when the show first started

rickie woodson

or comics. or anime. seen several characters go off like that like jezebel from top cow


Chaos T that's the way you speak to people I feel sorry for you that your only method of communication is to put someone down Normies need to block people like you your not even a paying sub don't shit on my comment because no one loves you.


Not disregarding how you feel about the show, but why bring that up on a Patreon reaction of a show (so geared to the fandom), 3 seasons in. It's like taking elective classes in the same subject for 3 consecutive semesters, and on your 3rd semester turn to the other in your class and say "hey everyone who’s really interested in this subject and payed to be here for 3 semesters in a row, do you also find that subject boring?"


Or ATLA, like he said. Not everything is about you "Rickie".


Chaos T I would like to know how your commenting on the premium access section without being a premium access member

Matthew Bankston

Regarding Castlevania... 1. I don't understand you all's confusion over Alucard cooking a meal to eat. Remember, Alucard is half vampire AND half human. He's a Dhampir (term Balkan folklore). And while the lore varies regarding their abilities, it is said that a Dhampir can survive on either human food or blood. Also, consider that since they've introduced Alucard, we've never actually seen him drink blood. 2. To answer Damarin's question, no, your hair and nails do not continue to grow after you die. The skin around those areas retracts due to dehydration giving the appearance that your skin and nails are growing, but in fact, they are not. 3. Also both Graham McTavish (Dracula voice) and Richard Armitage (Trevor voice) both were in the movie The Hobbit as the dwarves. Richard Armitage played Thorin Oakenshield and Graham McTavish played Dwalin (he's the first dwarf that shows up to Bilbo's home and the bald headed battle ready dwarf. Can't miss him). Also Bill Nighy plays the role of Viktor the head Elder Vampire in the Underworld series.